If you were a powerfull alien race, visiting earth...


Aug 6, 2004
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...what would be the first thing you'd do?

I'd make some fancy tricks to make all religious people believe i'm their god, and ask them to step trough my gate if they want to reach heaven.

After the religious nuts are gathered i would tell them it was all a trick and that they got raped in the ass......afterwards they would be thrown in the meat grinder :)

Then the atheist people would be free to propagate.
Get them to bend under my will, then sap the earth of all it's valuable resources. THEN rape their women.
I'd steal the rest of the oil then kick your ass for making a thread about it.
Put all the religious nuts on a ship and launch it into the sun.
Destroy communism.

"Burn their skies, boil their seas, salt the land, and leave nothing behind."

Then take over the world, controlling the populace in a Orwellian utopia (dystopia for you guys :p) and have the police walk around in gas masks with reflective visors. Awesome, isn't it? :D
Destroy communism.

"Burn their skies, boil their seas, salt the land, and leave nothing behind."

Then take over the world, controlling the populace in a Orwellian utopia (dystopia for you guys :p) and have the police walk around in gas masks with reflective visors. Awesome, isn't it? :D

Huh... Where have I seen that before? ;)
Yeah! With suppression fields and 20-foot tall battle walkers! With extra-sharp legs!
make friends with them. there, a final positive reply eh.. sadistic assholes...
Yeh I'm sure this isn't serious but for most of those replys you'd all make shit aliens :P.
I would open an intergalactic embassy with the Fungi, after establishing that they were the planet's superior race.
Take a leak, scratch my balls, make a few crop circles.
Do an exclusive interview with Michael Parkinson, but only so long as he wore a suit made of meat.

I would also find everything about your puny race simultaneously laughable and repellent.
Cause a nuclear war between russia and the USA.
Just for kicks.
#2: Make a television show about our life on earth and broadcast it throughout the universe as a comedy.
if i were a powerful alien race visiting earth i would open up a chain of sandwich shops that charges ridiculous prices for low quality sandwiches!!!
Bahahahahahaha, that was awesome spoonoop.

I think I'd develop a technology to fuse all of my alien friends into one being, but only preserving my consciousness and their rote knowledge, so that I stay the same alien but just become really really smart...

Okay. I kill all my alien friends, beam down to earth, assume a male, early-20s human form, and become a badass parkour-master assassin.

Then a second invasion force comes four to five years later to kill me for killing all my annoying alien friends.
Yeh I'm sure this isn't serious but for most of those replys you'd all make bad ass aliens :P.

I would destroy the earth by kidnapping every Atheist and Agnostic person in the world, thus leaving the world with no source of rational thought.

Once the world is destroyed, I would find a even nicer planet for the Atheists and Agnostics to live on, and will help them prosper.
Wow, we sound just as stupid as those fundamentalists.
But the difference is that we are all joking.
But the difference is that we are all joking.


Destroy us.

Seriously, if I was a higher intelligence, i'd kill off the human race because of the horrible shit pile it is :P