If you were a powerfull alien race, visiting earth...

Take the form of a human and try to convince everyone I'm an alien. Then laugh to myself when they don't believe me.

Enslave humans, and pledge my eternal allegiance to crocodiles. Reptiles rule!
I'd glass the planet and say it was for their own good...
As a serious response...

I'd recruit a large group of willing participants who would travel with me as I'd show them what exists beyond humanity's limited view in the vastness of the universe, exposing them to different cultures and unimaginable phenomena that I would no doubt already be intimately familiar with. All of this would be documented and would be observed by the world over upon return.

The aim of such an odyssey would be to stimulate a near-unanimous interest in scientific progress devoid of religious and political meddling, do away with a lot of the insular close-mindedness of much of the world, and hopefully dispel a lot of superstitious ignorance. When faced with unprecedented awe, beauty, power, and intelligence, I'm sure much of humanity would go through a vast change of mentalities.
I'd hit them up for some alien (human) ganga, man that shits gotta be outta this world

buh dum chiss
As a serious response...

I'd recruit a large group of willing participants who would travel with me as I'd show them what exists beyond humanity's limited view in the vastness of the universe, exposing them to different cultures and unimaginable phenomena that I would no doubt already be intimately familiar with. All of this would be documented and would be observed by the world over upon return.

The aim of such an odyssey would be to stimulate a near-unanimous interest in scientific progress devoid of religious and political meddling, do away with a lot of the insular close-mindedness of much of the world, and hopefully dispel a lot of superstitious ignorance. When faced with unprecedented awe, beauty, power, and intelligence, I'm sure much of humanity would go through a vast change of mentalities.


Hmmm... would we believe those who come back though?


Hmmm... would we believe those who come back though?


If I descended from the sky in my awesome space castle and supervise the whole thing, I'm sure there'd be little doubt to its credibility.

First things first: I'd make damn sure that any documentation doesn't return as garbled static. Hmmm... I might even bring Spielberg, because god knows he could make something cool with it.
I'd slaughter all religions ..they're likely to kill the aliens anyways cuz they're a threat to their own idiotic belief system ..so it's just smart to take them out before they take you out ...even if the religion is friendly/enlightened they should be liquified with alien death rays as a precaution
I would split the sky like a sheet, rain down eight balls of light on the non believers, take them aboard my ship and explain to them, telepathically, that we are all one, death is just an illusion, and we are the imagination of ourselves.
