If YOU were in Half-Life...

Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
...what would you be doing, and how would you survive? Given your current physical condition and real world skills. How would you fit in...or not?

Here's me.

HL2: Submissive citizen. Would cooperate with Civil Protection and spend a lot of time outside watching the surviving pigeons while avoiding stunsticks. Curious, love-hate relationship with Dr. Breen's show. Would drink a lot of Breen's Reserve, telling myself each time that each can would be the last, that "there's nothing else to drink," and that "it's mostly water, so what's the harm?" When the revolution comes, I'd probably die to random, paranoid CP gunfire. If not, I'd avoid the fighting and try to find a way out of the city, on my own.

EP1: Most likely slain in crossfire, but there's a slim chance I'd escape to the outskirts to be slain by headcrabs. Tiny, tiny chance of escape via train by moving with the mob.

EP2: Totally dead.
I would join CP and take my chance to rape Dr Breen.
I would be a normal citizen, eating boring food. then thinking...
"ill join civil protection just to get a decent meal"
next day, i join CP, find you and just find an excuse to hit the crap of of you with my stunstick
HL2: "I'd like two tickets please, for the express train to the city so we can eat."
EP1: "I'd like two tickets please, for the express train to the country. I'll also need a bag of popcorn and some welding goggles for the in-route movie."
EP2: "Beat it, Alyx, I called shotgun."
Id probably work like barney: pretend to be a CP guard and secretly be helping citizens to escape the city. and eventualty properly become a resistance soldier.
I'd want to be a rebel - just your average "Follow Freeman" rebel, and it may even be possible, considering my real world skills. But in actuality, I'd probly have died in the 7HourWar :(
I'd join Civil Protection. Either that, or I'd quickly end up dead.
I would join the rebellion, no way I would stand idle by while my freedom was run by some nutjob in the tower, would probably be killed mind but die trying!
I'd probably be a basic resistance fighter, AR2 and what not helping out Freeman
I'd be in the Resistance, helping Doctor Kliener and Doctor Magnusson in the White Forest Lab.
Or I'd be royally screwed by a headcrab shell attack.
I'd be a 'special' resistance fighter, using an AR3 and wrestling hunters to the ground with my bare hands, killing 10 to 20 a day.
I'd be a submissive citizen, until the day the rebellion starts, then I would join the fight for the cause!!! :E
Become a poison headcrab zombie, then shamble my way to becoming their leader and assist in creating a poison gonarch!!!
I would be a normal citizen, eating boring food. then thinking...
"ill join civil protection just to get a decent meal"
next day, i join CP, find you and just find an excuse to hit the crap of of you with my stunstick

This i like :E...

i would probably be headcrab food/gordon's ammo bait.
Given where I live I would have died in the resonance cascade. I'm pretty far from the big city, and not sure if our Durango would make it to St. Louis without being attacked by zombies, headcrabs, vortigaunts, and gargantuas.
I'd be a 'special' resistance fighter, using an AR3 and wrestling hunters to the ground with my bare hands, killing 10 to 20 a day.


And, I'd probably be the guy yelling at you because you're an idiot. "Get out of here, I'm not going to teach any more until you leave."


HL2: a Barney type character. You know what I'm talking about. Or maybe Pheropod-Vortigaunt.

Ep1: Just your average rebel, fighting for the good of their planet.

Ep2: The vortigaunt with Griggs and Sheckley.
I would be the guy telling you to reload every 30 seconds trying be helpful but being annoying and useless.
HL1: Random scientist, dying in a random way in a random place.

HL2: Citizen posting propaganda

EP1: On barneys train. :)

EP2: Smacked up in the woods by a hunter...
I would have died in the resonance cascade.

The thing is im an ok fighter but only when im attacked verbally or when im really angry , if im shit scared when facing a bullquid or something i would be thinking to much about what its going to do to me to be able to combat it... Thus getting killed.
I dunno. I would probably be torn between joining the Resistance or the Combine, then end up being headcrabbed instead. >>
CP so life is made easier. I don't have any skills, so they'll have to pump some into me.
I'd be a Vortigaunt, or a rebel scientist like Kleiner working away at BME or White Forest, because you can take our liberty, our breeding habits and our fashion, but you cannot take our SCIENCE!
(Mostly because us scientists never had liberty, breeding habits or fashion to start with :P)
Van the OP said "Given your current physical condition and real world skills."

Vort isnt a skill and i highly doubt you are one right now.
HL1- Enter a garbage can hug in the fetal position and be very quiet.
Hl2-Enter a garbage can hug in a fetal position and be very quiet
Ep1-Enter a garbage can hug in a fetal position and be very quiet on a train leaving C17
E2- Meh might as well go with all the others.
Noobs can't read OP.

It's not if you could be anything in the HL universe, it's What if Half-Life really happened, what would happen to you. Sillies.
I'd probably be executed because I wear glasses.
Van the OP said "Given your current physical condition and real world skills."

Vort isnt a skill and i highly doubt you are one right now.
Well then take the alternative I posted. I even have the lab coat :dork:
I'd be a 'special' resistance fighter, using an AR3 and wrestling hunters to the ground with my bare hands, killing 10 to 20 a day.

ditto... well either that or the crane operator from hl2 that totally f***s up and watches you and your overturned buggy get swarmed by antlions... but not forgetting to say sorry and blame it on a magnet malfunction.
HL1: Probably end up dead.

HL2: Join the resistance. I'm a bit of a coward TBH but **** it, I want out that city, some fighting chance instead of just being cattle to be shipped to Novaprospeckt or whatever.

Get my rebel gear, and hang out at a rebel outpost, preferably a base. Ideally work my way to a posting in a rural rebel base, relatively safe from the Combine and wildlife.

I might see about using the rebel base as a launching pad for seeing if there is anywhere I could go in the country, maybe up the side of an isolated mountain somewhere, set up a safe little hideout and wait for whatever happens, or just stick with the rebels, **** it.

EP1: If I am still in the city then shit.... GTFO TBH as best I can.

EP2: Be hiding at a relatively safe locale with a gun and gear, or be at one of the rebel bases, preferably White Forest.

EP3: Still at White Forest, nice and safe underground in a heavily defended and reasonably populated bastion of freedom.