If YOU were in Half-Life...

Well then take the alternative I posted. I even have the lab coat :dork:

Uh hu , you own a lab coat ok. But do you have the qualifications to be a scientist? Let alone the very specialized types at BM such as rocket scientist , xeno biologist , quantum physicist etc.
No one ends up as a fast zombie, poison zombie? How about stalkers?

I live in London, so if I would survive the war I would end up in City <insert number here>. I would stick with the mob, drink the water and being infertile. I would be too afraid to join the rebels, everyday the Combine would bring prooves about executed resistance members. Finally, when the news about the destroyed citadel in City17 would reach my ears, I won't believe it, but I would see that the battles with the resistance are getting much stronger and taking place more often than usual. Drastic measures would come from our Citadel, execution orders, everyone would be suspected of collaborating with the resistance. I would hear rumors about some rebels infiltrating to the citadel core, aiming to destroy it, following the example in City17. Civil Protection would be useless because all their members have doubts and many of them refuse to follow orders. Lots of them would be executed as well as regular people. Big restless among Combine soldiers, fighting is getting close on our streets. Headcrab shells falling everywhere. Striders would be pulled out, patroling on streets, shooting time to time and destroying whole buildings. I would run my ass off, away from the city. Zombies, dead people everywhere. I would be shocked. I would stick with two or three guys that are thinking same as I am. We would find a bunch of dead elite Combine soldiers, we would take their suits and helmets for protection against headcrabs. We might find some weapons too. Even if we are not fighters, we must take a decision, and the crysis brings us the only conclusion, we must fight, there is no other way. And we would fight, but only when discovered. We would stay hidden during the day, and walk slowly amidst rubbish and debris, watching carefully for surveillance drones. Passing the city limits would be very hard because of the many electromagnetic combine fences still active. But we would find a breach and get the hell out, far away as possible from the city. We might get shot of our own guys, the resistance hiding in the ruins around London. We would still wear white elite Combine helmets in our fear of headcrabs. But they would see from the distance we're not Combine, and maybe would hold their fire.
Anyway, once reaching the rebels, I would stick with the veterans and learn how to shoot faster and better. War makes a hero from anyone. In difficult situations we would learn difficult things and will execute difficult tasks.
If I still survive (oh, yes, I kind of stay hidden all the time, I have a huge survival instinct, I know when it's time to run and when it's time to stay) I would keep attack the citadel with the guys untill one day, when a rebel commando would penetrate the core and make it explode. Then, the joy would be so great, while weird unseen before shuttles would leave the tower seconds before the explosion. A strong and painful shochwave would tremble our brains. We all would feel it. Like a mute yelling, like a revenge thought insinuating into our minds from outside. From those ships. The pain would then disappear, the joy would come again, and yes, for the first time in many years, I would have an erection. I would search for a woman among the rebels, I would find some behind our lines and try to fit in the will of one. :)
Life is beautiful, but the war is far from over...
Id be like, daaamn.

Then i whould be a hunter.
Over half of you would join CP or otherwise get assimilated, or be reduced to living your days under the boot heel of the Combine. But you hold onto your delusions of glory and rebellion.

You're no hero.
Over half of you would join CP or otherwise get assimilated, or be reduced to living your days under the boot heel of the Combine. But you hold onto your delusions of glory and rebellion.

You're no hero.

I am confident that ten years of random, obscene brutality, "surpression," and standing in line to consume the reprocessed organs of the dead will bring out the best in all these people.
"The first thing I'm gonna do is... Aw who am I kidding?!"
I am confident that ten years of random, obscene brutality, "surpression," and standing in line to consume the reprocessed organs of the dead will bring out the best in all these people.

Or, y'know, fleeing to their deaths.

If we're going to give these people ten years of that kind of development, they're probably going to be very different people. If I've read into the topic correctly, in that you would inhabit the HL universe as yourself as you currently know it, then ha ha. Okay, sure. Go go internet's warrior class!
Id be an ant, id hide underground, once carnage has ensued i can eat the corpses, id never go hungry. Yeah, i really want to be an ant..
Over half of you would join CP or otherwise get assimilated, or be reduced to living your days under the boot heel of the Combine. But you hold onto your delusions of glory and rebellion.

You're no hero.

Im no hero, but I always do something about problems instead of sitting around doing nothing about it, sure I would be scared about the situation, I am human, but so were all the soldiers who fought in wars within our history, and they still managed to do their job because they believed in their cause, and really its fighting for a similar circumstance (Combine version is a lot more serious). I would rather rebel and die fighting, rather than sitting around thinking 'oh well' waiting to be killed, by the Combine or a headcrab. I mean the situation the citizens are in they might as well fight anyway, no freedoms whatsoever, they cant even have sex, its not even living anyway so it makes more sense to fight, at least you are serving a cause, rather than doing nothing but trying accept an outragous regime.
Most people are quite willing to live under oppression until somebody else forcefully intervenes and changes their situation. I'm just saying, probability dictates that most people will stick their tail between their legs no matter what ideal of freedom they claim to subscribe to.
I agree, but for the record, if I could help, then I would.
If I was born under that regime I dunno, but knowing what I know now I would try and get the **** out that city.

If I have to chose between insanely dangerous wildlife or the endless weight of oppression from a soulless uncaring regime that is taking my humanity one day at a time, I'll take my chances trying to survive outside the city.

Unlike others here I dunno about joining the resistance to fight...maybe, but I am more interested for the perks of having a weapon and having a means to get out,of safish locations out in the country I can go to.
If I was in Alaska at the time I would scamper to a semi-remote location. We have lots of planes and small choppers and other useful things. Pretty easy to live off the land. I doubt Xen creatures could survive the winter. I'm pretty sure the Arctic Warriors would be chillin somewhere, biding time.

If I was in the middle of things in one of the cities, I would have fought and likely been overpowered, or ran until I could run no longer. There's no way in hell I'd submit to a higher power unless I could chip away at them from the inside. On the outside, biggest threat to me would be hunters and antlions. I don't really fear anything else. Just give me a scoped rifle and lots of ammo.
Or, y'know, fleeing to their deaths.

If we're going to give these people ten years of that kind of development, they're probably going to be very different people. If I've read into the topic correctly, in that you would inhabit the HL universe as yourself as you currently know it, then ha ha. Okay, sure. Go go internet's warrior class!

I was being sarcastic. I know perfectly well that most of us are too soft to survive.

Civil Protection is far too optimistic a fate for me. I'll be happy to make it through this with all my parts.
Civil Protection is far too optimistic a fate for me. I'll be happy to make it through this with all my parts.

How about executing rebels, interogating them and torture them to death? Whoud you have the guts to do that?

To the dude who was trying to say he would go alone, away from the city, not joining the rebels. Man, you're not in a game, you don't have loads and saves, and you don't have a HEV suit. I would piss myself just thinking about meeting a fast headcrab, no way for a bunch of them, or even fast zombies. It would be a total suicide to go alone. No ammo (btw, in real life you probably won't find crates with health and ammo), no supplies, no anything. You have minimal chances to survive all by yourself.

Can you ****ing picture yourself fighting two fast headcrabs with a lever or some steel bar? They LEAP on your face, you need some crazy shit dodging skills not to get the things on your head.
I dunno man, if you are in their line of sight you have a 99% chance they will jump at your face. The other 1% they will hesitate or screech before jumping at your face. A decent helmet or mask and a baseball bat is all you need to fend off crabs. They are big targets and I doubt they are faster than a fastball.
OpFor grunt zombies and Zombines have proven that helmets and masks are ineffective.
Hm, good point. If anything though a good helmet will buy you time as your slugger goes to work on some flying crabs.

I think we should evaluate exactly how a CP would be overcome by a headcrab when they are so easily defeated, and avoid that situation. The likely answer is they do not know how to duck/barrel roll.

Those guys are kind of right though. I doubt I'd actively seek a rebellion squad, unless I saw a group of them. Or I stumbled across their hideout.
Lol @ baseball bat. You americans might survive, but in Europe, we know shit of baseball. I never played in my life, so, if a headcrab would charge to my face, I'm preety sure I will miss it. Even if it tries several times, I would still miss it, it's pretty hard to strike it while in air (judging its speed from the game). In Half Life, we press and hold the left mouse button and the crowbar swings constantly through the air, parring the leap. Doing that in real life means either being a very fast fu*ker with the crowbar, either being martial arts proffesional, which is not the case. :)

So, it has been said: we go CP (doing things against our will, treating caught rebels in the Combine way) or running away from the city with the first ocasion, probably ending with a Lammar on our face and then morphing into zombies. The crawling zombies are fun, though...
Probably hole up with one of the scientists as an assistant, in order to assist in the Combine's downfall while not actually exposing myself to serious danger. Possibly die of evisceration while testing the teleport; otherwise stay in White Forest.

Being a Zombie would suck. You are alive and conscious, moving against your will, and in extreme pain due to a gaping hole in your chest in addition to operating with any injuries obtained (including incineration), unable to die until your headcrab is removed or killed. You are left with either a life of total slavery in agony or death, and you get no choice in the matter.
I guess I will try to escape any city centres and join the rebels. Everyone knows that being in the city is worse than fighting the combine.
I would probably join in the rebel fight and most likely die. Or like the OP said, try to find a way out of the city by myself and probably find people who want to tag along and we'll have our own adventures lol. Then we (or just me alone) would hide out somewhere in eaither the woods or past until Gordon sorts out this whole thing
I would be a Resistance Soldier.Or somehow work for Resistance.
But I don't think I could survive in Ravenholm...
Knowing me in half life 2 i would be just the guy getting beaten up alot by bored CP's T_T other than that i would live a boring life on the couch drinking whatever liquids i could find while throwing cans at the CP's and gleefully running away before pleading not to be beaten...and being beaten.

Hl2 ep 1 - run screaming into a CP....die

HL2 ep 2 - if i survived....***n screaming into a resistance camp....get shot when i startle them....die.
You know what City 17 needs? A strip joint, that's what I would do. Open one up =D
Or run a T.G.I. Friday's. Either way, City 17 needs some entertainment
A disgruntled citizen who, after years of oppression, joins the Resistance and helps people through the railroad to Black Mesa East.
I would build a robot like d0g and ride it be a bounty hunter, I'd love to kill Adminastrators :) Asassinate! ahaha!
is it just me or do people have a thing for riding dog and ant guards....