If YOU were in Half-Life...

If it happened in my real life:

Bolt up to my cabin immediately and hope to survive. Screw fighting back. If they are determined to find people where my cabin is (might be 10 building in a 10 mile radius) then they'll win the fight anyway. If they don't find me I'm set- there's a huge fuel depot 10 miles away, tons of fish, a huge garden, and solar power.

If it happened in 1 and I'm in Black Mesa:

Die a horrible horrible death

If HL2:

Head on over to Ravenholm. I AM LEGEND style without all the "trying to cure people" stuff. I'd totally be Griggs buddy. We'd rig up all kinds of Zombie crushers and burners. I'd for sure build myself a cool zombie proof car of some sort.

If EP1:

die a horrible, horrible death

If EP2:

Well the suppression field is down so.........
the suppression field was down in Ep1.
But I like your style "I AM LEGEND"
You are dead even in HL2. The water is poisoned from breens reserve. That tells you citizen in the trainyard
I'd be the cat....

No but in all seriousness I would probably risk it outside the cities, I'm sure I could barricade a remote house well enough. Food, well...they say Headcrabs not so bad the fifth time round.
heres me:
HL1: not my area, im in the UK army
HL2: probably be buggered by now because of the war, but if not i would be one of the resistance leaders.hopefully my battalion would have survived the war to fight alongside me.
ep1: evac c17 with squad and random citizens, surpression field is DOWN!:cheers:
Ep2: Strider!"oh sh- *squished* or: one small step for heads, one giant leap for headcrabs!
EP3: possibly alive, but might die in some ridiculous fashion alomng with everyone else.
with my current physical condition i'd probably survive sometime. killing what combine i could. but i'm sure my lack of combat skills would get the best of me with some hunters or what not. but u really never know. u may be smarter than u think in combat. my real goal would be to find alyx and sway her to love me
Well i'd replay half life 2 to get directions to Kleiners lab in city 17. Surrender to the combine. Get transfered to city 17. Scare the f**k out of Kleiner. Say my hellos to gordon and alyx. Then stay glued to kleiner's side as somehow he stays far away from all danger so far in the HL2 series. So yeah I'd be a total chickenshit.
Head on over to Ravenholm. I AM LEGEND style without all the "trying to cure people" stuff. I'd totally be Griggs buddy. We'd rig up all kinds of Zombie crushers and burners. I'd for sure build myself a cool zombie proof car of some sort.


Me...well being an American I have thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands, of square kilometers to flee to. So thus I would grab a Rifle and a 1911, ammunition, and GTFO to the Canadian border.
As for joining the resistance? Screw it, I'm in Canada and live out there all Hatchet-style and stuff.
I wonder if the suppression field works hundreds of miles from the nearest node...
Hl1: I'd be a badass.
Hl2: I'd be a badass.
Ep1: I'd be a badass.
Ep2: I'd be a badass.
i wonder how the worlds special forces would fare, considering gordon's just a scientist, and he makes it fine
Gordon also has save points and armor that is about 8 times stronger than Spec Ops armor.
and he did fight his way out of Black mesa.but still, i think the worlds SFs would be running rogue hit and run operations, real guerilla warfare.
BTW, has anyone ever wondered what was meant to have happened to millitary installation like Cheyyene maountain?i mean a nuke could go off on top of that place and it would survive unscathed.
very tru, i would have to believe that there are some scraps of govt still around holding on. unless they all turned like breene. part of me thinks that shit is set up and the govts of the world sold their people. like the g man was merely doing business.
maybe.i rekon that the armys surrenderd with conditions,like they get to keep their bases or something.but the UK, Eurpean and American army may have surrendered, but they are probably just waiting to strike back, as more and more citizens join the fight.before the combine know it, they will have all the humans on Earth fighting back, and without reinforcements, tthey would lose badly.and now that we have better tech, it would be a lot harder to take us the the first time, as we would be ready and heavily armed.

Me...well being an American I have thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands, of square kilometers to flee to. So thus I would grab a Rifle and a 1911, ammunition, and GTFO to the Canadian border.
As for joining the resistance? Screw it, I'm in Canada and live out there all Hatchet-style and stuff.
I wonder if the suppression field works hundreds of miles from the nearest node...

Why thank-you.
the thing is it doesn't matter how many troops and spec ops we had. if they took over the world in 7 hrs, there was was probably overwhelming combine troops. and i guarantee half the 7hrs most country's were trying to figure out who was even attacking. I mean even the Seals and SAS need at least a 24hr warning. There were probably pockets of troops and govt held up in assorted bases and positions but i'm sure within time the combine was able to overwhelm them too.
I must wonder what they invaded us with initially...seeing as how the Overwatch were all created post-invasion. What are the standard Combine troops?
I'd become a rebel.... but then get captured and be turned into a stalker, and then i'd be sent to work at the citadel and probably become Dr. Breens---
I'd sit it out until Ep1 time then start panicking like ****, and be one of the guys who leaves the City just as a refugee :D
I must wonder what they invaded us with initially...seeing as how the Overwatch were all created post-invasion. What are the standard Combine troops?

With hundreds of different synths at thier disposal i doubt there was a "standard" troop.
hl2: dog playing ball with freeman and alyx and killing combine on the way im near death
ep1:throwing alyx and freeman in a car and fighting the strider and risk my life to defend freeman and alyx
ep2:killing the advisors who killed eli
I'd probably be a basic resistance fighter, AR2 and what not helping out Freeman

Me too, I'd love to have some high rank in the resistance controlling movements across the city and keeping it all hidden, coordinating attacks and stuff like that.
Too much responsibility for me. I'd rather be the one sent to potential (probable) death but with a fighting chance rather than be the guy who sits in front of a map ordering squad after squad of my fellow men to die that probable death.
That's, you know, if I had to choose between the two. I'd prefer "God mode + crowbar" over any of those. Or, you know, staying alive by any means possible, that's a good one too.
I would go on the mighty quest to find the holy G-man, then start working for him and take coffee breaks with gordon.

i would ask Kleiner to make me another gravity gun and stick by Freeman throughout the whole story
I'd probably be dumb enough to join CP & then (Hopefully) get killed by Gordon Freeman & Reincarnate as Gordon & Alyx's child lol
i would arm myself with a shovel, and proceed to liberate the earth from it's oppressors.
I would log onto HL2.net as an old man and see if this thread is still active.
would like to think id be all kick-ass and stuff,
but id probably shit myself to death the first time i saw a headcrab.