If you were sent back to year 0, how technically useful would you be?

If you were sent back to year 0, how technically useful would you be?

I would be the most useful person in like forever ...first thing I'd do is take a trip to bethlahem and smother some poor defensely baby ..but future generations would thank me ..no more going to church, no more learning stupid idiotic stories in science class, no more people at the airport asking me if I've found jesus yet, no more cheerful people singing kumbaya ...etc

anyone know when Mohammed was born? how far back do I need to go back to prevent the jewbs from being jewbs? (israel would be called, land of human kindness where there's nothing to fight about ...ever)

disclaimer: the above post was made because stern cant view flash files at work, unless work related
17th -19th century 8/10 they dont tell you the questions you fudged up :(.
@stern: so 11th century eh ? better luck next time :P.
I got 2 right, but then again I don't really give a shit.
disclaimer: the above post was made because stern cant view flash files at work, unless work related
And also because you can't help yourself to try and express your views in any ridiculous twist on the actual thread topic you can manage.

'How TECHNICALLY useful would you be' is the topic.
alright men, lets keep it civil . we dont want this to derail into a flame war.
I was equally worried about Stern turning this thread into a religious debate or something.
Wow considering how I basically ate pie throughout my chemistry lessons at school (I'm not even joking, short story to be had there) I was surprised to have achieved 15th century.
17th to 19th century, it says. So should I start procreating to spread the awesomeness??
7/10 - i guessed on almost every one lol

17th - 19th century :D
5 right, 15th.

This test is f*cked!

I only actually knew 2 of them (wings and lift - and the magnet, battery, wire and motion thing)
I'd spend a few days pondering on the enormity of what was to come for the Earth, then live my life in peace. Screw the future!
Why have almost every quetion difficult as shit, and then make question 5 that easy? why doesn't know what the main components of an atom are?

5 rights, by the way, but I had a disadvantage because my English isn't exactly flawless.
People making these types o' test has too much time on their hands..
but okey it was rather fun to see how incredibly stupid i am xD
And also because you can't help yourself to try and express your views in any ridiculous twist on the actual thread topic you can manage.

'How TECHNICALLY useful would you be' is the topic.

well by killing religion, so technically I'd be, like, really useful :naughty:
I made it to 17-19 century on the first try. I got 3 wrong, but i'm guessing that is because my technical English is a bit shoddy.
well by killing religion, so technically I'd be, like, really useful

the problem is that you'd probably inadvertently create a new religion of people worshiping you lol

<clapclap> feed me grapes!!! build me a shire ..oh and go kill those people over there, right down to the last man/woman/child/goat! ..why? you're asking god why? dont make me go all god like on your ass, you can be easily replaced .. /me starts flood
Oh my god Stern, I laughed so hard at that for some reason, you made my day :D
laughing at god is punishable by painful boils/death of first born ..dont make it rain grasshoppers or you'll be sooooory
I was, I was laughing with god! See?: :laugh:

Please don't give me the plague D:
/me puts plagues back in pocket ...I'll save those for later ..I have some jews who think they're the chosen ones ..I'll show them who's chosen ...

I really like playing god, I wonder if jesus felt the same sort of euphoria/overwhelming desire to smite ass
I actually thought there should have been more questions since I think I have more knowledge that would help advance the human race at that time than they quizzed you on.
Screw your technology! I got sent to the 10th century. I will live in the Byzantine Empire, the century of lead and iron. Long live Constantine VII!
When they say you could get them to whatever century, do they expect you to live that long? Or do they just mean you could explain technology from that century to them?
It`s what level of technology you would be able to develop if sent back to that time period, how far you`d advance the human race.

It`s hardly literal :P
I think it means, if you could live forever, and started bringing civilization up at year 0, how far could you get the technology before going 'Wait.. what? WHAT IS THAT THING?'