if your school blocks this website...


Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
i found a working proxy

write it down and when you want to browse a site in school but it's blocked, you can use this.
School is for learning not for talking on forums lol.
How does it work....I got some Opie and Anthony related webpages that I would like to visit but my school blocked
Yeah how do you use it? Id imagine that the school would block changing those types of internet settings
I dont like to enter to the forums in the school
I can access the site so long as I don't log on...but then I don't bother because at college I'm generally too involved with my work.
I don't really visit forums during school. The person next to me would go "What the hell is that?". "Forums". "What?" *sigh*

I wouldnt access this site with proxies.. all it takes is one ban and all users won't get through, also, you may end up banned for clone accounts or circumventing a ban, because your IP will match that of others.
bliink said:
I wouldnt access this site with proxies.. all it takes is one ban and all users won't get through, also, you may end up banned for clone accounts or circumventing a ban, because your IP will match that of others.

So in a sense I may be able to get my whole college banned along with hundreds of people from the forums? :angel: