If you're posting because you're pissed about Icarus, read this.

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May 15, 2003
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Guys. Chill.

No matter what the terms of Icarus being cut by Munro, you all do not know the whole story. If you knew the whole story, and still disagreed, then you might have the right to complain. To Munro.

But no one posting knows the whole story. So don't complain.

Why are we closing threads? Because they'e getting out of hand. Seriously. If you have a complaint; make it. To Munro. E-mail him or pm him. Don't post on the forums. Same policy as personal arguments.

Anyway, in closing, there's alot about Icarus you don't know, and that I shouldn't tell you. So I won't. It will suffice that he did some great things for the site while he was here. We're thankful for that. Very thankful.

But his interests were not always the site's interests (I mean site's, not Munro's), and he was often extreamly overzealous.

He did not work out for us. Period. And you all should leave it at that.
This is the whole story, at least it's what munro had told me, so if it's something more I'd like to be told.
SidewinderX said:
...you all do not know the whole story. If you knew the whole story, and still disagreed, then you might have the right to complain. To Munro.

But no one posting knows the whole story. So don't complain.
All I was saying is that we should have a right to hear the full story, as you so pleasantly stated that we have not received. And it doesn't seem like we will, either. It just seemed out of the blue, and I personally wanted to know what actually happened...
so can we please hear the full story? I don't see the big deal. Its not us being melodramatic here, you guys are trying to act like secret agents it seems.
I dont even know the whole story. But I don't mind, all I know is Icarus is fired, I dont want him to be, but thats the way it works.
How do you end a story that you do not know (us the forumites)?So please fill us all in.
Can't get the whole story when part of the party involved is sleeping :p
All I was saying is that we should have a right to hear the full story
so can we please hear the full story? I don't see the big deal. Its not us being melodramatic here, you guys are trying to act like secret agents it seems.

I really don't mean to sound like an ass here, but you're wrong on both counts.

Why do you think you have a right to know exactly why he was fired? It's not as if you're an executive member in charge of "the company." It should suffice to say that he wasn't working out here. It's not that we have a personal hatred toward him.

And yes, ya'll are being melodramatic. He was not working out. It's not as if we have banished him from the Internet. The reasons Munro gave are probably the "straws that broke the camel's back."

Icarus: No offense to you in ANY WAY, you definitley did some great things, but you were overzealous, far too self-important, etc. If I had to make a reason, I'd say it's because your attitude just didn't fit the circumstances here. You're a cool, intelligent guy, and I enjoy chatting with you, but this may not be the best place for your talents. And inciting the forum members against the general staff isn't going to help.

If you [re: general forum members] have a problem with the policy here, petition Munro. He makes policy.
Why is it so important for you to not give us the story, though?

Think of this:

Suddenly, one of the regular supermods on the site is "fired." He posts a thread, not revealing why, exactly, but just telling us that he's fired.

We ask why, and about 10 threads are closed, without a definate answer.

And then we are told that we "have no right to know."

So why is it so secret and important?

meh, whatever. All I wanted was to be able to have an opinion on the subject, and have something to say about it. But I can't, cuz I'm not allowed.
Like Sidewinder said, we don't mean to sound rude, authoritarian, or elitist, but it's not really the concern of the general populous as to why he was let go. It's an internal issue. The reasons are private. There is no need to make such a fuss over this.
Oh your mod again qck?Wow look how things change here... :rolleyes:
Why is it so important for you to not give us the story, though?
Because Munro is the only one who can give a definitve answer, and he's asleep.

The threads were closed because they were spam.

It's not a a secret; we just don't know any more than we have told you. I have given several thoughts on what might be part of the reason.

edit: and as we've said before, and qck summarized, it's an internal problem. If you're next door neighbors get divorced, it's not you're right to know why. And we're not your parents, don't even try that argument.

and yeah, qck just had to get some things sorted, that's why he was temporarily a peon. :p

big things are in the works.....

HL2! :D
Just sit back and enjoy the conspiracy that is Half-Life 2.net. It's safer here.
It only means I have been away from the site too long. ;)
Mmmm wow, didn't come to forums for a day and I see this. Gah man, Icarus, I hope you are not going to leave now :(
lol, I remember saying somehting like that in another thread too.
Sidewinder when you said cut by munro I was thinking of hl2.net like some kind-of sports team :p
Icarus gets the boot? Wow. Never thought I'd see the day when the Glogebags would actually be bearing arms.

I say before anyone blows it, wait for Munro to post a statement. No two stories are the same, and although I consider Icarus to be refutable, Munro is as well.
true, the main controversy here was closing the threads. a real shot in the staff's own feet there. but this is all over now so lets forget about it and never bring it up again. ever.
Woah, Icarus isn't an admin anymore. What has this world come to?
Soon pigs will start flying :O
CyberSh33p said:
true, the main controversy here was closing the threads. a real shot in the staff's own feet there. but this is all over now so lets forget about it and never bring it up again. ever.
I ain't gonna forget about it....It might come in good use later in the future. :devil:
Pissed about Icarus getting sacked? Yeah right.

That guy's always seemed like one of those cocky, power-mad, "new-to-moderating" type mods. For God's sake his entire blog is devoted to closing threads and banning users. I remember this one time where he stickied a thread completely dedicated to informing the community when he'd be online playing CS:S. Then he deleted it when people started calling the thread for what it was: pointless spam.

Anyway, always seemed like a dick to me. Good going Munro!
No more milk!?! How will i live T_T
That kinda sucks :-/
I'm surprised he didnt get fired after
The hl2 mp prank he pulled with teamspeak
a little while back. That was really funny thought XD

And qck, you got a lot less fun since you've been a mod :(
Its truley saddening.
Danimal said:
Woah, Icarus isn't an admin anymore. What has this world come to?
Soon pigs will start flying :O
He was a moderator with banning powers, not an Admin :D

DarkStar said:
Pissed about Icarus getting sacked? Yeah right.

That guy's always seemed like one of those cocky, power-mad, "new-to-moderating" type mods. For God's sake his entire blog is devoted to closing threads and banning users. I remember this one time where he stickied a thread completely dedicated to informing the community when he'd be online playing CS:S. Then he deleted it when people started calling the thread for what it was: pointless spam.

Anyway, always seemed like a dick to me. Good going Munro!
Thats kind of harsh dude, he is a good guy.
SpuD said:
Thats kind of harsh dude, he is a good guy.

Oh, I'm sure he is. He just always seemed a little below the quality of the other mods around here such as yourself. Just had a cocky swagger in his posts. Seriously, just look at the title of his blog and you'll see what I mean. No offense to him, but I really don't think he was cut out for moderating.
Zealousness aside, at least Icarus had some personality -- something the community needs more than an owner who indiscriminately bans and censors, then makes vague policies thereupon.

10 bucks says munro goes on a mad banning spree, purging hl2net of all veterans with half a brain, hl2wo rld registrees, and anyone else who would question a newly established newspeak, the mortar for his grand new title "Emperor of the Hl2 Community"
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