IGN Article :: The Lost Coast


Jul 6, 2003
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IGN just posted a new article about the lost coast , and they are amazed :bounce:

We talked with one of the Valve reps giving the presentation, and he said that although Lost Coast would require a pretty high-end system (3.2GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 6800GT or X800 Pro, et cetera), the Aftermath expansion pack would allow the player to disable HDR and tweak the visuals as usual. He also mentioned that HDR would be partially implemented in HL2 in a future patch, but that they probably wouldn't completely overhaul the lighting for two reasons: one, it would require a download on the order of five gigabytes; and two, they felt that there were certain sections of the game that were actually better, gameplay-wise, with the current lighting.
A True Canadian said:
Wow, 5 gigs!?!?

The Lost Coast level is just as big as Half-Life 2. :LOL:
If you wanted full HDR in all of HL2 (not just the Lost Coast map) it would require a 5GB download... but they aren't going to do that.
At any rate, the new content looks pretty exciting. The rep told us that it was mostly made up of unused assets from Half-Life 2, thus explaining how Lost Coast got its name.
:O this means we might be getting some of the stuff we've been wanting!
woooohoooo! They name m exact specs!
I have a 10gb a month download cap (shared between 3) so will probly not be able to get it, unless i abstain for a month.
They aren't going to release a 5GB patch, so you don't need to worry about it.

Was there any mention of the PS3 vs PS2 implementation? I'd hate to think my 6800 Ultra was going to do exactly the same job as my old X800 XT PE :)
czrsink said:
Was there any mention of the PS3 vs PS2 implementation? I'd hate to think my 6800 Ultra was going to do exactly the same job as my old X800 XT PE :)

You lucky hardware-y bastard.
:p means my 9800 isn't the optimal card. Oh well, I'll still try and run this even if I have to tweak some settings down or run it in DirectX8 mode.
i have to say, im stoked with getting my 6800gt back in November, if it can run this thing to it's full potential. If it cant tho, i have no more mullah$, so im screwed.
Why not just make it an option for the people who have high end pc's to download the HDR patch.
Why not just make it an option for the people who have high end pc's to download the HDR patch.
Your HL2 will dl the patch which wont be 5 gigs(as they obvioulsy said they wouldn't), then you can just set an option to turn HDR to no.

Im a 56ker and I don't care if I have to dl something extra ^_^.
I wonder how big the Lost Coast level is actually going to be (Obviously some people are getting confused with the mention of 5GB but this was the estimated size of a HDR update for the whole of HL2!!).

As I understand it the Aftermath add-on is going to have HDR but it can be disabled for users who don't have the hardware to run with HDR. But the way that article reads it looks like this is not going to be the case for the Lost Coast which will be a HDR only level. If it does contain some missing elements from HL2 then this will be bitterly dissapointing for users who's hardware doesn't meet the requirements.

I'm not sure if my set-up will do the business. I have a 6800 but it's only an LE which is far from a GT as I understand. I should be okay on RAM but will my AMD 64-bit Winchester 3000 cut the mustard?
they have to change all their artwork to support HDR, thats why it wont be implemented for all of hl2
ok great but WHEN THE HELL IS IT COMING OUT??? They're just delaying it again and again ... Valve are good at it!
If the delay means more content then it's all good ............ If I can run it okay that is!

I'm really intriqued by the mention of missing content from HL2. I'm kind of hoping that this partially turns into a sort of HL2: The lost scenes. Wouldn't it be great if the Hydra was in there somewhere? :D It's all good in any case. Any official HL2 content has got to be good. Looking forward to Aftermath as well. Lets hope they make the HARD setting actually HARD!! I want more challenge!