IGN Black Hands-on(new vids)

OMG:O :O :O , the animations the effects, the explosions. I simply can't believe it. Maybe it's the small res or something but still holy shit, I wish it would come to the PC.
looks like a FEAR alike tbh
why is it all dull textures - is that why its called Black lol
john3571000 said:
looks like a FEAR alike tbh
why is it all dull textures - is that why its called Black lol
ummm... it's on the PS2, and they're doing a damn good job pulling off what they are on it
Icarusintel said:
ummm... it's on the PS2, and they're doing a damn good job pulling off what they are on it
indeed, it looks awesome for ps2 :sniper:

love the sound too in the asylum, the enemy shouting, nice destructible environments too, hopefully the ai wont be too retarded..
oh my error i thought Black was going to be a PS3 launch title
jimbo118 said:
indeed, it looks awesome for ps2 :sniper:

love the sound too in the asylum, the enemy shouting, nice destructible environments too, hopefully the ai wont be too retarded..
I'm not too worried about the AI on this one, so long as it delivers the "gun porn" experience I've heard about - and so far, it certainly looks like it's going to deliver
True, its all about mayhem and destruction and not necessarily so much about AI. That said, weak AI can be fine in a game where violence is the main theme--just look at Painkiller or any similar shooter with little or no AI: still wicked fun blasting foes and select portions of the scenery. And they are doing a phenomenal job taking advantage of the power the PS2 has demonstrated to have, especially in the past year.
What the hell, Jimbo. It's my job to put up news about BLACK!! ;)

Downloading the videos, going to read the hands-on now. Thanks for the heads-up dude.

EDIT: Holy cow, that looked amazing. The sounds are just blazing incredible. Criterion, I freaking love you.
Wow. I really didn't think a PS2 could handle those graphics and effects but I'm happy to say I was wrong :D
well you better all pray that you get more than 15 fps :|
john3571000 said:
well you better all pray that you get more than 15 fps :|
have you watched the vids? it has a pretty nice, steady framerate that seems to be about 30fps, and I've only seen a small bit of slow-down in scenes with a shitload of destruction
john3571000 said:
well you better all pray that you get more than 15 fps :|

All those hands-on, previews I've read, not a single one complained about the framerate.
With the right programers...you can make the PS2 go a bit further in graphics.

Consoles!!! My anger grows bigger, my hatret against these foes who think consoles are the greater race...its near...i can feel it!! WWIII IS NEAR!!! HAIL PC...HAIL PC...HAIL PC

Gather all Consoles, put them in concentration camps and make them slave till their graphics card is burned out..then...PUT THEM IN THE CREMATION CHAMBER...OR THE GAS CHAMBER!!!!!

HAIL PC, HAIL PC!!!!!......the new world is near...the world...of PC!

*my moms enters the room*

"Erik, why are you shouting?"

"uhm..ehh..nothing mom..im just...just...nothing mom"

*why are you wearing a nazi cross over a console?*

"uhm..ehh." *rips it off* "nothing mom, just a...history project hehe"
The news screens looks damn hot.



New interview with Alex Ward on Gametrailers, download it here.
Worth checking out. :)
Loke said:
New interview with Alex Ward on Gametrailers, download it here.
Worth checking out. :)

Very cool. My anticipation is only rising for this game. I didn't know what the blurring was for when I first saw videos but it's to show the focus you need while actually reloading a weapon which is cool. Still can't wait. I hope they do finish this franchise to be the trilogy they've written.
First BLACK review from Official Playstation Magazine UK.

Black (PS2, EA): 10/10

The magazine also features the demo-version, so if you want to try it out go and grab the mag. :)
10/10 nice although it is an official ps2 mag so im a bit sceptical, they did give the getaway 9/10 *shakes head*
True, I'll wait for Gamespot's, IGN's and 1UP's reviews until I go outside and scream like a girl.
I already did. If this comes anywhere near my expectations, I am getting it NO MATTER the cost.
Ravioli said:
On the Internet its spelled "cum" ;)
oh, no, i know that, but I couldn't say "I just cum in my pants" because that just isn;t correst, but "I came in my oants" most definitely is correct english

A bunch of new pics.









Even more here.

Also a bunch of ****ing incredible artwork pictures.



2 more here.

Not long now...
Whoa! Those last shots actually look "next-gen" and are amazingly terrific looking! This looks like one heck of a game, even if it is just a destructo-rama!
like the new av loke.

and man i cant wait for this atm, shadow of the colussus and this for my next buys.
Thanks jimbo.

Hmm, both Shadow of the Colossus and Black in the same month... argh.
Yeah, saw that a few hours ago. Pretty neat. :)
4 new movies up at IGN, check them out!

Damn, I love the sounds of the explosions. :E
That trailer.... RULES.

I'm 900% sure those last 2 screenshots on this page are concept :p
So EXTREME that my balls just dropped FOR THE SECOND TIME instead of my jaw.
That trailer was so F*CKING EXTREME! that I shit my pants.... 5 TIMES IN A ROW!

Honestly, this game CANNOT come out soone enough