IGN said:While Team Fortress 2 might seem like old news to some, the game has continued to evolve since release. Just recently released was an update that added a new map and mode called Gold Rush, as well as a slew of new Steam achievements and unlockable weapons for the medic class. Valve plans to continue with the updates later on this year.
Lombardi said:"We're going to keep moving forward with that and moving on to more classes, giving them a similar update as we gave for the medic," Lombardi said. "We'll be talking about that in the next couple of months and I'd imagine there'd be a release out this summer. There'll probably be a new map that goes with it as well."
IGN said:But will it just be one class at a time like with the medic or will we see multiple classes updated when the next bit of content is made available?
Lombardi said:"This was sort of an experiment for us with the medic, so as we get going they may sort of come out in clumps later on," Lombardi said. "But right now we're sort of taking it one class at a time and trying to go pretty deep with them and test those against the existing classes in the public game and make sure we don't throw things out of whack too much."
IGN said:Though there are certainly gamepads out there for PC players to use (the Xbox 360 controller, for example), Lombardi states that Valve is very much interested in producing its own.
Lombardi said:"It's actually something that, I mean there's nothing to announce yet, but it's something we're definitely looking at. You hit the nail right on the head; there's a lot of games coming out right now on Steam that might be better [with a controller]. Everyday Shooter is a perfect example, right? It's something that we're looking at. It's something that these games are showing us there's a need there. They're proving to us that, oh wow, this is pretty cool. If there was a controller set for these things, they'd be even better. It's something we're looking at and something we're going to start talking to those people who specialize in those areas about."

IGN said:Looking ahead, Valve might also consider getting into different kinds of payment models than the standard blanket price for a retail box or download. According to Lombardi, Valve is looking closely at Counter-Strike Online, which just recently launched in Asia and uses a microtransaction payment model. Will we ever see Valve bring that kind of financial model to western markets?
Lombardi said:"For us it's a big experiment. We see it as potentially being huge but it's unproven in the action space and in North America. For us it's like we want to understand how it relates to CounterStrike in Asia, which is a territory where microtransactions are much more evolved. Then we're going to take some of the experience that we gather from that and see if we can bring CounterStrike Online to the States and Western Europe or develop something in a new game that applies that more organically from the design."
You can read the rest of the interview here