IGN Review......

jimbo118 said:
yeah website reviews dont really interest me, i'm more interested in the community response particurly from tomorrow onwards when the folks in the us and canada get it. I'm a bit disappointed that theres only 1 gamemode- conquest, although i really enjoy the mode, maybe a future patch will add some and ofcourse mods.

as far as I know it's being released on thursday ...it's $49 at best buy and future shop for thursday only btw ..after that it goes back up to $59
CptStern said:
? what objectives?
What the commander tells you to do, or whatever you want to do. They can be like missions or objectives, like taking out the enemies arty, stuff like that.
not the same thing ...play RTCW enemy territory and you'll see what I mean
I agree, the option for a different mode like Wolfenstein would be nice. Nobody would force people to play it, but variety is the spice of life. Gamespy's review mentioned how it can get frustrating when a lone wolf drops behind the lines and steals a point in the back. It takes away from the intense front line fighting and forces someone to have an uneventful ride to the back to kill one person.

I'm not complaining though because it's fun to be that lone wolf, but it'd be nice to have an option where you have to daisy chain your way through the points. Just to change things up from time to time.

I also was disappointed to hear about the lack of bots for LAN. I know, I know everyone hates bots, but that shouldn't mean I have to as well. I guess that's the best part of PC games, MODS, MODS, MODS.
Good review, maybe a little bit off on the ratings compared to other games but then again jade empire deserved a 9.9 on the xbox whixh does not have much to compare it to (other then KOTOR), same with GTA:SA on PS2. Battlefield has to fight every other PC online game (HL2,CS:S,JO:TR,BF1942,SW:B). I dont think it excells that much over all the other games (I know it is great fun I play the demo all the time).

I think he was right on the average menus. They arent exactly novice friendly or nice to look at. TOO MANY TABS! The commander option is basic. The music is average. The punishment system is lacking. There is no singleplayer, bots in LAN or variety of game modes. Also a lack of friends or favourite server option (like CS:S) and yes the graphics are good but not "out of this world" especially for the very steep system requirements (much higher then doom3 or HL2) especially for the ammount of time this game came out compared to D3 and HL2.

There you have it I agree battlefield is great but with improvements it could have been greater.
Bah... what really irks me about the game is that the performance leaves a LOT to be desired.

Even turning down the graphics a lot the game still runs shoddily, not to mention that it actually ends up looking far WORSE than it's predecessors.

The game is fun, this however, might actually sway my pruchase by quite a bit. I simply do not enjoy playing a game that looks and performs like that.

*hopes for better performance in the full release*
I've only seen the game through screenshots, I don't meet the insane system requirements for BF2.

Looks like EA is just trying to make money off Desert Combat, and the graphics aren't that spectacular (even though the game is large scale battles). Same general interface too, I think.
Yea, I have my setting on Medium, and when BF2 decides to play nice, I can get 30 FPS but DAMN, DOES IT STUDDER.
CptStern said:
as far as I know it's being released on thursday ...it's $49 at best buy and future shop for thursday only btw ..after that it goes back up to $59
really? i thought it was the 22nd for north america and 25th for the eu, thats a bummer, i wanted to get a good few opinions on the full version particurly performance/bugwise, oh well.
Why can't Gamespot and IGN just agree on a score so everyone knows where the game is worth buying for a change? It always really annoys me where one gives the other a higher score or a lower score.

With that said i wish Greg Kasavin reviewed the game :( or Jeff Gerstmann :( They're always right on the money for me
DeusExMachinia said:
Amazing. IGN didn't overrate something. GS didn't underrate something.
Isn't that saying IGN underrated and GS overrated?