IGN's Top 100 games of all time

Sparta said:
Pffffftt, UT was so much more than Q3 could ever be.

Maybe in a spammy, 'run around like headless chickens and shoot everything, Timesplitters' kind of way ;)

Q3 was pure skill - king of Death Match \o/
Polar_Bear said:
Yes, it's somewhere in the 90-100 spots... great game it was. :)
cool, im glad it made it, i PRAY for a sequel, pls pls pls pls........pls?
Warbie said:
spammy, 'run around like headless chickens and shoot everything
Funny... that's exactly how I remember Quake 3. :laugh:

The UT franchise has more varied and original weapons than Q3 (as well as alternate fire modes), it was more customizeable (more options, mutators, etc), it has more complex gametypes (LMS, CTF, Assault, and Domination... not including the ones added in the GOTY edition) in addition to the ones also available in Q3, you could track your stats with the built-in ngWorldStats, it has more intelligent AI, and it's generally accepted that it had a better level editor. I will say that Quake 3 had better animation and a slightly better feel to the movement... but to say that UT was the mindless one of the two is just a baseless accusation.

That being said, I still liked Q3... I just liked UT even more.
I would prefer polls like this one to be defined by genre.

But even then not all could agree.

(Ocarina of Time for #1) :D
Heh, Return Fire. :P

Now theres a blast from the past :D
Ugh, I hate it when they rate classic games high, I loved Super Mario Bros. and all the old Nintendo games, but now that I have BF2 and Splinter Cell 3, I would much rather play those.
what???!?!?!!! If not for the korean backing on the game, total annihilation > starcraft in every sense of the > !!