
I'm guessing IGN will double their rates now that GameSpy and them have merged, giving them "Never before seen gayness."

Assholes. I can't stand them.
Whatever they have for Members, I can get at GameSpot Basic...
or from the Developer's own website.
Now, when the two ultimate gamesites have combined, we will give you never before seen gayness, Uber sucking game reviews and reviewers, enlarged covaredge and support for the console market!*

*Prices are raised to 59.99$ per month.
Lmao. Never before seen gayness? Shit guys, just try watching just one episode or video of Richard "ManGina" Simmons... sheesh. Talk about a fluffer :rolleyes:
[sarcasm]And back to our main story tonight, the nuber of hijaced threads is on the rise...[/sarcasm]
SidewinderX143 said:
[sarcasm]And back to our main story tonight, the nuber of hijaced threads is on the rise...[/sarcasm]

Nuber? Hijaced?
OMG! The Anchorman is still in HS! Ahhhh!!!!!11!!!11!1!

J/K Sidewinder. ;)
Err-hem... yes, they are. Well, I've got a question. What is this all about? Why do ya' want them to PM ya', 'cause I know someone who is one, but he's not sure if he wants to have me PM ya' for him.