

Feb 3, 2005
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I've got an iguana in here who just kicked my ass for putting him in the bathtub. I'm going to have to start wearing goggles and elbow length gloves to handle him.

My ex-girlfriend gave it to me, with a bunch of accessories. Her son wasn't taking care of it, and one day we were talking about how I used to be like her son, catching snakes, lizards, and all sorts of critters. So she was like "Do you want an Iguana?" And I'm like hell yeah. Always wanted one, but they are expensive. Free is a good price. So I've had him/her for like 4 months tops. I immediately took him out of the 10 gal aquarium, and put him in my 55 gal, bought all the stuff to set him up, and been feeding him and he is getting big. He's givin me a dirty look, sittin on the rocks. He's warming up in the sunlamp after the bathwater evaporated. I bought a leash, but one look at it and he ripped my flesh off. I have to clip his nails again.

He's dangerous and accurate as hell with his long tail, and he's only a juvenile. (about 1 or 1.5 feet w/tail) they get 6 feet long, and I hope it's not a male because they get very agressive, and I'm scared. I could seriously be injured or blinded if he hit me in the eye. It's like a whip.

I'm sort of joking about being scared, but I definately am worried, and I respect the danger of handling him after a few near misses he tries to get me in the face everytime. I probably will have to wear googles.


Anyone ever had one of these? It's cool. He looks like a mini- tyranasaurus Rex, except better designed with longer front arms. I want to have like a tropical sun room for him eventually, with trees and shit to climb around. He will be alot happier when he can roam. He's starting to look cramped in the 55 galon aquarium.

I recommend this pet, it's interesting. But it will be more interesting when he has room to run. This lizard runs ****ing fast as the devil, and can leap great distances.

Some info

Drunk Driving Iguana:

IMAGES - Iguana:

Search Browser: Iguana:

A five foot iguana (looks like it lost it's tail before, and it's growing back)
http://web.mala.bc.ca/belize/Tim and iguana friend.jpg
Their mean little bastards, and they hurt when they claw/hit you with the tail. I like Ferrets more.


Lol. But mine bathes alone. He swims.

Their mean little bastards, and they hurt when they claw/hit you with the tail. I like Ferrets more.

Aww I miss my ferrets. This is a must have pet for me. Smells like burned ass though. Would like if I had a seperate area for them and I'd get some more.

You are supposed to handle the iguana for 30 minutes every day to tame them. Who has time for this? I don't even handle myself 30 minutes a day. :naughty: Ok, maybe I do. Maybe that's why I don't have time. Maybe I have said too much.

I've only held him like once a month. I'm bleeding right now, so what does that tell you?
I would be scared of the electric fences failing.
I would be scared of the electric fences failing.

lol. Jurassic Park! I'm scared he's going to murder me whilst I sleep. (BTW earlier I was wondering what lizards dream about... lettuce? Lizard legs?) I hope he doesn't learn to open doors or I'm screwed.

Now we have real-time games that look as good as Jurassic Park CGI. As a teenager, I couldn't wait for the day when video games looked that good, and now it's here, and I didn't notice that we had finally reached the benchmark.
I allways wanted to have a iguana,I love all reptiles

also I remenber when I was in kindergarden there was a tree near the garden whit a lot of iguanas and I used to watch the iguanas a lot

I am not a expert but if plan to keep it you should know they grow big so turning a room of your house into his place will be a good idea since they dont like to be static,also put logs and stuff where the iguana can climb so it dont get bored

I also used to catch lizard when I was a kid

btw the big iguana in that last pic is a male,as you see males have some bunch of skin under theyr neck that they use to attract females and get attention
also those protuberances in the lower jaws
so if your iguana have those them is a male,I think the color affects too
They probably have some cool stuff in Venezuela. You know kids don't always appreciate the creatures native to their land. They like to watch Discovery TV and see species that we don't have here.

I could be mistaken, but I don't think Iguanas are native to North America, but we have many other types of lizards, in the forests and deserts.
They probably have some cool stuff in Venezuela. You know kids don't always appreciate the creatures native to their land. They like to watch Discovery TV and see species that we don't have here.

I could be mistaken, but I don't think Iguanas are native to North America, but we have many other types of lizards, in the forests and deserts.

I dont think much people here have iguanas,you can see a iguana in a forest in good conditiongs(whitout too muhc human stuff nearby)and rigth now I live in a place that is not theyr habitat

and yes iguanas live only in southamerica I think,the USA is too cold for them

and well here if you live in a very urban place dont expect to see much wildlife
and varios animals are so normal to see that people dont give attention,for example in some places you can find a lot of chiguires

but to see the real good stuff you have to go into the wilderness
many people that live near the wilderness have guacamayas as pet,and believe me you dont want one of those as a pet, and some others animals
like a house in the outsides of this city that have some monkeys and a other bunch of birds,even a Peafowl which is not a native bird but it was introduced I think