I'll skin your models!


Jul 3, 2005
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Hey guys,

I want to build up a skinning portfolio (preferably characters) but I'll skin any UV maps that you guys would like me to skin. I've got 5+ years of experience in photoshop and a half of year skinning. I've been on several mod teams, and run my own. I use a Wacom tablet too for some high quality stuff. Whatever you'd like skinned please post here, or contact me on msn or my email at [email protected]. Thanks!
odd, i'd expect legions of people to be throwing themselves at your mercy by now o_O i mean it's already been 20 minutes.
Yea I just didn't feel like posting it, my photobucket is going to run out of bandwith. Oh well here are some random skins and projects, or WIPs.


Enjoy, someone post a job, I'm so bored tonight! :sleep:

EDIT: Those were all pre-wacom era, and I'm only gonna keep these up for a few hours so my bandwith doesn't get killed.
i have a wacom but barely use it for texturing i only use it for organic texturing with that said your textures arent bad at all ...altho theyre optimised for much older engines and are quite blurry judging by the metal on the gun. nice work none the less i hope you dont mind but i would like to put in my own email for texture work in this thread but only if youre ok with that if ur not ill create my own thread?.
Some of your skins lack detail, expecially the character textures. The minuteman for example is a bit blurry, and especially the shading..a bit more detail in your work should make it golden :cheers:
please only post here is you actualy need some help with textureing. evan ill deffinetly supply you with some uv maps. theyre not blurry their excelent.
MetalPiranha said:
Hey egon can you UV map and skin?

Im hopeless at UVmapping.

uvmapping gets dead easy once you understand the basic prinsiples :cool:
on the other hand unwrapping isnt actualy that hard in the beggining.
Thanks for the feedback, thanks for the comment Crackhead, you the man! As for unwrapping/uv mapping I really don't know how but attempted looking at it last night. I've never used 3d programs before, if anyone would like to explain to me how, or lead me to a video tutorial that'd be awesome. I've got XSI and 3ds Max Studio 6. As for some of the textures being blurry it also has to do with the models they were being made for, they can't represent alot of the detail. If someone sends me some work I'll post it up so people can see how much better I've gotten. :-D
mindless_moder said:
i have a wacom but barely use it for texturing i only use it for organic texturing with that said your textures arent bad at all ...altho theyre optimised for much older engines and are quite blurry judging by the metal on the gun. nice work none the less i hope you dont mind but i would like to put in my own email for texture work in this thread but only if youre ok with that if ur not ill create my own thread?.
and what off me ?
entity said:
pelt mapping..is..meh :p

its too random, too messy

lol, if you set up your seams properly its pritty much perfect if you ask me, obviasly it takes some fine tuni9ng of some settings here and there. But its very powerful and I use it on unwrapping all my characters now. Not to mention how much easier it makes high level polgon organic models.
mindless i suppose thats fine, long as you dont steal to much of the stuff i get as assignments :-p