Illegal Dowloading....

Are you suggesting that people are lying when they say they pirate games they were never going to buy?
I suggested that a long time ago so you have me all wrong. This causes the rest of your sentence to fall through.

...and so people can't really be bothered to examine their conscience over something that that barely shows up on the moral register. I just don't have the Care to spare.
You are a bad man! You are a bad man!
I suggested that a long time ago so you have me all wrong. This causes the rest of your sentence to fall through.

No it causes the "you're being naive" clause to kick in.

You are a bad man! You are a bad man!

Laivasse said:
How about you PROVE that companies lose massive amounts of money to pirating? Oh that's right, you can't.

you just took what i said out of context. I disproved the 'he would never buy it anyway' argument. i didn't claim i could prove anything else.

Are you suggesting that people are lying when they say they pirate games they were never going to buy? If so I think you're being naive.

Haha. thats like calling someone a liar for only eating 3 tacos, when he said he was going to eat 4. but when it came down to it, he could only comfortably eat 3. See how dumb calling him a liar is in that situation?

Your 'I would never do this' argument doesn't fly no matter how many times you say it, because it CAN'T BE PROVEN in the world we live in. I suggest you pull another argument out of your pirates arsenal, because your current one isn't going to any less useless, lol. again, ones environment has an affect on their behaviour/decisions. this isn't debatable. ultimately this alone can't prove that companies lose money over pirating games. thats not my point. BUT it helps pirates know deep down that morally they aren't totally covered. that they can't say with 100% certainty that they would not infact buy it anyway.

heh, thats an important goal of a pirate, to make himself think that hes not doing anything wrong no matter what. its an unfortunate mindset, because it leaks into other aspects of his life, making him a truly pathetic and spineless individual that takes no responsibility for what he does. tragic.
poseyjmac said:
I disproved the 'he would never buy it anyway' argument. i didn't claim i could prove anything else.
You can't "disprove" it if it was never proven in the first place, right?

Haha. thats like calling someone a liar for only eating 3 tacos, when he said he was going to eat 4. but when it came down to it, he could only comfortably eat 3. See how dumb calling him a liar is in that situatio
I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

they can't say with 100% certainty that they would not infact buy it anyway.
I can say with 100% certainty that I would never have bought Hunting Unlimited 3 in my lifetime.

truly pathetic and spineless individual that takes no responsibility for what he does. tragic.
You seem to be taking it all so personally about what are (mostly) normal everyday people. Lets say your girlfriend downloads an mp3 from limewire, does this make her "a truly pathetic and spineless individual that takes no responsibility for what she does"?

I didn't think so.
poseyjmac said:
*hysterical waffle*

Yeah thanks, 'lol'. Tacos? :( I'm afraid you haven't 'disproved' anything to anyone except yourself, although you proved to me I probably should be ignoring you.

Admirable fanaticism, though, I'd suspect you of being some kind of berserk industry plant if you didn't have so many posts.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

alright. listen closely. you are hungry, you think you can eat 4 large tacos, you and your friends go to the taco place. but after you finish the 3rd taco, you realize that you aren't hungry enough for a 4th. now would your friends call you a liar for this? is that justified? its ridiculous right? in the same way people wouldn't be lying if they did in fact buy a game in a world where a game could not be pirated. you can at least nod your head and pretend that this didn't go over your head. christ.

I can say with 100% certainty that I would never have bought Hunting Unlimited 3 in my lifetime.

you can say it. yes. but it doesn't mean anything. since you don't live in a world where this game could not be pirated.

You seem to be taking it all so personally about what are (mostly) normal everyday people.

wrong again, pirate. i don't take this personally at all. you people actually humor me. i'm having a good time.

Lets say your girlfriend downloads an mp3 from limewire, does this make her "a truly pathetic and spineless individual that takes no responsibility for what she does"?

however, my girlfriend doesn't make up lame excuses and imaginary arguments to ease her conscious. you see, some pirates fess up to exactly what they are doing. those are the pirates with at least some dignity. you on the other hand are the weak kind. the spineless and pathetic.
Laivasse said:
Yeah thanks, 'lol'. Tacos? :( I'm afraid you haven't 'disproved' anything to anyone except yourself, although you proved to me I probably should be ignoring you.

Admirable fanaticism, though, I'd suspect you of being some kind of berserk industry plant if you didn't have so many posts.

you got me! i just disproved myself!!11

right. anyway, its called a metaphor. id also like to note here that you just used a desperation defense. you concentrated on the literal meaning of a metaphor as to ignore the true point. why not just wear a sign on your forehead that says "I have nothing to say to that", it'd at least be more dignified.
poseyjmac said:
you got me! i just disproved myself!!11

That's not what I said. Read again. Try to distinguish between who said what to you as well.

Please don't make posts full of nonsense, and then accuse other people of having nothing to say.

You wont get another reply from me until you say something that is worthy of one. Toodle-oo.
Laivasse said:
That's not what I said. Read again. Try to distinguish between who said what to you as well.

Please don't make posts full of nonsense, and then accuse other people of having nothing to say.

You wont get another reply from me until you say something that is worthy of one. Toodle-oo.

this coming from someone who misquotes people. good job
Laivasse said:
Please don't make posts full of nonsense, and then accuse other people of having nothing to say.
I'm all for camparing the most random action that has nothing to do with the situation at hand, but that taco one is just beyond me.

however, my girlfriend doesn't make up lame excuses and imaginary arguments to ease her conscious. you see, some pirates fess up to exactly what they are doing. those are the pirates with at least some dignity. you on the other hand are the weak kind. the spineless and pathetic.
I don't need anything to ease my conscious. It's simply the truth, no matter how unprovable my "excuse" may be.

I'd like to see you on a religous message board - "God cannot be proven in the world we live in, so you're all wrong!" but that's a whole other kettle of fish :LOL:

Anyway, you're starting to become "the spineless and pathetic" one now, so like Laivasse - I'm out of here until someone has something useful to say.
good. you demonstrated the last obvious trait of a self-righteous pirate. the "I don't want to believe anything that makes me feel uncomfortable" attitude. i was hoping you'd cap it off with this.

alas, this is a forum. many people believe what they want to believe, and are closeminded about everything else, not willing to confront the truth(spineless) I on the other hand am open-minded and will gladly consider anything useful someone has to say. I love it when someone proves me wrong. unfortunately all you've been saying essentially is. "nuh uh!" and "im right you're wrong" without any substance to back it up. its funny. but thats about it.

i admit though, its hard for the average person to be open-minded and second guess what he is doing. however, your replies will come off as less desperate if you actually process everything that is being said before you post. good luck in the future.

PS. the bad thing about saying you are not going to post anymore until something useful is said is that if you do reply to this post, then you admit that i've said something useful. if you don't, well then you can never rebutt and what I've said here actually does stick with you. its a lose-lose for you, sorry.