Illegal Immigrants and Financial Aid


Dec 22, 2003
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Okay, was watching the news and it seems there is a law in california in the planning stages that would allow illegal immigrants to study at our universities AND reap financial aid. Now, this could just be my ignorance on the situation coming into play, but I don't like this, at all.
They don't pay taxes, so everything an illegal does while in the country is "free" while it isn't for me and you. This includes public transportation, public schooling, medical emergencies, and in some cases even financial aid. It's a problem, and the only solution is to make it much easier for them to attain visas or become citizens, and then deport the ones who don't take advantage of it.

In the case of universities, I would think that if they were attending school here they would be eligible for a student visa and therefore not be illegal.
I agree with the taxes bit, I knew that already. Even if they do become legal through a student visa there's still the matter of financial aid.

There needs to be a more effective means of keeping illegal immigrants out. Letting them pour in isn't going to help anything. It needs to be kept in line. Example: "Hey, we have x number( = too many) illegal immigrants, let's just make things easier for them to take money from us via financial aid." Immigration is fine if it is kept within limits, but it has gotten out of control. That's the way I see the situation anyway.
once illegal immigrants become legal they wont want to work at the traditional jobs given to illegals ..meaning more unemployment less cheap labour
I suppose that makes sense....In a way I know I should become more political, but it just seems like a bunch of gibberish that skirts around the real problem. At least, the current administration seems to emulate that ideology.
the immigration problem is the least of your worries
whats more important then stern.
the last governor tried letting illegal immigrants get drivers licences.
Well, it could escalate into a big problem eventually, right? though not immediately I guess. There are more pressing issues I agree. Can't wait till the Bush administration gets the boot.
everyone hates bush... : (
didnt bush send national guard to the border, isnt that something? anything more than that then the illegals will go protesting again, and i dont think a democrat will do much about the problem
They could just have everyone who applies for the financial aid or any other service to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person in question is a US citizen. (SSN, drivers license, birth certificate, and mailing address)
some immigrants steal identities. anyone hear how workers at the dmv were selling identies.
All I know is some of them live a nicer life than me. Not likely to stay that way, but right now I hear that they're getting free medical care, these other benefits... and not to mention jobs. I don't have a job.

Though I guess I could get a job right now if I wanted to work at burger king or mcdonalds or something.

But then i'd slit my throat. I don't want that. I'll wait for something semi better to come along.
Just give illegal immigrants same pay as local people. Problem solved. :)
Does Canada have problems with (illegal) immigrants, too, or is it only in the USA because of its border with Mexico?
Are the illegal immigrants in the USA mainly Mexicans?
everyones excuse to be lax on immigration is because its "good for the economy" I say BS! If it were good for the economy, then Mexico's economy would be booming.. and its not.
Just send them back. Problem solved. If you can't, just put them in concentration camps like Austrailia does.
Just send them back. Problem solved. If you can't, just put them in concentration camps like Austrailia does.

so what do you do with refugees that face certain death if they return? I guess you havent thought that far ahead have you? shut up please
I didn't know that Mexicans would be killed if they return....
seing that most illegals are from Mexico
yes put them in concentration camps

why waste the money? why not just scuttle their boats, tie concrete cinders around their necks and throw them overboard ...lot less expense/bother

lemonchicken/spicy tuna: ..illegal immigration is NOT solely an american problem
everyones excuse to be lax on immigration is because its "good for the economy" I say BS! If it were good for the economy, then Mexico's economy would be booming.. and its not.
Maybe it's not because they have a lack of qualified workers? (I don't know, it's just a guess)

Just send them back. Problem solved. If you can't, just put them in concentration camps like Austrailia does.
What do they have there in Australia? :O
yes put them in concentration camps

why waste the money? why not just scuttle their boats, tie concrete cinders around their necks and throw them overboard ...lot less expense/bother

lemonchicken/spicy tuna: ..illegal immigration is NOT solely an american problem

Ah, you see, North Korean refugees are not immigrants, mainly because NK DOES NOT EXIST! They're actually OUR OWN CITIZENS! (According to our consititution)

It's an evil terrorist rebel force that has rebeled against the Republic.

Therefore, excepting the spies (of which the North Koreans put them with the refugees) they should be welcomed with open arms and much fanfare, for escaping the living hell of NK.
Ah, you see, North Korean refugees are not immigrants, mainly because NK DOES NOT EXIST! They're actually OUR OWN CITIZENS! (According to our consititution)

who the **** cares what you recognize? if they reach my shores what difference does it make where they're from the concentration camps they go. Canada just recently installed a communal shower ..stranglely enough there's no towels ..or water.....

It's an evil terrorist rebel force that has rebeled against the Republic.

Therefore, excepting the spies (of which the North Koreans put them with the refugees) they should be welcomed with open arms and much fanfare, for escaping the living hell of NK.

yes yes we've all heard your little spiel on the evils of baby eating communists

so if the only real difference between illegals and "uber-patriotic-heroes-and-refugees-from-a-country-that-doesnt-exist the fact that they were caught ..had they escaped into the countryside they're illegal immigrants's off to the concentration camps they go ...we shoot escapees btw ..we try to save bullets as our military budget is tight for adults it's one bullet to the head and children it's a bullet to the heart (skill of guy pulling the trigger notwithstanding)
Well, showers is all fine and dandy, but it leaves you with the corpses, and going for mass graves isnt such a good idea. -> Leaves alot of evidence behind.
hmm, perhaps feeding to pigs in bits and pieces, then shipping those pigs off and sell them in Africa -> hence effectively they're back into the circle of life ;)
nah ..concrete cinders tied around their necks and dumped near america is good enough for us
yes put them in concentration camps

why waste the money? why not just scuttle their boats, tie concrete cinders around their necks and throw them overboard ...lot less expense/bother

lemonchicken/spicy tuna: ..illegal immigration is NOT solely an american problem

well thats true but,If we are talking about America I wouldm't know any South American Country that kills their Citizens If they they go back home.
but of course North Korea is a completely differnt story.
no one kills their citizens if they return ..they're in danger because of political ideology ..not because they left the country
so..basicly NK,Iran, and a few smaller Countrys in Africa would do this.

(kill their citezens)
no ..none of those countries have captial punishment for emigrating to another country

it's like this ..if I was say involved in a group that openly condemned say saddam hussein (back when he was in power) ..If I fled the country because of political reasons ..sending me back puts my life in danger
no one kills their citizens if they return ..they're in danger because of political ideology ..not because they left the country
At first (before they left) they were only in danger because of there political opinion, that's true, but after they've once left illegally they might really get killed for that (depends on the country :D), I think.
The richer North Koreans do leave the country (and then return home), to do business in countries like China.
mexicans deported back too mexico arent going to be killed. they just dont like living in cardboard boxes on cliffs. i think schwarzennagar vetoed the bill giving illegals college aid though.

Illegal immigrants need more rights.
ummm arnold vetoed it? and frankly they are overunning california.
Just give illegal immigrants same pay as local people. Problem solved. :)

The whole reason they are over here is because they do the work for dirt cheap. Pay them more and theres always going to be someone who will do it for less.
any compensation is better than no compensation

I watched the episose of 30 days recently where a guy who is a Minuteman (Someone who patrols the borders and reports on immigrants trying to cross the border) went to stay with a family of illegals from Mexico. The tension is extremely apparent in the first few minutes but towards the end, the guy ends up going to where they used to live in Mexico.....Didnt have a roof, they went the bathroom in a field, water from a well that was not clean at all.

Basically, it got me thinking that alot of these people have no choice. Its either spend their life starving and sick or come to America and hide. I still dont think they should be here, but it got me thinking.
i know mexico is in the toilet but they arent making america shitty too.
illegal immigrant children cost taxpayers almost 30 billion in 2005 in all of america, 7.7 billion in california. and most of them ive seen are pretty stupid, alot of mexicans were complaining about high school exit exams because it was hard. i took it in 9th grade and i easily passed it but many of them are failing it multiple times.
yes but you're native english speaking am I right? how many languages can you speak?If I put you in the middle of Mexico city would you be able to fend for yourself? how long before you;d find a job? what with the fact you were born in the US of A it should be no problem finding employment

to say that mexicans are stupid in such a general sense only reveals your level of stupdity/naivete

all of you idiots crying to close down the borders ..who will do the menial labour? you? what will you say when more american companies take their jobs overseas because they cant pay an american $22/hr to sweep the freakin floor? or pick oranges, or stuff boxes or clean houses?

some of you have to walk a mile in their shoes to understand how hard many of them have it ..I wonder how well you'd do delusional if you didnt have mommy and daddy to take care of you ..try emigrating to another country we'll see how fast you're accepted into their society ..because everyone the world around just loves americans and they'd greet you with open arms