Illegal Immigrants and Financial Aid

I really don't recall me saying to close down the borders, just that immigration should be under a more tight reign. Illegal immigrants merely cost money because we are paying for their education, medicals, etc

I know what you are saying about them doing labor for dirt cheap, but forgive me when I say I don't see the difference between them crossing the border (illegally) and doing the work, or corporations taking their jobs overseas. At least with the latter, we would save a bundle on taxes. I am not against immigration, just that it should be controlled and moderated.

PS--And what is this shit about Congress approving a 700 mile fence along the mexican border? Err, I don't see how the fence is going to stop them...

Also, calling people idiots will not accomplish anything productive and is idiotic in and of itself. An egyptian proverb once said "One is not fit to judge his neighbor's intelligence, his vital experience is never his neighbor's."
hah, 4.5 billion dollars they are costing New York per year
Well they're taking U.S money back to their country, that money belongs HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New York's taxes are high enough as it is.
Immigrants try and defend themselves by saying they are doing the jobs Americans dont want to do when Americans need these jobs, but cannot supports their families on the crap the immigrants get paid. Not many Americans would live in a 1 bedroom apartment with 5 kids, so they have to find other work. The employers are the real problem. They get away with paying their employees dirt cheap and dont have to give any kind of insurance. So when it comes down to an immigrant and an American, and one of them you can pay half and not give any benefits to, who are you going to pick, as the employer?

Financially, thats my stance. Morally, im a little more understanding
Illegal Immigration just gives businesses a way to get by with cheaper labor. That is something that is inexcusable(sp?) which accounts for exceedingly high profits that are unnecessary.
overseas sweatshops are far worse ..corporations like Nike already take their production plants to third world countries so they can circumvent things like labour rights and fair wages fact Nike has a plant in Mexico where they used child labour and what amounts to endentured slavery

ny times said:
Talking over plates of enchiladas and lemonade, Mexmode workers [Nike owned factory], who still
earn $4.50 to $5 a day, said that conditions had improved but that they did
not make enough money to support their children, and so they were forced to
rely on their parents. Most of their men, they said, migrate to the United

"How can a man support his family on $5 a day?" asked Josefina Hernández
Wasn't there a law once proposed that would not let corporations take job overseas? In any case, whether it be illegal immigration or overseas sweatshops is an injustice that should cease. Although, I can see the plight of the poorer countries.

The way I see it, it is sometimes the failure of the poorer countries who fail to contemplate a system that would stimulate their economies. And also, illegal immigrants who take jobs are also evaded by the corporations on such things like labor rights and fair wages. Although overseas sweatshops have it worse, I agree.
no, globalization/WTO encourages corporations to set up shop in overseas countries so they can exploit the workers maximise profits and line the pockets of it's shareholders
Immigrants try and defend themselves by saying they are doing the jobs Americans dont want to do when Americans need these jobs, but cannot supports their families on the crap the immigrants get paid. Not many Americans would live in a 1 bedroom apartment with 5 kids, so they have to find other work. The employers are the real problem. They get away with paying their employees dirt cheap and dont have to give any kind of insurance. So when it comes down to an immigrant and an American, and one of them you can pay half and not give any benefits to, who are you going to pick, as the employer?

Financially, thats my stance. Morally, im a little more understanding

Can you be both? Live the better life while others suffer, or allow yourself to degrade in quality of life to make things a little more equal? Such a topic, under current circumstances, shows you what life has come to be. Will we allow change or stay the same? Life.... heh.
im still pro globalization, would you work in a factory stern? because most people in first world countries arent low skilled so they can get better jobs that dont include manual labor.
and when you abolish globalization wouldnt people in the third world lose their job? can you survive of nothing? surely $5 is better, and anyway $5 is worth alot more in the third world
I really don't recall me saying to close down the borders, just that immigration should be under a more tight reign.

There's also a huge influx of Hispanic Gangs in my state as a result of lax border laws -- and its causing a lot of trouble. Citizenship rules should be stronger, not weaker.
im still pro globalization, would you work in a factory stern?

yes if I had to

because most people in first world countries arent low skilled so they can get better jobs that dont include manual labor.

that's not even remotely true ..if it were the upper to upper middle class would be the majority not the minority it currently is

and when you abolish globalization wouldnt people in the third world lose their job? can you survive of nothing?

clearly you have no clue as to what I'm talking about just know what the word means not it's implications ..who said anything about abolishing globalization? all I said is that the WTO/globalization allows corporations to exploit workers for the sake of a better profit margin ..and for the most part governments enact legislation that makes it easier for them other words multi-nat corporations make trade agreements with foreign governments that benefit them, not the citizens of their respective countries

surely $5 is better, and anyway $5 is worth alot more in the third world

well then you should sell everything and move to Sierra Leon'd be rich ..somehow I dont think you'd be willing to live in a third world country would you post your naive pontifications of global issues if you're too busy wondering if you'll be killed outright for being at the wrong place at the wrong time? it's easy to make generalised judgements on things you dont understand when there's absolutely no chance of following through on your ideas
i dont even have 5 dollars and im underage. and someone said they wanted to abolish outsourcing and thats what i was thinking my last post. manual labor jobs are in low supply in america.