Illegal Suicide?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Ok, I was just watching CSI and a guy killed himself, and I thought about on the news one time it said killing yourself is illegal, so, I mean, Why is it illegal?
What are they gonna do, put your body in prison? I don't get it...


Haha, it's illegal? Wtf... that's completely retarded.
if murder is illegal, then murdering yourself might be counted as a murder which is illegal...i dont know if that makes sense to you then i guess thats the anwser
Dude, of course it's murder, but it's funny that's it's considered as illegal... I mean...


[looooooong pause]
Nah, its because they can get you on conspiracy to commit suicide. It's there to prevent things like suicide cults.
It’s illegal because of what you might do to other people. Months ago a woman killed 2 people when she tried to kill herself in her car. Also, it's illegal because if you try it and fail they can arrest you, because you obviously have issues and shouldn’t be in public.
judge:you isr are under arrest for commit suicide,hav something to say?
judge: ok send him to prision
*body is trow to prision*
prisioner: oh my god now the cell is going to stink more
prisioner 2:hmm but hav a good ass
*prisioner 1 walks away from prisioner 2*
xcellerate said:
It’s illegal because of what you might do to other people. Months ago a woman killed 2 people when she tried to kill herself in her car. Also, it's illegal because if you try it and fail they can arrest you, because you obviously have issues and shouldn’t be in public.
i think that there was a thread on that here somewhere...
<RJMC> said:
judge:you isr are under arrest for commit suicide,hav something to say?
judge: ok send him to prision
*body is trow to prision*
prisioner: oh my god now the cell is going to stink more
prisioner 2:hmm but hav a good ass
*prisioner 1 walks away from prisioner 2*

You sir are the epitome of random.
1) Life insurance.
2) Endangerment of others.
3) Cult prevention.
4) To push people more towards seeking help rather than biting the big one.

And a couple of other reasons.

Granted there's not much the law can do if you actually succeed in offing yourself.
Absinthe said:
1) Life insurance.
2) Endangerment of others.
3) Cult prevention.
4) To push people more towards seeking help rather than biting the big one.

And a couple of other reasons.

Granted there's not much the law can do if you actually succeed in offing yourself.

I'm pretty certain the last three are NULL. Committing suicide isn't a matter of fear of breaking the law. That's the entire point, you don't fear death, thus you fear little in terms of human society.

Life insurance is the only real detterant of insurance fraud, and I'm pretty certain the entire point for making it illegal. Other than that, it's just a touchy feely 'make the rich white ****s feel safe' law.
Logically, you're right. But people are irrational and the prospect of ****ing up something as simple as suicide (like surviving) is something I believe most people wouldn't want to experience.
Absinthe said:
Logically, you're right. But people are irrational and the prospect of ****ing up something as simple as suicide (like surviving) is something I believe most people wouldn't want to experience.

I see your's a good one.
xcellerate said:
Also, it's illegal because if you try it and fail they can arrest you, because you obviously have issues and shouldn’t be in public.


So in order to show you the beauty and majesty of life, so that you will want to continue living... they arrest you and throw you in jail?

That's not right.

You're not breaking the law if you walk in the bank and change your mind about robbing it half way through.
my next door neighbor tried to commit suicide twice, they had her put into a clinic and she hasn't been back yet. She would swallow some pills get scared half way through, and call 911. So yes, in order to be shown the beauty and majesty of life they throw you, not in jail, but in a place where you can get help; whether you want it or not.

and Pesmerga, i give you:

n. planning, plotting or deliberating before doing something. Premeditation is an element in first degree murder and shows intent to commit that crime.

if that isnt enough, here's a home test you can try:
Grab your favorite rifle and put the presidents face in it's crosshairs, then call the secret service and tell them that you have the president in your crosshairs, but you've decided not to pull the trigger. Then sit back and watch what will happen.
BASICALLY, WHAT IT MEANS IS, if you attempt it and fail, you did an illegal act and youll get punished if ur living for a while.
"In the U.S. suicide has never been treated as a crime (Some states listed it on the books as a felony but imposed no penalty.) Curiously, as of 1963, six states still considered attempted suicide a crime--North and South Dakota, Washington, New Jersey, Nevada, and Oklahoma. "

"A friend of mine attempted suicide. And he was involuntarily committed (for his own protection) to the hell of the State Mental Hospital at Warm Springs, for testing and observation. Such an experience could well drive someone to suicide. Attempted suicide can be the mistake of a lifetime."

<RJMC> said:
judge:you isr are under arrest for commit suicide,hav something to say?
judge: ok send him to prision
*body is trow to prision*
prisioner: oh my god now the cell is going to stink more
prisioner 2:hmm but hav a good ass
*prisioner 1 walks away from prisioner 2*
Where would we be without RJMC? :D
Pesmerga said:
That's the entire point, you don't fear death, thus you fear little in terms of human society.
Isn't it usually the other way around?

Suicidal people fear living more than they fear death, thats why they commit suicide. To become that depressed you have got to be pretty afraid to carry on living.

There are exceptions though.
Dog-- said:
Ok, I was just watching CSI and a guy killed himself, and I thought about on the news one time it said killing yourself is illegal, so, I mean, Why is it illegal?
What are they gonna do, put your body in prison? I don't get it...


Suicide, in the eyes of the law, is a deviant act, and therefore a criminal act.

Doesn't make any sense, but yeah, that's the reason... heh

EDIT: I learnt this at A Level Sociology, so plz flame education not me kthnxbye!
In the UK, it is decriminalised, but before that it used to be a serious crime... punishable by death!
So if your holding yourself hostage to suicide, could the police officers kill you? I got that idea from the film 'Blazing saddles'

oh no!! anything but death!! you know how much i value my life!
i could never commit suicide. its selfish to your family members. all those years they looked after you and loved you, and you THROW A PIE IN THIER FACE, basically.
hell yeah, a full pie gone to waste... i mean a er human life.
So if your holding yourself hostage to suicide, could the police officers kill you? I got that idea from the film 'Blazing saddles'

I recall an event where such a thing took place. But I think the reason behind his killing was due more to him being a threat to those around him (he had a gun in a room full of people).
It is illegal so that they can arrest and protect you if you have a failed suicide atempt instead of being forced to leave you try again.
Suicide42 said:
I'm illegal?
Sorry, but yes you are. I have a GREAT hide out for you in my closet. The only rent you need to pay is a little "deed" done every night at about 11:30 PM.....

You up for it? It's the difference in your safety!
CyberPitz said:
Sorry, but yes you are. I have a GREAT hide out for you in my closet. The only rent you need to pay is a little "deed" done every night at about 11:30 PM.....

You up for it? It's the difference in your safety!


I'm discusted, yet intrigued at the same time...
KoreBolteR said:
i could never commit suicide. its selfish to your family members. all those years they looked after you and loved you, and you THROW A PIE IN THIER FACE, basically.
i think it would be something more harder than that...maybe a really big rock