I'm a skinny little man.


May 17, 2003
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And I feel so terribly about it. Or.. err.. Sorry for bad English, I feel ILL when I see my arms.

I will attach a picture of my arm, taken for about 5 minutes ago. And before you start flaming: OMG EAT FOR FCK SAKE YOU SKINNY LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT - I want to explain that:

I am eating properly. I'm eating as much as everyone else does, even MORE.

For about 4-5 years ago i grew 26 cm in ONE month, which was painfull, and since after that I've been skinny.

My body seems not to take care of all the fat I eat, it just burns it up as it comes inside.

I'm not going to a gym, since I can't stand going there with my alien-shaped arms.

I haven't been outside in just a t-shirt for 4-5 years, and I really hate beeing "nude" in public. I actually went in long armed clothes all the summers til' this one.

I feel really bad since I'm so thin, and I know, posting on an gaming-forum about your problems isn't really an good idea since most ppl here are large dicks with no brains, looking for people with troubles so they can flame then til' heaven's frooze.

Anyway, I want to hear your opinions. I've been sending this pic around on MSn, and I get pretty much "looks ok" and not so many "omg WTF EAT MAN YOU LITTLE...."

Share your thoughts and ideas and tips on what I should do.

Other info:

Age: 18
Height: 186 cm
Weight: ~59 kg


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i'm the same age and my arms are like that...don't worry about it

just have faster matabolism than some
Wouldn't get too worried about it, but goto a doctor about it anyway. They'll be able to reassure you, and they may refer you to a nutritionalist, who may then put you on some kind of diet.

Don't worry though, a lot of people are like that.
My arms were thin too until I started going to the gym a lot. Although I stopped going to the gym a while ago, so they are probably thin again :P
I've been at the doctors and they just tells me it's normal... And that I should have 2-3 sandwhiches before I go to bed.

Also, if it was normal, then why am I not seeing anyone else having this little problem? =/ Well.. The truth is out there, Scully.
Don't worry about it, if you want to bulk them up, eat more protein (fish etc) and work on weights.

Just laugh everytime you see somebody with bingo wings....

hahahha.. well.. that's true ;)

ahahhahaha.. Sorry.. HAHAHAHAHA >=D :/ nah.
Here's a site with some good information about getting in shape:


... and this is the site of one of the guys that inspired him, Anthony Ellis:


The guy in the first site was 215 pounds before he started training (and you can see his daily progress over the period of about a year in the form of a video). The second site is about a guy that used to have a lot of trouble gaining weight... which is probably more applicable to the topic at hand.
Also.. You would think that after spending three years infront of an computer with no active movementpaths, eating chips and eating fastfood very often, I would be a fat little kid who's suffering from fatness.. :o But I'm not.. I do feel that my heart isn't very well :(
Robert said:
Also, if it was normal, then why am I not seeing anyone else having this little problem? =/ Well.. The truth is out there, Scully.

trust me your reight...i'm underweight for my age apparantly but i couldn't really care to be honest because i don't feel unhealthy because of my weight
I think the only way to put on weight is working out in the gym.

But if the doctor says it's normal then the problem is probably psychological.

Why do you see it as a problem? Just be proud of yourself.
i eat a lot too, im not that skinny anymore, but i used to be reeeeeal skinny and white. just get a job that involves hard work in the sun. you will make money for getting in better shape and better looking. thats all the advice i can give you.
Well.. Starting cock.. lol.. cooking-school this autum.. :) We'll see. I'm gonna buy some carbonet-drinks etc :) Found a nice decent place. Thx all, you made my selfconcious alot better ^^, -..
Just buy some weights and get pumpin' you wuss ( :P ), and eat properly (alot of protein stuff for breakfast, eggs, fibre cereal etc).

I'm kind of in the opposite direction, have to lose some weight. But it's going incredible with working out, I love it.
I think you should think of the phisichal advantages you hav like speed and agility,if you hav them right?
Eat a proper diet and work out in a good gym with some good trainers - problem solved. You want get any leaner or better if you sit on your arse moaning on a forum about it and believe me, i have been there and i sorted myself out last November.

www.bodybuilding.com is the site that helped me, especially the forums.
Robert said:
And I feel so terribly about it. Or.. err.. Sorry for bad English, I feel ILL when I see my arms.

I will attach a picture of my arm, taken for about 5 minutes ago. And before you start flaming: OMG EAT FOR FCK SAKE YOU SKINNY LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT - I want to explain that:

I am eating properly. I'm eating as much as everyone else does, even MORE.

For about 4-5 years ago i grew 26 cm in ONE month, which was painfull, and since after that I've been skinny.

My body seems not to take care of all the fat I eat, it just burns it up as it comes inside.

I'm not going to a gym, since I can't stand going there with my alien-shaped arms.

I haven't been outside in just a t-shirt for 4-5 years, and I really hate beeing "nude" in public. I actually went in long armed clothes all the summers til' this one.

I feel really bad since I'm so thin, and I know, posting on an gaming-forum about your problems isn't really an good idea since most ppl here are large dicks with no brains, looking for people with troubles so they can flame then til' heaven's frooze.

Anyway, I want to hear your opinions. I've been sending this pic around on MSn, and I get pretty much "looks ok" and not so many "omg WTF EAT MAN YOU LITTLE...."

Share your thoughts and ideas and tips on what I should do.

Other info:

Age: 18
Height: 186 cm
Weight: ~59 kg

you're only 18, relax you'll put on weight. Best way to put on the pounds is to lift weights. Eat lots of grain (bread) and meat ..you'll gain in no time ..but you need to lift weights to stimulate your appetite
Just think of yourself as "lithe". "Slender." "Svelte." "Lean."

Much better than "skinny." That word is just so... inelegant.
I look about liek that, just add a little more muscles on since i lift alot on my job. Really, it's high metabolizm. You will grow out of it in no time. Then you'll wish you had it back. Personally I've never lifted weights, and I eat horribly wrong..but I'm starting to gain weight..I'm 20 now.. D:
Damn son...you're skinny.Also...like the others have said...work out in a gym or body build.If you just want to get bigger (not build muscle) just eat lots of fatty foods daily.
im the same :( ...its called being a hard gainer or something like that.
i have no idea about what to do :( ...clothes are a real problem too. argh
moder... its not hard. jog a mile or 2 each day (not hard, takes maybe 20 minutes total).

later on do a bunch of push ups, later do some pull ups, later do some curl ups. if you just do a little bit of ****in work each day you wont be like, rediculously skinny. hell play football with your friends or something.
lol...my arms are skinnier

The real powah is in teh legs
i'm as skinny as you. But work out using everyone else's advice here, by exercising you can only increase your muscle size... I tell you this because I used to have no biceps at all but when I started working out They grew a whole lot :)
I'm about that skinny as well; there's nothing wrong with it at all. Some people are just skinny, full stop. If you want to put on wieghts, the best thing is just a balanced diest (I eat way too many snacks and stuff, I should eat a lot more fruit and protien, but ah well). As for excercise, if you really want to, just go run around the block a couple of times, or go swimming once or twice every week. It's fun (unlike weights :x ) and doesn't take too long. I'm in my summer holidays at the moment, which means I don't get the excercise I get from school, but instead of working out or doing sports like I should be doing, I just make sure that whenever I need to go anywhere- I run there instead of getting a lift or walking :E It's fun lol :D
"moder... its not hard. jog a mile or 2 each day (not hard, takes maybe 20 minutes total).

later on do a bunch of push ups, later do some pull ups, later do some curl ups. if you just do a little bit of ****in work each day you wont be like, rediculously skinny. hell play football with your friends or something."

k so when normal people dont do any of this they get fat right ? ...and u suggest those things so they get thin ..so what makes u think that doing that will make me fat :S ?
mindless_moder said:
"moder... its not hard. jog a mile or 2 each day (not hard, takes maybe 20 minutes total).

later on do a bunch of push ups, later do some pull ups, later do some curl ups. if you just do a little bit of ****in work each day you wont be like, rediculously skinny. hell play football with your friends or something."

k so when normal people dont do any of this they get fat right ? ...and u suggest those things so they get thin ..so what makes u think that doing that will make me fat :S ?

Eating properly and working out will make most people fit, whatever there original size or shape.
it's not about getting rid of fat; skinny people don't have any. It's about building up your muscles so they're nice and strong. And you'll be fit XD
mindless_moder said:
k so when normal people dont do any of this they get fat right ? ...and u suggest those things so they get thin ..so what makes u think that doing that will make me fat :S ?
...why would you get fatter from jogging? its just to develop muscles and get active. if you want to get huge and ripped, lift weights. if you want to get a toned body do lots of use-your-own-body-to-do-stuff stuff.
Robert said:
And I feel so terribly about it. Or.. err.. Sorry for bad English, I feel ILL when I see my arms.

I will attach a picture of my arm, taken for about 5 minutes ago. And before you start flaming: OMG EAT FOR FCK SAKE YOU SKINNY LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT - I want to explain that:

I am eating properly. I'm eating as much as everyone else does, even MORE.

For about 4-5 years ago i grew 26 cm in ONE month, which was painfull, and since after that I've been skinny.

My body seems not to take care of all the fat I eat, it just burns it up as it comes inside.

I'm not going to a gym, since I can't stand going there with my alien-shaped arms.

I haven't been outside in just a t-shirt for 4-5 years, and I really hate beeing "nude" in public. I actually went in long armed clothes all the summers til' this one.

I feel really bad since I'm so thin, and I know, posting on an gaming-forum about your problems isn't really an good idea since most ppl here are large dicks with no brains, looking for people with troubles so they can flame then til' heaven's frooze.

Anyway, I want to hear your opinions. I've been sending this pic around on MSn, and I get pretty much "looks ok" and not so many "omg WTF EAT MAN YOU LITTLE...."

Share your thoughts and ideas and tips on what I should do.

Other info:

Age: 18
Height: 186 cm
Weight: ~59 kg

I was really skinny about a year ago, not as skinny as you are but still pretty skinny.
I am/was 5'9" and I weighed about 145 lbs.
I started working out about 6 months ago (though not my biceps) and I gained about twice as much muscle in my arms and chest (I had a totally flat chest and it made me sad) now I weigh about 160 lbs.
So basically, try and go to the gym, even if its for 30 minutes twice a week. I started out like that, I worked my triceps, chest, stomach, shoulders, and back for 30 minutes (1-2 sets on each) about 3 times a week. Its hard, but its worth it once you start noticing results, so keep at it. I also have very fast metabolism as i'm sure you do too, so that makes it hard to put on weight.
anyway, go to the gym if you want to see results, even if you think you'll stand out. People really dont care (at least up here) or you could even start working out at home. If you dont have weights, try lifting random things, like milk jugs haha, I don't know.
Ok enough talking, I put a picture of my cat, Jube, in my dresser drawer for no reason at all. Enjoy!
edit: oh, im 18 too btw.


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WoW, you have some real lazy cats, and they sleep in the funniest of places :laugh: Mine used to sleep in LEGO though. I can't imagine how uncomftorble that must have been...
for some reason mine always snuck into my boxers during the night. i'd wake up with a furry ass cat inmy pants, pretty harrowing.
Suicide42 said:
WoW, you have some real lazy cats, and they sleep in the funniest of places :laugh: Mine used to sleep in LEGO though. I can't imagine how uncomftorble that must have been...
Yeah its kinda wierd when you go to get clothes from your drawer, and as you're reaching down you hear a meow.
I have the exat problem, when I don't work out, instead of gaining fat like evry one else, I get skinny like a WW2 Jewish in a concentration camp, problem is you get to see my bones and I start getting a bigger head. That was like 2 years ago, I started going to the gym, and like mostly skinny people, you get marked really easilly, after a month of gym, I had a really marked body. I droped out, and now I'm trying to gain mass, I can't find any place on the net for good diest for skinny people, only for fat people. :(
Yeah man, don't feel too bad about it. I'm 18 years old (soon to be 19), I'm 5'9" (175.26cm) and I weigh 120lb (54.4kg). I've been this way for at least 2 years. I can easily wrap my thumb and middle finger around my wrist (other hand if some of you are that dense) and have a fingernail of overlap.

Here's me flexing
Here's me not flexing
Here's my upper arm as skinny as I can angle it
Here's my wrist

Our metabolism > the world.

Edit: by the way, how much does that cat weigh?

gh0st said:
for some reason mine always snuck into my boxers during the night. i'd wake up with a furry ass cat inmy pants, pretty harrowing.
That sounds like a personal problem that you should talk about with your girlfriend.

Work out. And don't worry about going to a gym. My arms were quite similar to yours, maybe even skinnier. But after a couple of months working out in a gym (I've asked trainer to make a personal work-out program for me, it costs money, but only meager 2 Euros for the program), going there every second day (one day for working out, other day is for rest), and I'm already looking better. Believe me, there are all kind of balloons and killer-like goons walking into that gym, but instead of making fun of me, which I tought they would, they only help & advice me. It's great :D And now at least I can offer protection to my girlfriend.

Eating here won't help, - I'm eating three times a day, sometimes 4. And I enjoy snacks between supper and dinner and so on. Oh and don't drink protein milkshakes or whatever they're called, because one mistake and you'll go even skinnier. A friend of mine was skinny and went to the gym drinking that protein stuff... And now he's in hospital. Of course, if you're careful enough... But I wouldn't risk it.

P.S. Sorry if I sounded like a commercial from a TV Shop.