I'm constantly 'wowed' by this screenshot.

This might be a stupid question, but is there a reason for the dried up seabed with all of the stranded ships? Does this have something to do with the Combine?
Originally posted by Bass
All we need now is for Gabe to say "listen you dumbasses, it will be out the 30th", and id be a happy man

He pretty much has
I'm looking to the dry seabed area also, I loved that part of the E3 demo trailerit was soo cool :afro:
technically- theyve only shown just a few areas in the game- wait till we see the real goods they have in store- i think their quote saying they want the buyers to discover the game for themselves means they are keeping huge secrets. That is definately the way to garuntee a goty award.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
i dont care for really claustraphobic areas...donno y....
The whole of Black Mesa was claustrophobic.
That was part of the wondrous appeal! That's how it was so atmospheric.

When I saw how open HL2 will be I was highly skeptical, but now I think it'll be great.
Originally posted by Spiffae
i always suspected that this was the inside of the citadel. it's got wireframe over it, so it's half model and half concept art. oh yeah, ant it's all cool! (lame hat on)

Wow, never saw that pic before. Nice find. Cool.
I wonder if there is a connection between the horse statue and that weird blue horse that flies by in that sequence right before the GMan says "Now isn't this just like . . . old times." See pic.


  • horse.jpg
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that pic has been my desktop wallpaper for a month now :)
It's the same thing. And for god's sake don't mention it too loudly or all those people who were trying to analyse the e3 video frame-by-frame will crawl out of the woodwrok again and all hell will break loose.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Hey something just donged on me

"donged on me" lol! Sorry, just had to point that out :) I have an image in my head of something falling on you and ringing your head like a bell.

El Chi: Gabe said there would be no Xen levels in HL2
That first screen always makes me think of Russia for whatever reason.
because city17 was modelled on anm eastern european city
YOUR WRONG. He said that there will be some. So there. Phooey. Kaput. Ass.
Another view of that mechanism:


  • machine.jpg
    75 KB · Views: 315
Originally posted by schweppes
YOUR WRONG. He said that there will be some. So there. Phooey. Kaput. Ass.

Uh, yeah, he did... IN THE FAKE INTERVIEW.
I read a while back about equations that flew past quickly at the end of the E3 vid. Anyone knew what they were and what they stood for?
Originally posted by spitcodfry

Just to think of all that went into making that small portion of City 17. I didn't notice this before (I'm sure you did, feel free to gloat about it), but this screenshot: http://www.planethalflife.com/screenshot.asp?src=/half-life2/screenshots/08.jpg appears to be a close-up of whats going on. If you look in the low to mid left corner of the first screenshot, you can see the guys standing against the wall. Looks like all Valve did was freeze time in dev mode and fly the camera up above the square. Kinda neat, huh?

I'm continually curious about the Citadel structure, which can be seen in the background of the first screenshot, and in action in the Strider movie clip. I wonder if this is actually a structure with a fully-functioning interior (like the Combine HQ or something like that), or if it just serves as a city-munching juggernaut. Thoughts?
I've seen better graphics on a PSX
The equations are related to multiverse theory, they describe metaphysical cross-dimensional interactions (well the 2 that i saw do).

In other words, i think they are hinting at either time-travel or parallel dimensional travel, but we already did the latter in HL1, so hopefully it'll be timetravel which should be cool!

I do know what i'm talking about btw as i'm studying molecular biology at uni.:dork:
I didnt know molecular biology was that related to theoretical physics :)
But ya the citadel is the location we know of that Im most interested in.
PS. Maybe the game is really going to be called Half-Life: The Two Towers seeing as how there is that silver tower and also theblack citadel, that makes me think the story will be extremely complex.
I think the "silver tower" and the "black citadel" are the same thing, just in different builds.
I think you're right commieX, i also think you're right mcnigget about the story being complex, it's valve, what do you expect:cheese:

Yeah molecualr biology is related to theoretical physics, for the few lectures that i turn up for we have had to consider the theory of a created universe, and that deals with multiverse theory and quantum prediction. To be honest i don't really understand all that much of it but i plod through, the internet is really helpful in this respect.
Here's a thought. Since they are supposedly aliens. The last level(s) might have you fighting in their mothership orbiting the earth, rather than Xen.

All this talk reminds me of the alien machine world in Unreal 2. Quite unique.
i think its a shame they aren't doing some levels in xen. I mean sure xen was sort of strange and full of too many jump puzzles. However the scenery and the ambiance were so creepy cool to me. I'd have loved to see how the source engine would depict xen. Oh well, it probably would have seemed forced on the plot to have yet another reason to go back to Xen anyway.

But come on peoples, the first time you saw te skies of Xen, where you not filled with awe and wonderment?
Why haven't we seen these shots before? Its like someone at Valve just pasted them onto a website for the heck of it.
complicated story: in an interview i heard that you work for many different factions. like theres dissent in the combine (a coup perhaps?) and with the scientists.

Probably won't be black and white

in the case of the 2 towers, if they are the same one, different builds, which one do you think is the placeholder and which one is the new "real one." I hope the black one is (the real one), the shiny silver doesn't seem to fitin as well with the atmosphere.
Originally posted by Orange
in the case of the 2 towers, if they are the same one, different builds, which one do you think is the placeholder and which one is the new "real one." I hope the black one is (the real one), the shiny silver doesn't seem to fitin as well with the atmosphere.

You are exactly right. The one in the E3 vid in the Strider clip looks awesome. I'm sure you all noticed this, but this attests to Valve's nack for attention to detail; you can actually see a pully far up on the Citadel move an attached obelisk-like object up, almost like a weight, as the rest of the structure chomps down on the ground and pushes its way into the city a little more.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Why haven't we seen these shots before? Its like someone at Valve just pasted them onto a website for the heck of it.

they were all in the pc gamer 15 page insert honey...you just probably missed them.

don't worry, now you've seen them.
Originally posted by Bass
That first screen always makes me think of Russia for whatever reason.

Well, it's an eastern European city, so I guess that's to be expected.
Originally posted by 3rd Impact
Well, it's an eastern European city, so I guess that's to be expected.

Hey, thanks for contributing nothing to my thread. At least I added the description of the spire design common in Russian architecture. Oh, and Russia isn't exactly Eastern Europe.
Re: Re: I'm constantly 'wowed' by this screenshot.

Originally posted by FAK3R
I've seen better graphics on a PSX

Ive seen pictures of george bush doin a line of coke to......
Re: Re: Re: I'm constantly 'wowed' by this screenshot.

Originally posted by crabcakes66
Ive seen pictures of george bush doin a line of coke to......

So in the screenshot with silver tower and the one with black, is that view from the same angle? It makes sense if its from different builds though cause the silver one dosent look nearly as awesome.