I'm done with CoD4 multiplayer..



for the following reasons-

A. Why are the 10 year olds that normally play Counter-Strike and Halo invading? This pisses me off

B. The new patch brought along lag

C. My M16 bullets are useless, today, I was playing S&D on TT and fired upon an enemy who was 4 inches away and my bullets went into him, but didn't hit him.

D. Turok and Frontlines have my mind set on completing

E. The maps are redundant

F. Needs more guns

G. Need something special in prestige

Anyone else starting to hate the game?
I can't get enough of COD4. There's a few things I dislike, like Martydom, Juggernaut and stuff, but the varied and large amount of weapons, upgrades and perks, plus some extremely fine tweaked and detailed maps will always keep me coming back for me.

I haven't noticed much different in the new patch - no increase of lag on my end, must of been the server you were on/the hosts bad connection, which I'd also say was probably the reason for the latency with the M16 rounds - but I did notice that air strikes now have a pretty dramatic kill cam, as well as underslung grenades. Awesome to watch, even if I did just die.

Or have those always been there and I'm just to use to Team Hardcore, where deathcams are off, to have noticed them before?

I'm finding prestige to be very rewarding too now that I'm finally actually being rewarded stuff for my gaming. If you ask me it does give back quite a lot - for obvious reasons it improves your handling of the weapons seeing that you've had to use them all a few times over to unlock the later more used weapons like the G36C or P90. You start to see a difference with your skill, and things like scopes, grips and perks that stabalize the gun become something you don't bother with. At least for me anyway. Blank M4 and AK47 ftw.
I'm still into CoD4 multi, but since the patch I haven't been able to find a single game that isn't lagged. It's always a bit hit and miss given my location, but usually by the 3rd or 4th try at the most I'll have a decent Aussie game atleast. Now I get yellow bars if I'm lucky, and my bullets hit nothing but air. :|

Can't say if it's actually the patch or just a run of really bad luck. Have alot of people been experiencing this?
Roll Call for crap lag patch
Only lag I've been experiencing is computer lag >.<
Other then that I'm fine.
I am slightly over CoD4 though. I've got my lvl 55 rank and have now started to get back into CSS. I used to be really good at CSS but now I really suck lol. CoD4 recoil is so different to some of the guns in counter strike.
PC version should have the prestige & barracks options.

I now officially prefer it on console though, because I get motion-sickness when watching it close up on my monitor. It may be because I have a basic Dell 19", or I have a bad graphics card, but all my other games are fine.

To stop it becoming too boring, don't play it as much.
People have knowledge on the modern times, so people start complaining about CoD4 content.
Where as...
People who play CoD1/2/3 don't have that much knowledge of the time period, and don't complain at all.


And as for the rest, it's inevitable.
CoD4 is an awesome game over LAN. I rofl at my friends as they get pissed when I keep killing them with my grenade launcher. :D
Fail. CoD 4 MP will have me coming back for years. The servers I go on a usually really friendly apart from the odd dickhead. The M16 is the best weapon on the game apart from the RPG of course, if you emptied an entire clip at him at that range, did it ever occur to you that you missed entirely? The maps are brilliantly designed for combat purposes and more weapons? Wtf?
My only gripes are with the maps, they're too damn small... except for Pipeline and Overgrown, they're perfectly sized.
And there's no server ability to disable helicopters. D:

Other than that I have so much fun with it, great firefights, lots of close-calls, satisfying kills, a small sense of accomplishment when you rank up and complete objectives or successfully blow up objectives in S&D/Sabotage after blowing through a bunch of enemies.

I don't see myself getting tired of the game anytime soon, especially not when they just released the Mod Tools a while back.
We should be seeing some sweet mods in the coming months/years.
Does anyone know of any servers (preferably not hard-core) that have alot of voice-chat? I've heard maybe 3-4 people talk since I got it in November...
lol what do you expect from xbox live. there are too many kiddies and asshats who play the game along with ppl who just talk shit on the mic.
Does anyone know of any servers (preferably not hard-core) that have alot of voice-chat? I've heard maybe 3-4 people talk since I got it in November...
Search and Destroy
Your angst trolling never ceases to make my blood boil, giant. It's as iff Xbox Live came over to your house and kicked your dog or something. Just feck off if you don't like it. No one cares.

Citrus: PC or Xbox? I'd presume PC as you can't choose servers on the 360, but I usually talk to people all the time on the 360.
you seem to be the only person who finds every post from me about 360 to be trolling.

im just telling the truth and you know it.
The ''truth'' there is nothing but a generalization, because the truth would mean you have played EVERY single player and then have the fair ground to state that all however many million players are ''asshats'' and ''shit talkers''

So no, no I don't.

Moving on...
giant: We know that Xbox Live has 12 year olds and mic spam. We... ugh. We get it. It's not some fantastic revelation that makes Xbox Live a suddenly horrible system.

Normally I wouldn't call it trolling, except you seem to parrot this shit at every possible opportunity. And if it's not to get a rise out of people, then what do you do it for? If you were trying to make a valid point, you could do a lot better than that. But you don't, so all we see is you being pissy about an online system that is no better or worse than the online network for any other gaming platform.
I used to play COD4 6 hours a day, now its 5 hours a week..... I need something new to do.:hmph:
giant: We know that Xbox Live has 12 year olds and mic spam. We... ugh. We get it. It's not some fantastic revelation that makes Xbox Live a suddenly horrible system.

Normally I wouldn't call it trolling, except you seem to parrot this shit at every possible opportunity. And if it's not to get a rise out of people, then what do you do it for? If you were trying to make a valid point, you could do a lot better than that. But you don't, so all we see is you being pissy about an online system that is no better or worse than the online network for any other gaming platform.

i was never putting down xbox live and if you know it then thats great......both you replying to my messages seem to make them even more pissy when i never even meant it to be.

if you dont like it then dont respond to it......is it really that hard???? this thread is asking for an opinion and thats what the thread gets.
Your opinion is flawed, is all. You state things like all players are this and that as if it's fact, then you even go on to say it's the truth when it's quite blatently wrong.

Not to mention that this thread had nothing to do with the attitudes of players, so why the opinion? Someone asked for a server that had people that talk, as the person hadn't came across many, then out of the blue you come with some absurd statement that all players are asshats and talk shit, which doesn't even make any sense when Citrus said just before he doesn't even come across people that talk full stop.

Save it for another thread, one perhaps to do with players.
When you basically become a god on a server for that one map, slaughtering everyone, preferably with a silenced P90 from behind them all in the same building (always a laugh), COD4 shines.

Theres some overpowered stuff like Juggernaught and Martydom (grrrrrr), and yeah maps are too small (who the hell made the container map, i mean wtf), but its better than CS I think, and getting new weapons is always a good reason to come back.
What works best with the maps is the control points. I don't mean in Domination, I mean the actual landmarks where battles take place. For example, when one team holds the three storey building on Crash and the others attack, or a team holds the attic in Overgrown, or the barn. A lot of the maps, whilst small, work really well because of how detailed they are (having the abilities to go through and over some buildings, alley ways, streets, etc) and with these points comes the abilities for either attacker or defender to break through each others lines and hold another stand off someplace else.

But some maps are just too fast paced and souless for any real attack and defend like scenarios. Countdown (is that the one with the missiles, or is it Crossfire?) doesn't work at all because the game just ends up with each team chasing the other teams tail around the map until one or the other gets trapped in the hangers. Another map, Backlot, suffers the same style of play where instead of coordinated attacks on positions, it just ends up with enemies spawning behind you and on your flank.
Whats great is every stronghold position has a weak spot to it. Like the MGs in Overgrown, theyll tear you to shreads, so just run to the left or right of the map and sneak up behind them, free knife kill.
I tried once again and it wasn't half bad, the lag was gone and my bullets killed.

I will keep playing for now, but we'll see.

Also, tonight, this happened
You'll never get into a good college!
Your 5 F*cker, you wont get into a good college
I'm surprised people aren't annoyed at the endless grenade spamming, martyrdom and the fact that juggernaut is a MUCH better perk than stopping power is.
Dude, join my private match on shipment
when you run out of RPG's, you must cook a grenade and blow yourself up

Emporius, Freeman and others do this alot
Juggernaut isn't all that great. It's annoying at times but if you get the jump on someone (which is usually how I get a kill on someone anyway), a couple of extra shots isn't going to make the difference, unless you're a crap shot. Stopping power can be useful for something like the M4 or G3, which are accurate with minimal recoil but none too powerful. It'll cut the shots needed for a kill down from 3-5 to 2-4 in general, 1 for a headshot. Just don't bother with it on weapons that are already powerful enough without it.

Martyrdom is a joke. The only time I get killed by it is from an enemy killed by a teammate that I didn't notice, or on a laggy server where I couldn't sprint away quickly enough. Besides that, just listen for the telltale jingle when they die, or stay away from corpses altogether. Doesn't hurt to wait a few seconds to be sure.
Martydom is so ****ing stupid on Team Hardcore. I can't believe some people are dumb enough to keep it equipped in a friendly fire game. The amount of times I've been TK'd...

Juggernaut annoys me when you're just getting a shot in on someone running from cover and they reach it in time, surviving, when if they didn't have it on they'd be dead. Just mildly frustrating.
what kinda stuff do you unlock in Prestige mode? i'm debating if it's worth getting through the 50-55 grind.
Can I play Call of Duty 4?

Buy it for me!
PC version doesnt need Prestige...you want to start over, just make a new account...console gamers cant do that...

I used to have dozens of games installed on my PC...now that I finished Crysis last week, the only two left are COD4 and DiRT (Im making a sequel to my crash vid...) and after that the only thing that looks interesting to me is Mass Effect...
PC version doesnt need Prestige...you want to start over, just make a new account...console gamers cant do that...

I used to have dozens of games installed on my PC...now that I finished Crysis last week, the only two left are COD4 and DiRT (Im making a sequel to my crash vid...) and after that the only thing that looks interesting to me is Mass Effect...

where may I view this crash video?