I'm doomed


Nov 20, 2004
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I just went over to a friend's house and got stoned. After hunting for munchies for a good while, I came across a box of granola bars- stoner heaven. So after I've eaten two, I turn over the box, and lo and behold, they're "Fiber Bars", with "35% of your daily fiber needs!"

God help me. If I never post again, it's because I shat out my spinal cord and died a miserable, humiliating, stinky death.

EDIT: also, if you try to turn this into an anti-weed argument, you can go f*ck yourself. I'm looking at you, nemesis6.

Gimme the rest. Can never be too careful with deadly narcotics.

/hides papers
you're a bad boy nightshade for
a) not using the avatar I made for you because you couldn't
b) smoking, you know I'm only saying this to make you defensive
c) stealing other peoples food

When you see it, you'll shit bricks so big it'll knock you two years in the past.
Honestly, you'd think people like Sidewinder would have more pressing matters to tend to.

Like breaking Paris Hilton out of prison.
oh man, last night i had horrible munchies and ate an entire plate full of steak and peppers and mushrooms :)
Pork scratchings solve munchies of all kinds!

Also beef jerky.

hmm, it works here, but might need resizing for avatar

(it was frozen for me when I uploaded it as well)
Yeah, I have problems with gifs as an avatard as well. They NEVER work.

And I must say, I hold it in for 5 days at a time usually...so I'm sure you're probably going to have the same amount of it to go through that I do usually...

you'll be fine :D
Yeah we had that convo about your shit on msn Paul :O :D :p

Yeah, I have problems with gifs as an avatard as well. They NEVER work.

And I must say, I hold it in for 5 days at a time usually...so I'm sure you're probably going to have the same amount of it to go through that I do usually...

you'll be fine :D
You poop once every five days???

I poop 3-5 times a day!
Fiber isn't a laxative Nightshade, at worst your shit will come out like a brown banana with the texture of toothpaste

Or you get colon cancer


hmm, it works here, but might need resizing for avatar

(it was frozen for me when I uploaded it as well)

The actual image needs to be 50x50 when uploaded for it to work.
This thread is made of win, last night I went home with munchies and ate 4 ice-cream sandwiches. Great that in this town you never have to pay for stuff you just tag along with someone who has. Even if you're risking smoking dry lung destroying crap and having two days worth of cotton mouth :(.
This thread is made of win, last night I went home with munchies and ate 4 ice-cream sandwiches. Great that in this town you never have to pay for stuff you just tag along with someone who has. Even if you're risking smoking dry lung destroying crap and having two days worth of cotton mouth :(.
Lame, I eat four ice cream sandwiches when I'm NOT high.
Ice cream sandwiches...but...the bread...all...eh?

By the way: I can't upload animated avatars which is why I haven't changed this one in years. I'm afraid I'd never be able to get it back. D:
wtf? Sulk doesnt know what ice cream sandwiches are?

You poor depraved child you.
Last time I smoked, my munchies took me to new heights:
A Chinese buffet.

Ate calamari, sushi, veggie lo mein DRENCHED in soy sauce, coconut shrimp, fried steak, and a **** load of pastries.

Good God... my stomach had never been so ****ed up before that night, backed up my toilet with shit and vomit.