I'm doomed

People, please tame your finger tips when replying to Xendance's post.
J clearly stated that he didn't want any anti-smoking remarks in this thread, can't you ****ing read? :|

welcome to hl2.net. Where thread topics are ignored and people post whatever they want.

There are jerks who don't do drugs too.
Ice-cream ON BREAD?!
Alright, if you think this thread is funny, then get this:

I was so out of it last night that when I woke up today, I'd completely forgotten about making the thread/eating the granola bars. Hence, I spent the entire day wondering why the flying f*ck I was crapping out my intestines... until I stumbled on the thread I made last night.


Another win foe the interwebs!
I ate the Dairy Queen variety, for this familiar

Lookin somewhat likes this:


They aren't as heavy as the regular variety cus they use fat free icecream. Still delicious though.

Thats no sandwich!

A sandwich needs bread!


chocolate bread D: D:
Yeah all the people from UK/Wales are confused, haha.

These aint' your regular sammiches.

I see sulk sitting there imagining two pieces of whole grain bread with a sloppy chunk of ice cream in the middle being absorbed into the bread, D: D:

I'd probably eat that if I was smoked up a good bit though.
Mmm. Ice cream sandwhiches. Pure excellence. I myself am particularly fond of the variety with chocolate chip cookie "bread" rather than the plain chocolate kind.
How in the hell is that a sandwich!? You damned freaks over the other side of the world..
How in the hell is that a sandwich!? You damned freaks over the other side of the world..

It's not actually a sandwich. Think two chocolate (or, occasionally, chocolate-chip vanilla) cookies, with a slab of icecream in between, all frozen. It's delicious :D

Also, BHC, I take it you've never had WaffleCream sandwiches? You take two eggo waffles, toast them, and then spread vanilla icecream between them as quickly as you can, and eat it before it melts. Delicious when sober, salvation when stoned :D
Ice cream sandwiches...but...the bread...all...eh?

By the way: I can't upload animated avatars which is why I haven't changed this one in years. I'm afraid I'd never be able to get it back. D:

Are you sure you guys just aren't trying to upload one that uses too much memory? The limit is really low.. might have to compress (lower colors, replicate duplicate animation frames) it with an animator utility.... oh and 50x50 like someone said.

BTW that toilet bowl with the cinder block sized shit wins. Desktop?

BTW i thought the definition of a sandwich is anything 'sandwiched' between two of the same. We actually use sandwich as a separate word. for example, 'me and my friend sandwiched that bitch.', or when describing something like two huge trucks crushing a car in teh middle.

I used to make jam sandwiches. Two pieces of bread 'jammed' together.
I'm fairly sure I've had an ice cream sandwich before, or something a lot similar. Might've been wafer instead of biscuit.

I've had more icecream sandwhiches than days of the year.