I'm drunk/ girl problem two....


Jul 4, 2003
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Ok so i have had prior female problems earlier, but his one is different... Any this chick is really sweet and really nice, and definately very VERY cute, My problem is i don't know how to tell her i like her because we are friennds and i don't want things to be ackward so how should i approach her? :afro:
Erk, been there... told her, still great mates :)

I just said it plain and simple, that I had a thing for her, but I didn't really want to be more than friends

Change that to suit your needs :)
Well it could be my low self confidence but this girl is very pretty, and i don't think im all that much to look at, and i think if i try to be straight forward i don't know if she'll say yes or completly reject me and not consider me a friend anymore... I got my best mate on the case right now working for me so hes going to see whats up with her and if she likes me to gauge her reaction... i might try to be totaly forward with her though, if experience has taught me anything its that the truth always works :)
1) Sounds like your just lusting after her cause she's good looking, Nothing else really there.. I'd in this case stick with her as mates, cute girl attracts cute friends, and cute friends always listen to their cute friends, so you could use it to your advantage, unless she becomes a lesbian, then she might take the cuties before you can, but well yeah that can be fun too if ya get my drift ;)

2) Getting your mate on the case, worst thing you could do, chances are he'll end up with her, always happens that way and it sucks heh. Best get rid of all your mates and get really ugly mates, far uglier than you seem to think you are. Your safer then ;)
I hate when people get drunk and start babbling about love-problems...
Well yeah i want to get some, but more importantly i want to date her, she is really nice and a great personality my mate (alvey) is on the case, i know i can trust him cuz they are cousins :) and he is cool with its not just lust, i really like her for who she is, but i don't know if its mutual (sp?) She seems kinda picky though so im worried
I hate when people say they hate when people get drunk and start babbling about love problems.. come on frank, i thought you were a cool guy.. what happened?
Thats the hard part mrbadger see i'm worried about the ackwardenss, i'm afraid we won't be friends after that cuz she won't want to come out with us anymore because of me.
In my situation it wasn't awkward afterwards.... becuase we both knew exactly waht was going on, and if shes a good mate, then she won't let it be awkward.. :)
ok badger you talked me into it, tomorrow at bw3's i'll tell her how i feel! I'm nervous but i'll manage :)
Heh best of luck my friend... my advice, if she says no, and decides she doesn't want to be your friend, then she wasn't worth it.
For me personally, I'd go for it casually, see what she says, and if she says no, I pretend it never happened, and I'm no longer interested in dating that person. I figure what's the point of dating a person who isn't interested in me, so as far as I'm concerned it is no loss. Rejection? It happens, but personally I don't give ***t.

On that note, I've occasionally asked out girls in a very creative 'cute' (in their terms)way, just because I know she'll tell all of her friends. Girls can't resist talking about it. ....Anyways...

One of my approaches if it is a friend is something like...

"We've known eachother for a while, you're good loking, you've got a great personality, and...(2-3 other personalized qualities). You have all the qualities I look for in a girl. Now I don't want to make it aquard between us, but I'd like to go out on a date with you and see what happens."

If it is someone you met within the last 1.5 months, deffiently do something creative. There's a chance she's in the middle of the crush stage or undecided stage.
innervision dunno whether it's too late for my advice but...i'd say wait two weeks, have a good christmas, have a good new years, get drunk plenty, go out meet new people, and if after two weeks you feel the same then go for it. half the time i change my opinion about who i'd like to be with, so i've learnt to just let it sit for a while to see whether it feels 'right'. apart from that just be honest like badger said.

Theres so much good advice in this thread :)

Anyway... I forgot to point out that I waited for about a month before actually telling her... just to make sure I felt that way :)
Innervision961 said:
I hate when people say they hate when people get drunk and start babbling about love problems.. come on frank, i thought you were a cool guy.. what happened?

What bothers me is why people have to be drunk to admit things. To me it seems as if they're ashamed of what they really think and needs the boose to make them confess...
Lots of good advice, thanks guys! It makes sense, i'll wait till' after the new year and see what happens i suppose... Oh Frank I was just messing with you man, everyone is entitled to their own opinion (and btw i'm sober now so it didn't matter if I were drunk or not, i'm not ashamed to admit it either way)
ooo. Hmm. You could also do what I did. Give her some sort of gift that you would feel comfortable giving her. Yes, doing something creative does help. I remember that during class, I made this ring made from a $1 bill and gave it to her. She loved it. I suggest doing something "cute" or creative just to break the seal. Usually, you'll feel more confident if you know you have done something that pleases her.
i babbl3 when drunk 2!1!1!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111khbujhbbujoubgduhuh r r 8344ra54r

*thehunter1320 dies from having his head smashed on the keyboard cause he didn't pick up the drink tab for his girlfriend
When I read your other "depressed" thread, I just knew it had little to do with job or money, it was because of a girl. Yeah no matter how bad things go in life, only girls can make you depressed enough to ask for advice (same happened to me, I know).

Don't worry about loosing her as a friend if she rejects you. After that you'll see that you wanted to be friends with her only because you loved her. And she probably just didn't want to upset you.

Be careful about gifts .. you don't want that thing in your house or car if you get rejected. I was left with this expensive unopened box of chocolate in my car and had to go dispose of it (much harder to do then it sounds). I think I just placed it on the sidewalk or something ... :(

So thats the only advice I can give you .. :(
Hey, fear of rejection is better then finally asking someone out, they accept only to tell you a week later they "just want to be friends" and/or staying with you for 8 months only to call you and use the same line, on your birthday no less.
every time i dont do something that envolves a girl, i almost always regret it. when all is said and done its the things in life you didnt do that you regret.