I'm getting a ds tomorrow!


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I'm hopefully getting one tomorrow!
My local bestbuy has 84 of them, I'm going in right at opening to get one (getting there 30 mins before opening)

I can't wait!
very cool little machine, id buy one but not enough games out right now that i like.
Tork said:
very cool little machine, id buy one but not enough games out right now that i like.
yeah, I'm just going to get super mario 64 ds with it, retailers are saying if you cant get one tomorrow you'll have to wait till january to get one.
I'm jealous :( (no money)

There's so many DS games coming out that I want. The new Yoshi title that involves drawing platforms looks like one of the greatest gaming ideas ever :)
Lol, I had my mouse partway over that and read it as

"I'm going to die tomorrow!"
i would only consider buying it if they start getting some more games out for it
I'll get it when I can. Which is like 7 days from now. It looks awsome.
Im getting DS today. But now I got to decide wheter I want to buy WOW this week and put getting a PSP till about a week after it launches. Or not get WOW and instead get a PSP. There is so many things coming out im nearly bankrupt. Shouldnt have got my speakers they were a waste of money.

I wish DS would get some more games though. The one im looking forward to is Advanced Wars DS. There isnt a single launch title im looking forward to. I would hold of and get DS when Advanced Wars came out but Best Buy is offering a discount on the DS for sunday only and I dont think these things are going to drop in price untill the summer.