I'm going to post what I think

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
I'm going to say it flat out:

Everyone pissed at Valve, needs to grow the **** up. Their game was delayed. It happens. Get over it.
I think what Top Secret means to say is.

"There's a lot of people out there who are somewhat anti-valve because of the delay. It should of been semi-expected because the original Half-Life and a couple of other games were delayed too but this time around there were unforeseen circumstances such as the digital break-in, the world wide internet distribution of the stolen beta and the sharing of code that shouldn't of fallen into the wrong hands at such an early stage, if at all.

These people need to understand that Valve aren't directly responsible for the long delay we've all had to endure and Top Secret hopes people will understand this when pondering about slating the fun loving company we've all come to recognize as 'one of us.

Oh and, grow the **** up."

Yeah, that's about it. :D I hope that if people joing the 'Anti-Valve' boat, they at least analyse what happened instead of jumping on the bandwagon.
Top Secret said:
I'm going to say it flat out:

Everyone pissed at Valve, needs to grow the **** up. Their game was delayed. It happens. Get over it.

you needed a whole new topic for this? everyone has opinions dont like it? eat a fat d*ck and get over and leave. :LOL:
Pitbul said:
you needed a whole new topic for this? everyone has opinions dont like it? eat a fat d*ck and get over and leave. :LOL:

Pitbul, YOU really need to grow up :cheese:
I doubt that anyone here is truly "anti-valve", they are just mad. That's why they keep coming back to our humble forums :)
Most people aren't pissed about the delay, but the way Valve has been screwing us over for months. Being absolutely adament about the September 30 release date until less than two weeks before release, for example.

When their soure code was stolen and HL2.net posted a thread by Gabe Newell asking for help from the community, he was given absolutely outstanding support. The thread grew so quickly it was all but impossible to follow it for the first couple of days.

We, as a community, only ask that Valve offer us even just a fraction of the support we have shown them by letting us know what the hell is going on with both HL2 and CS:CZ, and maybe even TF2.
@ Top Secret:
wrong forum.

and the funny thing is that... the people bad mouthing valve are going to buy it regardless... well more than likely.

however you have to respect people are going to feel the way that they are going to feel.
telling someone to grow up, is juevenile (let alone creating an entire thread dedicated to it)... kids say that to eachother in the playground while chomping on their PB&Js.
and the funny thing is that... the people bad mouthing valve are going to buy it regardless... well more than likely.

I've read many posts about how people are now going to pirate Half-Life 2 just out of their anger with Valve. It just doesn't seem right to me.
I'm not really mad at them. I just play a different game or go out and do s*it. Doesn't bother me that much. :)
I'm not really mad at them. I just play a different game or go out and do s*it. Doesn't bother me that much.

I think being neutral is the best position you could be in right now.
Yes, lets all pretend that we're neutrons, mmm neutrons
Being angry is a choice. You can't change anybody's minds by giving them information. They have a choice of how to look at what they see (and what they don't bother seeing)..
1. Valve said sept.30 but when asked to promise that date, Gabe only promised a good game. Many times they said they were 'aiming' for sept.30. Because the date was asked over and over and over again in every interview and email and they kept answering the same, you can think that they 'promised' sept.30. Otherwise you could just realize that sept.30 was their aiming date much like 'holiday season' was too. They never promised it.
2. Some look at the media and conclude Source is already outdated. This is mainly the idea that the videos or the leak were the latest graphical technology. If it were, then Source may be outdated. Others, however, would see that Valve has said that they have finalized 'a lot' of graphical effects after E3 (and we know HDR is one of those) and that Valve uses the Cabal system of development whereby graphics, levels, sound, etc are all developed at stages and often visual polished is left for the end.
Top Secret said:
I'm going to say it flat out:

Everyone pissed at Valve, needs to grow the **** up. Their game was delayed. It happens. Get over it.
People get angry, it happens, get over it.
Ok this is kind of Off-Topic but why hasn't Pitbul been banned? all he ever does is bag people.

On-Topic now: anyone can be pissed off at Valve if they want to, i dont really care, i doubt Valve will care either, because all these people who are pissed off at Valve will come running back as soon as HL2 is released
Ok here's an idea for all those people who are pissed at Valve because HL2 is delayed. *step outside, take a breath, and relax*. Then think to yourself "I'm getting mad at a video game company because their game was delayed" sounds kind of stupid, don't you think? Sure I'd like to play it just as much as the other guy but getting "Pissed" or "anti-valve" isn't going to make the game come out sooner. The game will come out when it comes out. The people who are pissed are the people who don't have anything better to do then sit in their little room and ponder why they're not playing HL2 yet. GO OUTSIDE!
Many people arent pissed off at the games delay, rather the way valve handled the delays.

At first, september 30 was highly unlikely, but they pushed that fact that it will be out sept 30. if they came out and just said, "Look guys, we misestimated how long it would take us to finish up the game, give us another X months."

then after the leak there was a little info, then silence. Knowing that the hl2 community is one of the most fanatical, id have hoped they would at least say look, the leak was most unfortunate, gonna take us a while, in the mean time here are some more screenshots.

ive had my attention diverted to other games for quite a while now, so im not pissed coz i know that valve will deliver a good game whenever its released. hopefully after hl2 they will hire some new PR guys to smooth over any future bumps.