I'm hating Half Life 2!!!



Well everyone, I can't stand it any longer...........now I have to scream, for me ---- Half Life 2 is nooooooooooooo fun! :flame: :angry: :rolleyes:

Although, I will admit that HL2 has the best graphics I've ever seen, hands down, I really am not enjoying the game. I like to play FPS games to shoot and kill and blow stuff up - not to solve frickin' physics puzzles and learn rocket science.

I've made 4 levels so far and have to admit that I'm disappointed in the gameplay. I guess if you're into solving complex riddles and puzzles instead of having fun shooting bad guys, then HL2 is the game for you.

I am however thinking of looking up the cheats just so I can go through all the levels and see the beautiful graphics and kill everything.;) :p :cheese: .

Oh well, to each his own, but I'll stick to Unreal Tournament, F.E.A.R. and Painkiller for now. Those games are all about killing and there is very little puzzle work involved.

That's my 2 cents, Prozac23
The "physics" puzzles take 30 seconds to complete...
half life 2 isnt meant to just be about the killing. its about a story that you go through with fighting involved. Games are boring if all you do is repeatative shooting and nothing new comes up. Personally i would rather play through a story. If your bored in the game then i recommend you start at the sandtraps level and go on from there then it gets fun :D.
:LOL: If you don't have the sufficient brain power to solve very simplistic physics puzzles in a computer game then life is going to be troublesome for you I'm afraid. I'm going to assume you have made no attempt to understand the story of the game either?
You probably should have looked up the game a little more. The puzzles only make up a little of the gameplay anyway. There are much more combat-orientated levels to come.
You probably like Run-N-Gun games, hl2 is not that type of a game, its a more serious game for...mature...people i guess, who can sit down and relax and think. Go play halo or Quake2 if you wanna run-n-gun.
Well, come on its his choice to dislike Half Life 2, he just likes games such as DOOM or F.E.A.R. (both of which I enjoyed too).

But my question is, why post this on a forum full of people that enjoy the game??? Makes no sense to me...

If you want to complain that the game is no fun, this isnt the place to do it.
You guys are correct! I'm not into gaming for stories, I can watch a really good movie if I want to experience a good story, or read a good novel for that matter.

But when I want to blow off steam (no pun intended):LOL: I DO NOT want to solve ANYTHING. I just want to play repetitive killing games. For me that's a fun stress reliever. Call it what you want - but I call it fun.

Unlike HL2, Prozac23
BTW: I got no beef with any of you guys or this forum. I think it's really great, and if you're into the HL2 gamestyle, then this is the forum I'd recommend.:)

(I posted in this forum, because this is the audience that I wanted to hear from...the people that love the game.) not to slam the game per se. And everyone has their own definition fo mature and relaxing.
Half-life 2 takes FPS gameplay in an new direction. In my opinion at least. There's plenty of action to come anyway.
Counter-Strike? Great graphics + repetitive shooting!
Can still remember a guy who stopped after the train ride in half life 1 beceause he felt in sleep or something :upstare:

Some people are homosexual and some people dont like half life; there is something wrong
You guys are correct! I'm not into gaming for stories, I can watch a really good movie if I want to experience a good story, or read a good novel for that matter.

But when I want to blow off steam (no pun intended):LOL: I DO NOT want to solve ANYTHING. I just want to play repetitive killing games. For me that's a fun stress reliever. Call it what you want - but I call it fun.

Unlike HL2, Prozac23
BTW: I got no beef with any of you guys or this forum. I think it's really great, and if you're into the HL2 gamestyle, then this is the forum I'd recommend.:)

(I posted in this forum, because this is the audience that I wanted to hear from...the people that love the game.) not to slam the game per se. And everyone has their own definition fo mature and relaxing.

The big part made me wonder... If you can get a good story in all those places... why mot a game? Come on dude, use your head. Gaming can be anyting the creators imagine, just like a movie. Hell, they can make movies about videogames. And those are usually the ones with a pretty good story, and or concept. Then you might be thinking "Why not just play the game?" Well I just wanna say, why don't you stfu and let me enjoy my media? :| If you don't like it, then don't come to me about it, get over it... (that was for if you were thinking the quote)If you ONLY don't like it because you think that a movie would be better, then why don't you go find me an action movie that would be even a little bit more entertaining than half-life? (I don't want to come off rude, on the contrary, sometimes I type more critically than I realize... so I'm not sure how to change this to fit the way I want it to sound, so just let it sound polite... :| :))

You should really go to halo, quake, doom, or DN for blowing off steam. HL2 is more for when you're just bored and need something to do. :)

But really, sometimes the puzzles can make you feel better if you could never quite figure out how to do them, and just got lucky, then you figure out what to do, as soon as you do you think "I'M REALLY SMART!!! ^^" But, they also might piss you off to the extent that you bash your hands on the keyboard till they fly off, then bash your head on it to where you're bleeding from your eyes... (Been there done that... Or felt like it anyways) But for the "Blowing off steam" Just save at the parts where theres a lot of killing, like "anticitizen one", or "follow freeman!" In fact, "We don't go to ravenholm..." can be quite fun. Lighting zombies on fire, and cutting them in half has never gotten boring for me. :)

So, try that, and you should be set with HL2. :D
So playing HL2 has taught me rocket physics? Well shit, I could become an editor for wikipedia with those creds.
Can still remember a guy who stopped after the train ride in half life 1 beceause he felt in sleep or something :upstare:

Some people are homosexual and some people dont like half life; there is something wrong

So being homosexual is bad?

Shit, this isn't politics.
what puzzles are you talking about specifically? I can imagine how long it must of taken you get past this part

is not fault of hl2 that your brain cant process it
Why be harsh towards him ? He never said he had difficulty solving the puzzles he simply said that he didn't want to waste time doing them when he could be killing people or blowing stuff up, honestly give the guy a break, if he doesn't like it then so be it, no need to sit there slagging him.
*secretly helps Drackard with HL2 puzzles*
I got stuck at that bit where you have to swim down and break the wood so that the wooden crates float up. I got stuck there for so long...

But i never didn't want to play.
I got stuck at that bit where you have to swim down and break the wood so that the wooden crates float up. I got stuck there for so long...

But i never didn't want to play.

less O2 makes level a bit harder.
I thoroughly enjoy some FPSs for the run-n-gun experience - Painkiller is an absolute joy for this. If I wasn't looking forward to some puzzles or in-depth storyline, I'd be disappointed by HL2 as well. Perhaps the same way many of us are disappointed by other FPSs that don't have as well a laid out game and storyline as HL2. It's just his point of view. Note to Prozac23: stick with it. There are many cheats to get around these parts and there are very good pitched battles throughout the game. For example, you may not have gotten to this part yet (if you're worried about spoilers, stop here), but there's a part where you must throw bits of debris across a sandy area to 'walk' across it. If you step on the sand, the ant lions will come out and get you. You can spend a lot of time finding the shortest way, possible shortcuts, dragging debris with you to get across safely or you can just noclip to the next area, where there's a pretty fun battle. Don't forsake the game because of these puzzle areas - there are fun fights to be had.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Maybe I was just in a bad mood when I last played HL2 and became frustrated. And thanks for the defense from some of you posters, and I don't mind the flames at all - when you're passionate about a particular game, it is easy to get fired up when someone else knocks it a bit.

I think my pride got hurt during the game, and I got frustrated because I couldn't even FIND my next puzzle...LOL. I'm sure with the help from you kind folks here at HalfLife2.net forum I could more easily figure the game out and therefore enjoy it more.

HL2 is kind of like sipping - slowly - on a fine wine and trying to figure out the meaning of life, as opposed to ALL the other games I've played which are pure shooters.

Having seen the big response I got from this post, I think I may give it some more time and maybe you guys and gals will help me solve the puzzles to a point where playing the game can be enjoyed the way it was intended to be.

Thanks for all the feedback, Prozac :cheers: :thumbs:
I'm probably the most retarded person in the universe, and I had no problem solving those physics puzzles at all, actually. I honestly don't see how they could be even remotely taking any considerable amount of time away from your "killing fest."
Look! A considerate newbie!

Let's tar and feather him boys!
Well everyone, I can't stand it any longer...........now I have to scream, for me ---- Half Life 2 is nooooooooooooo fun! :flame: :angry: :rolleyes:

Although, I will admit that HL2 has the best graphics I've ever seen, hands down, I really am not enjoying the game. I like to play FPS games to shoot and kill and blow stuff up - not to solve frickin' physics puzzles and learn rocket science.

I've made 4 levels so far and have to admit that I'm disappointed in the gameplay. I guess if you're into solving complex riddles and puzzles instead of having fun shooting bad guys, then HL2 is the game for you.

I am however thinking of looking up the cheats just so I can go through all the levels and see the beautiful graphics and kill everything.;) :p :cheese: .

Oh well, to each his own, but I'll stick to Unreal Tournament, F.E.A.R. and Painkiller for now. Those games are all about killing and there is very little puzzle work involved.

That's my 2 cents, Prozac23

Yeah yeah, we've seen your type before. If you don't like the friggin' game, don't join this forum! I'm so tired of this crap... :flame:
Please take a look at Post #31 in this thread before further flaming - not that I can't stand the heat, but it makes you look bad if you haven't followed the full thread. :p (meant to be taken light heartedly).

Love, Prozac
The combat in HL2 isn't that much fun compared to other games, yes. I don't play it for that, but I can see why you don't like the game that much for it.

And damn, man, you're a considerate dude.