I'm HL2 Kid(guy from stupid hl2 smashing video)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brilliant2U
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.Transmit said:
THE DUDE IN THE VID IS SO FAT , that beating the case was his only exercise he had in months
Rude, but true :farmer:
You smashed the box,I wish that we had boxes like that in Europe :frown:
Someone with too much time on thier hands=no life

End of story
Brilliant2U said:
I am the person from the video(I can prove it if you want). I had no idea it had become this popular until yesterday. I read a few posts from the thread, and I'll just answer some questions...

1. I'm joking around in the video.
2. The CD's were not in the box. Why would I smash the CD's? Even if I hate the game, that seems like a bit much. :)
3. My blanket is red.
4. I'm 19.
5. No you're stupid.

This popular?? how popular is it? I dont know where you got your facts but A video showing up in a few forums where it gets made fun of is not my idea of popular you twat

1. Uhhh you were, wow I could not have guessed
2. I think we all established this while the thread was "active"
4. definately too old for that video
5. I am rubber and you are glue whatever you say bounces of me and sticks to you!

There will be no link he took the video down or someone stopped hosting it.

heres the thread

[]D | |V| []D said:
havent seen the video
Well then let me help you to visualize,
Cue fat kid in black shirt with some gay comic character on it
"this is half-life2" hold up gordon hl2 box in a monotone and borish tone "this is what i think of half-life2" Fatty puts box on bed and pulls out baseball bat, Beats empty hl2 box, while screaming "**** YOU HALFLIFE2! **** you! **** YOU!" at about 600decibels ( i literally went permanently deaf, but i got better) THE END!!
Just to everyone who has replied flaming him, you've probably given him exactly what he wants. Don't get angry with idiots, just ignore them, that way they have no power to influence anything. If you show you have been affected, you have given him power.

Personally I didn't think it was worth any discussion until it occupied 4 pages, and stayed at the top of the forums for several hours.
Forum-goers are so harsh. Everybody's big and bad on the computer tho, right?
Sub_Lon said:
Forum-goers are so harsh. Everybody's big and bad on the computer tho, right?

acctually i dont grow when i'm behind the computer, weird isnt it :cat:
Does he get magical powers ? It doesn't give him power....it gives us something to laugh at and make fun of. The guys a boob.
mikren said:
Does he get magical powers ? It doesn't give him power....it gives us something to laugh at and make fun of. The guys a boob.

correction: FAT BOOB
mikren said:
Does he get magical powers ? It doesn't give him power....it gives us something to laugh at and make fun of. The guys a boob.

Well power to irritate I meant, not some sorcery, hehe.
Seems most of the people are getting really worked up, and about to have a brain haemorage just on account that someone has been a dick.
I hav see the video and the true: you looked stupid
do you think you will be famous for that?
I hav see another video of a guy opening a Halo2 box,and was very stupid too

btw I am not sure if you are really him
<RJMC> said:
I hav see the video and the true: you looked stupid
do you think you will be famous for that?
I hav see another video of a guy opening a Halo2 box,and was very stupid too

btw I am not sure if you are really him

English classes arent that expensive nowadays
<RJMC> said:
well pay it for me

Why, I dont need the english class, and I aint gone pay for an english class for some kinda noob
Eh, what the hell is wrong with you? wanting to become "famous" like the SW kid? I bet you are the one who registered those .com adresses.

And your video sucks.
.Transmit said:
English classes arent that expensive nowadays

He is from venezuala, english is most likely his second language (if that). No need to be an ass

.Transmit said:
Why, I dont need the english class, and I aint gone pay for an english class for some kinda noob

What would you know about the cost of english classes in venezuala?

Anyway I really doubt that this kind of attention is what he wanted,
I think, and this is pure conjecture here, that he wanted us to be like

Haha you were just kidding haha, i dont hate you anymore

silverstealth89 said:
hick, lol j/k :cheese:
Most likely so, I unfortuantely live with them. he does seem very familiar to me as in maybe related to my Roommate, so I hate him for it, '"brilliant" do you maybe know someone who goes to UK? ( i doubt hes here

And in response to a statement made earlier to the effect of everyones a hard-ass online, yeah I think everyone is, I know i am sometimes.
i didn't really find the video funny but seriously, the way i read the way some of you have posted ....you'd think he's done something amazingly wrong ...theres no need for all that abuse if you think about it you big sheep grabbing dykes

you don't find it funny fair enough ... no need to call names
Brilliant2U said:
I am the person from the video(I can prove it if you want). I had no idea it had become this popular until yesterday. I read a few posts from the thread, and I'll just answer some questions...

1. I'm joking around in the video.
2. The CD's were not in the box. Why would I smash the CD's? Even if I hate the game, that seems like a bit much. :)
3. My blanket is red.
4. I'm 19.
5. No you're stupid.

Your awesome! You shoulda smashed Halo 2 though? Can we expect that soon?
:thumbs: good luck :)
I think I've stepped into these forums for the last time...
Thought there were more to people here compared to the PHL forums. Apparantly I was wrong.

Not that that's a huge loss for any of you :P
André Damli said:
I think I've stepped into these forums for the last time...
Thought there were more to people here compared to the PHL forums. Apparantly I was wrong.

Not that that's a huge loss for any of you :P

OK then, bye Mr Pretentious.
In response to post #1:

You are cute. Let us raise Children together in Basra.
PvtRyan said:
Neither are clues, I'd say get one.

And you DONT need to pay for a girlfriend, thats something new to you isnt it.
if that was you realy, then

hahahhaha, you are so stupid.

I don't give a f*********..etc
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