I'm in the Bay area...


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm in San francisco for the next 7 days or so to take a placement test at ccsf (community college WOOT WOOT!)

Anybody wanna cruise? I have pubeweed
I was just there a few weeks ago. My girlfriend is up there right now. Too bad I'm not a "nigga".
Try a better thread title next time hero.

Tisk tisk. Always so freaking hectic.

I know absolutely nobody interesting in this town. Cmon hl2.net! We can get blazed and wander the Castro district!

(oh god, of course I'm kidding)
Got something against the gaiz? Castro has some fun bar spots, even if you're not into catching dicks.
Got something against the gaiz? Castro has some fun bar spots, even if you're not into catching dicks.

I wouldn't know, what with being under 21 and all
I'm right handed too. And hey I've got a friend in santa rosa as well! actually she's in el cerrito with me at the moment but she lives in SR
I JUST listened to Mac Dre's "Mafioso".

You just scored some huge brownie points with me buddy. The entire CD that's on is pretty damn good, it's called Al Boo Boo.
Disapproving glances on the hl2.net bus, I'm becoming increasingly insecure with myself...
I have a friend who lives in Oceanside which is pretty far south of there, almost near the Mexican border

California is big (and diverse) enough to be it's own country or at the very least two states. It's kind of crazy, not to mention impossible to govern or pass ANY sort of legislation.
You've lied to me all this time. I thought we were awesome left-handed buddies, but it was all a ruse.

Maybe he meant that he's ambidextrous.

I see that you do NOT live in San francisco.
I'm sorry, I'm all righty. But I masturbate with my left hand :(