I'm joining the Marines


Aug 25, 2007
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I've decided to join the Marines out of college and I wonder if any of you have relatives who have done similar things. If so, what was the information on them and what did they do out of college? The reason I'm joining is that it will put me in a position where when I finish my contract, I'll be able to choose whichever company I work for. i'm an engineer and mostly I'll be working in industry, so I figured that the marines would put me in a high up leadership position within a company. So what are your thoughts?
Being in the military doesnt mean you get high up leadership positions. Not at all. I work with a few people who were in the military for several years, and I'm ahead of them and im still "entry level."

You should pretty much never join the military for the "benefits".
Were they recruits or were they Officers? I should have emphasized that I will be joining the military as a second lieutenant that's in charge of hunderds of marines. Out of college you receive immediate officer status, assuming you pass OCS.
Pretty much what Krynn said. Also, why the marines? Why not the army or the airforce or something?
Unless you join the air force and want to be a commercial pilot.
But anyway, the training is rough and tough, be sure you aren't afraid of heights, and can take it like a man. Be sure you're okay with showering naked with other men, as well.
All the best to you.
Were they recruits or were they Officers? I should have emphasized that I will be joining the military as a second lieutenant that's in charge of hunderds of marines. Out of college you receive immediate officer status, assuming you pass OCS.

I'm not sure. Both of them were in it for around five years, and only got out when they received an injury that prevented them from further service. One had something to do with intelligence, and the other was actually one of the people who actually fought on the ground, but I dont know if he was an officer or not.
The reason I'm joining is that it will teach me how to be a leader and how to employ people to get things done. If I worked for a private company out of college, I might be in a leadership position after a few years; but if I join the marines, I'll automatically be an officer in charge of a platoon of marines. In the marines, 3.5 years could get you further than if you worked 20 years in industry.
Actually, you might not have to endure that if you're an officer. Not sure what privileges they get.
Actually, you might not have to endure that if you're an officer. Not sure what privileges they get.
You have to endure OCS, which is officer candidate school. That's basically boot camp. After that, you might not have to shower with other dudes. But OCS is only 10 weeks and then they send you into your specialized training (In my case it would be logistics.)
Which would be 70 days of showering with other dudes. Be sure to isolate the queer ones, and avoid them.
^OK Saturos.

Haven't you guys ever been in any kind of sports or anything? PHysical education in middle school/high school even?

It's only a big deal if you make it one. You will get over it real fast, or you will get beaten and dragged into the showers because your body odor is offending everyone.
Just because you punched a wall doesn't mean you're tough Virus.
You're speaking down on everyone because they don't seem to be as tough as you.
Yes, we here in socal are super pussies because we don't shower after P.E.
We change, but at least I don't need to show my penii to everyone.
Only the gigantic bulge in my boxers.
Really? Is that what I'm doing?

Not at all. It's just the Homophobia is ridiculous. Another thread about joining the military turns into a 'don't ask don't tell'.

He is acting like taking a shower is a big deal to worry about in the military. That is the least of his concerns when joining the military of a country at war. You know, like, people die and everything?

The showers will probably be ice cold anyway. Not exactly a fun place to hang out.
Everyone STFU and get back on topic. This isn't a bitching match.
It's a bit weird showering in the same room with other guys, or being undressed in front of them, but everyone feels the same way. Nobody will be staring at you or anything. After the first time you'll be fine.

I was in a Military Academy for a couple years. There were cases of people being forced into the showers by officers if they wouldn't bathe.

What now bitch?! You gunna reprimand me?! I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!

(plz dont shoot me)

Everyone STFU and get back on topic. This isn't a bitching match.
When someone makes a move,
of which we don't approve,
who is it that always intervenes?
I find it awesomely hilarious that you guys talk about joining the army.

I'll prolly join too. That is, be forced into conscription to better serve the fatherland. Come to think of it, most of my relatives have been in the Army of Marines at one time or later.
I was in the army reserve at one stage to get experience playing with their electronics. Fun stuff.
I'll be joining as an officer as well. Oh BTW numbers America pretty much made your military what it is today.
The reason I'm joining is that it will put me in a position where when I finish my contract, I'll be able to choose whichever company I work for.

If you are still alive by the end of the contract...
The only bit of advice I can give is that I worked in the recruitment industry for nearly 2 years, in a specialism which had many military experience candidates on their books. The things you learn in the military (leadership, team work, following orders etc) are good and generic abilities, however the gritty experience required in the corporate environment really doesn't translate, and it's very difficult to get out of. Many fall into a basic private security company after their service. The large bluechip organisations want corporate experience from a similar background. You could put on your CV "M16 advanced training course, tactical mortar firing course, commanded anti-aircraft on USS Kittyhawk" but they'll drop your CV for someone who has 3/4 years experience in a corporate environment instead. You won't be firing mortars in an office.

Good luck with your time in the marines, I'm sure you understand the commitment you've just entered into. It's going to be a long old road!

God speed soldier.