I'm leaving you...


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
... for two weeks :p

Yeah, so I'm going to Singapore tomorrow for about two weeks, be back at the start of September. I'll try my best to fight off your agonizing pain and cries for me to stay ;)
Ok, bye, see you later........................Abandon us!!!:'(
have fun
/me bursts into tears and starts to grab Abom|nations legs trying to get him to stay....

hey, why's everyone looking at me like that...

/me runs away into the shadows to hide from all the looks...but not before wishing Abom|nation a good time

Good ridance....is what you must be thinking about the General Forum.

Get out!...before you miss your flight, we wouldn't want you to miss out on a lovely holiday.

Just go!...and have a great time.

I hope your time there is stupid...ly amazing.

Seriously though, have a good time, Ive wanted to go to Singapore for quite a while. Isn't it there that you cant eat chewing gum in public? Its like one of the cleanest places anywhere.
Be sure to have fun mate..... Sure you'll enjoy it..... but what will happen to General Discussion :p

/me wishes you well :)
Thanks guys, I'll try to have a great time. I've been to Singapore before, but it's just such a great place I couldn't resist going back.

Farrow: yeah, I'm not totally sure about it, but I think if you drop gum, you get a short prison sentence and a fine. It's crazy. Oh yeah, any car in Singapore that's more than 14 years old gets discontinued and turned to scrap. They're so safety-aware it's scary. Heh.

Maybe we could vote a temporary moderator for the General Discussion, dunno. But yeah, it'll be a refreshing change to get away from it ;)
ah crap! one of the few sane people on this forum is leaving! the end is near :)
Join me while you can! If we can't go to the forums, the forums must come to us :naughty:
Sorry for double-posting, but yeah, this'll be my last post for 2 weeks :p

Tarrah everyone!
Ok, don't chew gum in public, seriously.

Have a good time, watch out for striders.
Bye Abom :(

/me dies

Who's gonna look after the idiots in General Discussion?!

Can I kill them all?
C ya later :)

Yeah we're gona need some serious troll control while you're away.
I need to get back on my main machine so I can gather news in abominations absence. Ive been away for about 4 days now.
bubai.... im leaving for 3 weeks on the 26th soon..... im gonna be chilling out in greece...
Bye Abom. Bye the time you get back these things will prolly happen:

There will be 23,000 spam related threads

Chris_D will have died 77 more times :)

Most of the non-spaming forum members will seek refuge in the off-topic section.

A headcrab will attack Munro

The site's internet adress will have been changed 30 times


Half-Life 2's official release date will be pushed back to Septmeber 30th, 2258...
Originally posted by RabidMeatloaf
Bye Abom. Bye the time you get back these things will prolly happen:

There will be 23,000 spam related threads

Chris_D will have died 77 more times :)

Most of the non-spaming forum members will seek refuge in the off-topic section.

A headcrab will attack Munro

The site's internet adress will have been changed 30 times


Half-Life 2's official release date will be pushed back to Septmeber 30th, 2258...

True as hell.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Bye Abom :(

/me dies

Who's gonna look after the idiots in General Discussion?!

Can I kill them all?
I'll help you like Nw909.
Right, I'm back. Time to shape up you scumbags in General Discussion!
Damn, he's back. Hide the porn and Abomination bashing threads Zerimski!
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Damn, he's back. Hide the porn and Abomination bashing threads Zerimski!

Keep the porn, keep the porn!

Oh, and you're banned, natch. :cheers:
Yeah welcome back. We've missed you.

Well, I have.

/me looks over to his Abom|nation Shrine.
natch? Is this something like a snatch? I like snatch. Tunalicious!
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
natch? Is this something like a snatch? I like snatch. Tunalicious!

Natch = naturally. I stol-..uh, borrowed it from PC Gamer UK ;)
Well, since you've been gone, i might as well fill you in.

Halflife has been delayed a further 256 times...according to the threads anyway. We have to pay for halflife2 online, we can also "rent" halflife2. Madonna kissing Britney is better than halflife2...

Well thats just some of it but you get the idea.

Welcome back.
I see. Very interesting developments, I want a full report on my desk by Thursday.
You Moderators are so cool-you get paid $999,000 a year by Munro and get to go to Asia.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Well, since you've been gone, i might as well fill you in.

Halflife has been delayed a further 256 times...according to the threads anyway. We have to pay for halflife2 online, we can also "rent" halflife2. Madonna kissing Britney is better than halflife2...

Well thats just some of it but you get the idea.

Welcome back.

You left out we can also send some money in an envelope :LOL:
Mr. Abom|nation, welcome back. We missed you...

(Now you say "It ends tonight" and we fight 'till death.

I like fighting 'till death.