I'm looking for someone to teach me to Model.

Tutorials m8 lots of them ..Ho yea and a good 3d Program.. Max Xsi or Maya...
if you manage to get max the tutorials that are built into the acctual program its self are realy good.;)
I was looking for someone to teach me how to model too, then I thought i'd just find a tutorial lol. Amazon.com has some good books on the subject. Search for "2D and 3D modelling" within the site.

Hey Mr.Magnetichead, we could learn together! :thumbs:
Yeah, it would be extreamly difficult and inneffective for someone to teach you via the internet.

www.3dbuzz.com has some great video tutorials on a wide range of subjects, I suggest finding the ones appropiate to your app, and get them.

good luck!
I tried the 3ds max demo for some time now, I still don't even understand half of it. Is there any demo for Maya? Maybe I should try it.

I've heard people say that they're all good, just people have different taste.. I just hope Maya is easier for me :p

*Feels dumb*
There is a Personal Learning version of Maya which is basically the full version but you can't use it for commercial work.