I'm nearly a bachelor!


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Just got my physics B.Sc. results (unofficially) and it seems that although I had decent results overall (a 2H1) but I somehow contrived to fail the absolute easiest exam of the year. I'm probably the only one who did. I was exhausted going into it and when I read the paper I thought "oh wow this'll be fine" and then when I put pen to paper I couldn't remember a single bloody thing. In any case my current results are just bellow 60% and when I pass the repeat (which shouldn't be too difficult) that'll bump me up to a second class honour first grade. Hurray!

Also it's my birthday. Give me presents.
I have a girlfriend :(

oh god please dont let her see this
I got a bachelor a year ago. I wish this was 40 years ago when that actually meant shit on the job market. Now you have to get a Master's degree or you might as well skip uni altogether.
Congrats! Having seen an actual physics research talk for the first time last week, that started off with a Hamiltonian (wtf?) and consisted entirely of equations, a quarter of which were written in some kind of line drawing notation.... I now have a greater respect for what you guys go through and do not envy you at all.
I got a bachelor a year ago. I wish this was 40 years ago when that actually meant shit on the job market. Now you have to get a Master's degree or you might as well skip uni altogether.
Masters or PhD or bachelors + connections.
Cos physicists are so sexy.
This thread is now about physics pick-up lines.

Baby you're so hot you put Planck out of business.

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because terminal velocity will do that.

You might not see it this way but you make my heart race to speeds approaching C.

This may sound quarky but you've wiled me with your strange charms, want to get up on your bottom with the top down.

(I might actually go to hell for these.)
Congrats and Happy Birthday Dude!
I got a bachelor a year ago. I wish this was 40 years ago when that actually meant shit on the job market. Now you have to get a Master's degree or you might as well skip uni altogether.
Even then... I know a girl who has a Master's Degree in Engineering and the most difficult part of her current job is using a plastic scoop after asking people if they would like Sweet or Salted Popcorn. :|
This thread is now about physics pick-up lines.

Baby you're so hot you put Planck out of business.

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because terminal velocity will do that.

You might not see it this way but you make my heart race to speeds approaching C.

This may sound quarky but you've wiled me with your strange charms, want to get up on your bottom with the top down.

(I might actually go to hell for these.)
"Are you a physicist? Because I love hard science."
Congratshmulations Riom!

I failed Year 11 Physics last year, I applaud anyone who can make sense of that gibberish. *clap clap*

I was I was adenine, then I could be paired with U.

I know, it's Biology. F*ck you.

Also happy birthday! :)
We'll have none of that Biology carry on in here, thank you very much.
We're not animals, Jul3, we have standards here.
I thought this was going to be a divorce thread at first. Congratulations, and the word "contrived" ... I do not think it means what you think it means.
con·trive (k
v. con·trived, con·triv·ing, con·trives
1. To plan with cleverness or ingenuity; devise: contrive ways to amuse the children.
2. To invent or fabricate, especially by improvisation: contrived a swing from hanging vines.
3. To plan with evil intent; scheme: contrived a plot to seize power.
4. To bring about, as by scheming; manage: somehow contrived to get past the guards unnoticed.
... so you're saying you failed the exam on purpose? Or is it some kind of across-the-pond sarcasm that didn't register for me?
It was sarcasm. I'm joking that only an incredibly convoluted plan is the only way I could have failed my easiest exam.
languages are for losers too
including myself
So results are officially out today. Best: 69 in Advanced Quantum Mechanics. Worst: 23 in Atomic and Molecular Physics. Total: 704/1200. When I repeat and get Atomic bumped up to 40 (which is the max you're allowed to get from a repeat exam, even if you ace it) I should be just over 60% and have myself a 2h1.
Congrats on the results! When are you going to be putting your cap and gown on?