Im new..but I beat HL2 so beware!!!

Your future is in the hands of the Munro Corporation.
ennui, i like your avatar. i would say welcome, but i can't. this is bat country.
*whispers to nearby forumites* "Whoa, he must be good"

No seriously, "Hi"

*keeps an eye on AWalkInThePark*
AWalkInThePark said:
No seriously...beware!!!...oh yeah. Im new....

well theres some people on here that havent even beaten it yet and they have like 2,000 + posts. So gj.
yeah true, it's not even that hard.. especially on easy....
unless you play it with super extreme awesome difficulty mode on and set all the combines weapons to kill you in one hit. EXTREME!!! oh and by the way parks and walking are considered gay... you don't want to be gay do you? DO YOU???!!
You beat Half-Life 2 OMFG!

Welcome to the land of theSteven and his slaves.
I beat HL2 like... Eight times.

Anyway, welcome to Don't drink the water.