I'm new here!



How's everyone doing here why don't you all introduce yourselves so I know who everyone is.

For my Sig how do you get the accutlly picture to show?
Can't have pictures in sigs + wrong forum. You're looking for "Newbie Central." But HELLO & WELCOME!
Hi, I'm Tredoslop.
Anyways-people are going to come and tell you that you posted this in the wrong forum...but I'm overlooking this. You'll get about 5-10 people telling you the same thing.
And there are no picture signatures here.

Well, I just got here so I dont know where to post what so for now this is good here.

In all the forums I went to they allowed picture sigs so yeah I just thought I was doing it wrong well whatever.
picture sigs clutter it up, make 56k cry, etc.
welcome, but make sure you post in the right forum next time :)
We all all know only little wussies use 56k anymore anyhow... but the rules are the rules i guess... *sigh*

Edit: oh yea, and welcome!
0Mfgz0r!11!1!!one! U r uber nubl3t!1111!! W/20Ng f0rUm!!1111!!!!

Just jerkin ya chain. Welcome my little headcrab.
Yea ummm... you may not have noticed this n00b but this is the wrong forum. You're looking for the n00b forum which is where n00by n00bs like you belong for your n00by n00b look at me I'm new first topics.
fizzlephox said:
Yea ummm... you may not have noticed this n00b but this is the wrong forum. You're looking for the n00b forum which is where n00by n00bs like you belong for your n00by n00b look at me I'm new first topics.

Welcome to the forum. I'm Stigmata. Let's see... My username should have a capital S. I'm the leader of the CAE team, working on that. People on this forum don't really talk to me outside the forum (I assume at least some of you play CS like me :) ). I like believing in government conspiracies regarding UFOs and such.

I also like the usual stuff: women, guitar, music, movies, et cetera, so that's about it.

No nevermind, welcome to the forum.
LittleB said:
I like men

Woah. I didn't know that about you LittleB.

My name is DarkStar and I actually don't like men, but I did do tequila shots out of Gabe Newell's navel in Cabo San Lucas while on spring break.

I also built a robot that wears a bandoleer and smokes cigarettes.
My name is blahblahblah, I like long walks on the beach and spending time with my poodle named froofy. I also enjoy giving out bad hardware advice in the hardware forum and I like to tick off democrats in the occasional political debate thread.

There I think I introduced myself. ;)

Welcome to the forums

PS - In case your gullible, the word 'gullible' is written on the ceiling above you. :)
blahblahblah said:
I like to tick off democrats in the occasional political debate thread.

I am one of the democrats he pisses off. He pisses me off because the Republican bastard is very often right.

blahblahblah said:
PS - In case your gullible, the word 'gullible' is written on the ceiling above you. :)

HAhahahahAHaah. Never head that one before Blah.
hi CreamPuff :)
welcome to the site and hope u like it here like the rest of us do :thumbs:
Hello and welcome to the forums.

I'm ComradeBadger, I enjoy brisk moderating on the beach, dreamy moderating in moonlight, and romantic moderating by candlelight and Opposing Force
Welcome to the forums!

I like spamming and long walks on the beach.
Howdy, have fun and welcome to the best hl2 community. Enjoy your stay.
Whats up, I'm Slaggypoo, they call me Slag, because... . anyway, I'm new too- I say that so you don't feel alone and scared. I know fizzlemydizzlywizzly personaly, and hes a nooby noob boob!
hey new guys, welcome to our *horses*

i'm jackal hit... resident... something... i tell dead baby jokes, and give seizures to people with my avatar... or something