"I'm not gay, but if Jean-Luc Picard wanted to bum me, I'd let him."

"I'm not gay, but if Jean-Luc Picard wanted to bum me, I'd let him."

  • Agree

    Votes: 36 39.1%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 56 60.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
A statement offered to me by my friend.

"Don't get me wrong - you wouldn't have to enjoy it - but it's the principle of the matter."

OOh he's the vice chancellor at my old University. If you voted yes, forward me your number and i'll pass them on to him.
These poll results sicken me.

It's not like you pansies who voted 'disagree' could stop him if he really wanted you. He'd look at you, and all your clothes would fall off, and you'd be trying to gather them up from around your legs, but it's too late, he's seen everything.
These poll results sicken me.

It's not like you pansies who voted 'disagree' could stop him if he really wanted you. He'd look at you, and all your clothes would fall off, and you'd be trying to gather them up from around your legs, but it's too late, he's seen everything.


Is that from something other than extras, becasue thats what I remember it appearing in.
Picard eh....maybe....i'd prefer Q though :O
Definitely, but whether I want it or not isn't gonna make a difference, it would happen if he wanted, consent or no consent. Resistance is futile, you will be bumfucked.
I think some people should have their topic creating powers revoked
These poll results sicken me.

It's not like you pansies who voted 'disagree' could stop him if he really wanted you. He'd look at you, and all your clothes would fall off, and you'd be trying to gather them up from around your legs, but it's too late, he's seen everything.


I voted agree purely because of your post. It's so true. :D

I think.

< <
Of course I would, Sulkdodds comment pretty much sums in up.

How could you say no?

Anyone who disagreed should GTFO the forums.

Picard is the man. A real man's man.
even if you said no, he can read minds....no ones safe
this thread wins f@ggiest f@g nerd thread of the month.

I really hope that's sarcasm. If not, I'd advise you to stop using '@' in the place of 'a' and remind you that this is the internet. What do you expect? :|
I really hope that's sarcasm. If not, I'd advise you to stop using '@' in the place of 'a' and remind you that this is the internet. What do you expect? :|

i would expect this on the internet if i was at a gay porn website. not on a general chat forum.
i would expect this on the internet if i was at a gay porn website. not on a general chat forum.

Then you have much to learn about the internet. If you don't want to hear about bumsex you should get out of general off-topic. Sometimes I can hardly tell the difference between hl2.net and a gay porn website. Except the actual porn.
JLP is second only to the 10th Doctor in the sci-fi bumming stakes.
You know he'd give you a reach around after - he's just that kind of caring guy :cheers:
Gonna have to agree with the OP's friend here.

Gotta listen to the captain

Especially Picard.
These poll results sicken me.

It's not like you pansies who voted 'disagree' could stop him if he really wanted you. He'd look at you, and all your clothes would fall off, and you'd be trying to gather them up from around your legs, but it's too late, he's seen everything.

It's just that upon reading this post, majority of the people become gay, thus have to vote for disagree. :O
Jean-Luc Picard love you long time.

And prosper!
You know, I'm not even attracted to Jean-Luc personally, but I so wholeheartedly agree with the principle (DAVID BOWIEEEEE!) that I had to vote yes.