i'm now officially the most "macho"!

i just shaved my entire face without any shaving gel or warm water, of one weeks long hair (at least 3mm long) and an used BIC razor. with just one tiny almost invisible cut.

it did hurt like hell, and the itching is unbearable, but i laugh in your girly tender faces!! HA :(

I've shaved my face with a razor sharp ninja -to (sword)

I don't normally shave with gel, i just use a razor.
i just shaved my entire face without any shaving gel or warm water, of one weeks long hair (at least 3mm long) and an used BIC razor. with just one tiny almost invisible cut.

it did hurt like hell, and the itching is unbearable, but i laugh in your girly tender faces!! HA :(
Yea, we'll see who's laughing when your face breaks out from the irritation and looks liek your covered in rashes or zits.

P.S. I used to do that back when I had peach fuzz & it didn't hurt.
/waits for short recoil

Do you wear a coat?

Do you drink a gallon of milk a day?

The answer to the first question is yes and the answer to the second question is no, then I'm more macho than you. ^_^

No and yes? :P
He epitomized a certain kind of rugged individualistic masculinity, and has become an enduring American icon. During the filming of The Alamo, Wayne smoked five packs of cigarettes a day.

In 1964 Wayne was diagnosed with lung cancer, and underwent surgery to remove his entire left lung and two ribs. Despite rumors that the cancer was caused by filming The Conqueror in Utah where the US government had tested nuclear weapons, Wayne himself believed his two pack a day cigarette habit was the cause. After the operation he smoked cigars.

-John wayne entry on wikipedia