I'm on World Service Radio Tomorrow


is there a wmv file I can listen to? Is that what you meant to say? If so, where can I find it?

I didn't know you needed Real player to listen, I'm uploading a mp3 of it now.

I'm Daniel Gillen on the show btw in case you didn't know.

I didn't know you needed Real player to listen, I'm uploading a mp3 of it now.

I'm Daniel Gillen on the show btw in case you didn't know.

if you don't post that mp3 fle within 5 minutes I am not listening to your interview.
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Radio Host: Daniel Gillen, describes himself as a strong atheist. 16, member of the youth parliament. Wants to study maths and philosophy at university...

Solaris: I feel religion is an absence of reason, flip of logic, and as an 18th century philosopher once said "The sleep of reason produces monsters."

What???? Mechagodzilla is an 18th century philosopher??? He is a painter!

Solaris: And the absense of this reason can be seen thorughout our society. We can see how religions has taken a woman's right to have an abortion... prevented stem cell research... religion inspired several young men on 9-11 to kill thousands....

So far so good.
omg the link doesnt work, i cant dl it!!!!!

I demand a working link or i will be forced to demand it again and again and again! You dont want me to do that now do you?
You can just use the BBC world service player and select hearts and minds.
The termination of three kids from Burnley with Che Guevera t-shirts was a complete success and a true test of your commitment. Now, we have a real assignment for you...kill George Galloway.

A few sacrifices towards making the world a better place.\o/
Radio Host: Daniel Gillen, describes himself as a strong atheist. 16, member of the youth parliament. Wants to study maths and philosophy at university...

Solaris: I feel religion is an absence of reason, flip of logic, and as an 18th century philosopher once said "The sleep of reason produces monsters."

What???? Mechagodzilla is an 18th century philosopher??? He is a painter!

Solaris: And the absense of this reason can be seen thorughout our society. We can see how religions has taken a woman's right to have an abortion... prevented stem cell research... religion inspired several young men on 9-11 to kill thousands....

So far so good.

Was that all?

I started listening to a guy who was a drug addict and then turned into a religious man and paused it. Dunno if I should keep listening. Nice start, though :D
A talk i had about sustainability in a place called Thornbury is up for me now hehe. Its fecking weird:

1- representing the Uni Of Gloucestershire as we visited the place
2- hearing your own voice. Its like 'wtf, do i sound like THAT???'
Realplayer required? No thanks.

Somebody post an mp3 of it or something.
You did a good job, but your accent makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.
Yeh, I don't sound like that. My accents like a mix between south London and Noth England which is pretty distinct, but dunno why I sound so posh there lol.
okay, so....i go to the BBC CBB CBBCB CC site whatever, then what?

News sites is the hardest sites to navigate through...ever. Can someone give me STEP-BY-STEP because i seriusly cant find it!
I uploaded it here.

I think the iranian woman puts some good points across.
You still don't sound to me right now, like you did in the past in teamspeak. Your voice isn't as deep or as strongly accented as it was before. Heh. I couldn't understand you at all before in teamspeak.
I really don't like you, I hate your unreasonable advocacy of communism and your anti-american arguments. But this speech was great and I agree with you in many points (especially because I'm strong atheist too). All things considered, good job Solaris.
I really don't like you, I hate your unreasonable advocacy of communism and your anti-american arguments. But this speech was great and I agree with you in many points (especially because I'm strong atheist too). All things considered, good job Solaris.

And I really hope I don't come across as unreasonable here, anytime anyones ever challenged me about my beliefs here I've defended them fully into proper multi-paged debates. I might be wrong, but I'm willing to defend my reasoning.

And I really hope I don't come across as unreasonable here, anytime anyones ever challenged me about my beliefs here I've defended them fully into proper multi-paged debates. I might be wrong, but I'm willing to defend my reasoning.

Does it mean that if your reasoning is wrong, then you don't want to be right?
Still haven't got round to listening, I will try to tune in tomorrow! D:
Yes, the truth is more important than loss of face in changing your opinion.

I think that saying that religion has a negative impact on society even though it can have a good impact on some individuals, is like saying that capitalism/communism is bad for society even though it can be good for some individuals... Something like that.