I'm pissed off (strong language insues)


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
MY ****ING ANTIVIRUS EXPIRES FOR 1 DAY AND A VIRUS DELETS MY ****ING SYSTEM 32 FOLDER. My brother had to format the God-damn computer and voila: everything is ****ing well gone! :flame: All my files,(and my brothers which is about 2/3Gigs), games, savegames, mods, cthe un-uploaded work on my HL site, all the stuff for the new Vortigaunt Revolution etc. all because some ****ing retard without a life decided to fell big and build self-esteme by ****ing with others people's computers. I mean what kind of ****ing sadistic ****er actually enjoys that? It's like someone who would have wanted to be a bully in school but was too weak so now bullies people over the ****ing internet.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Sorry if this is totally racist, but how often is it, that when they catch a person who made the virus(es), its always a german teenager?
Shodan said:
Sorry if this is totally racist, but how often is it, that when they catch a person who made the virus(es), its always a german teenager?
Probably just how the media portays it, damn media! OMG I'm turning into Danimal more than the guys stealing his avitar!
I lost about 90 gigs or so yesterday.
Too bad you didnt just do a repair install, back everything up, and reformat.
Know the feeling, my Dad had the same problem, TWICE!! The first time was really my fault, snooping around the net. The second time was my Dads fault though, not keeping up to date. Hopefully Longhorn rectifies most of these kind of problems
gh0st said:
Too bad you didnt just do a repair install, back everything up, and reformat.

Nice one gh0st.... :|

In future, Riomhare, get AVG; it's free, updates regularly and I haven't had a problem with worms or viruses since I installed a couple years back :)
jondyfun said:
Nice one gh0st.... :|

In future, Riomhare, get AVG; it's free, updates regularly and I haven't had a problem with worms or viruses since I installed a couple years back :)
Link for the love of God NOW!

Shens said:
I lost about 90 gigs or so yesterday.
Ouch, how?

Well, it's going to e annoying looking through our old CDs for files and downloading stuff on our shit internet conection (runs slower that 40 kbps!)
man that sucks particurly since your anti virus software just expired and you got a system killing virus the next day, my comp crashed out awhile ago, my bad for downloading sh*t 'make your comp faster/safer' bs software, had to reinstall everything from scratch, drivers(dont get me started on getting my sata hard drive drivers), windows, all my files etc.

crushenator 500 said:
eek time to 'acquire' nod32, is avg really that bad, i use it and my system seems fine.*concerned*
Shodan said:
Sorry if this is totally racist...

Race is not nationality, and it's ensues, not insues.

And I'm sorry to hear about the loss of data, though I'm sure this is the last time it will happen to you; after I lost quite a bit of data years ago I became a compuslive backupper, which has saved me on hundreds of unforseeable occasions.
I infected your PC with mah 1337 trojan from sub7 cuz im a 1337 h4x0r f0 re4l d4wg
I've never used an antivirus before and I've never been infected with a virus. At least I've never noticed any viruses on my com.
Technically speaking, isn't the information all still on his hard-drive unless he writes something new over the place of the "deleted" data?
StardogChampion said:
Nice one on downloading a virus in the first place.

That's what you get for going to porn sites and warez sites.
btw, I would laugh if I could hack someones computer and delete all of their files
Ditto here - never came across a virus in all my travels across the Internet, although I try to tread lightly. Do tell - where did you stumble upon this virus, and what kind was it?
The glory of pirates. My Norton hasn't been outta date for...4 years? :p
Wow that sucks... I would probably shoot myself if I lost everything on my computer. One of the reasons I use a Mac (don't anyone see that as a challenge though!).
My brother thinks we had the virus for a while and the antivirus was suppresing it somehow without dectecting it, then when it ran out *boom*. I don't know much about viruses but I go onto porn or warz sites so stfu.
Thats nothing, I got one of my 2 partitions completely damaged (~100GB files) :flame: and from the second one half of the files are lost (50GB+). :flame:
The problem is, the partitions were full and I never backup :flame:
uh oh :p I have AVG on both computers, owell badgy gave me some anti virus software with my computer but now I can't seem to be able to update it :( It's PC-cillin 2000, has anyone got the update site address so I can put it in?
heres a scary true staistic for you,

if you were to build a brand new pc, no antivirus or firewall and plug it into the net, no ocnnecting to a site or anythins just connected to the isp,

on average you will get a virus in the first 8 minutes
ríomhaire said:
I don't have any and as far as I know neither does my brother.
You don't have to be embarassed to have gay pron, it's accepted in our society nowadays.
Insane said:
You don't have to be embarassed to have gay pron, it's accepted in our society nowadays.
Oh, shut up. Not funny in the least to anyone with a double didget IQ.
Wow that sucks. Some of the screenshots from your mod look pretty cool I have to say btw.
ríomhaire said:
I don't have any and as far as I know neither does my brother.

Then you're in denial. I have pron. Everyone has pron. If you don't, you're missing the point of the internet.

Still, it sucks to be virused.

-Angry Lawyer
I'd be pissed off if that happened to me, but its ok, i back up all my pr0n :naughty:

btw, nod32 is the absolute ****ing win.
:| I had to reformat my computer like last month. It sucked ass.
oldagerocker said:
I'd be pissed off if that happened to me, but its ok, i back up all my pr0n :naughty:

btw, nod32 is the absolute ****ing win.
just got nod32, found 5 trojans which avg didnt, nod32 ftw.