I'm pissed off (strong language insues)

Shut the **** up about porn, pron, pr0n, p0rn or anything made up of the letters porn, OK!
Shodan said:
Sorry if this is totally racist, but how often is it, that when they catch a person who made the virus(es), its always a german teenager?
Not racist at all considering being German is a nationality, not a race :dork:
B.Calhoun said:
Not racist at all considering being German is a nationality, not a race :dork:
So if I say all English are stuck up snobs it wouldn't be racist? You must seriously widen your view of racism my friend seeing as it is legaly defined to include prejudice against religion aswell.

Can anyone recomend a free anti-virus, I'm a major cheap-scate.
ríomhaire said:
Shut the **** up about porn, pron, pr0n, p0rn or anything made up of the letters porn, OK!
Can we make comments about your spelling, then? :thumbs:
joims said:
heres a scary true staistic for you,

if you were to build a brand new pc, no antivirus or firewall and plug it into the net, no ocnnecting to a site or anythins just connected to the isp,

on average you will get a virus in the first 8 minutes

Absolutely correct, it's happened to me.

riomhaire - you know, the virus might not actually have deleted your windows/system32 folder. I caught one a while back that nested inside the system32 folder and then made the folder itself invisible. Getting rid of these things can usually by done by deleting a certain registry entry with Hijackthis (google it) and then rebooting in safe mode and deleting the offending trojan/shitware files (if you know what they are).

The people who have said that you can get by without any antivirus if you're veeery very careful are right, though. Even the best anti-spy/antivirus progs are blind to a lot of stuff. I've even had AVG and microsoft antispyware miss some very blatant things. Despite that, they are both probably still the best you can get (get avg from www.avgfree.co.uk, I think). Adaware is a total piece of shit (IMO).

What you cannot survive without, however, is some kind of firewall. No AV + no antivirus = instant rapeage by net dweebs.
ríomhaire said:
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
MY ****ING ANTIVIRUS EXPIRES FOR 1 DAY AND A VIRUS DELETS MY ****ING SYSTEM 32 FOLDER. My brother had to format the God-damn computer and voila: everything is ****ing well gone! :flame: All my files,(and my brothers which is about 2/3Gigs), games, savegames, mods, cthe un-uploaded work on my HL site, all the stuff for the new Vortigaunt Revolution etc. all because some ****ing retard without a life decided to fell big and build self-esteme by ****ing with others people's computers. I mean what kind of ****ing sadistic ****er actually enjoys that? It's like someone who would have wanted to be a bully in school but was too weak so now bullies people over the ****ing internet.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

ah shit, I FEEL you man. many times happend to my old desktop pc under windows98......I was fooking angry and I even cried once for losing very personal data. All you need to do is make sure to back up your system once every month or so, and update your antivirus once a week.
You feel him? :naughty:

Sorry... couldn't resist. :D