Im playing CS:S tonight whether its get released or not.

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Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ive been extremely loyal to Valve and I told myself I would wait and not play the cracked version. But if valve doesnt release tonight, Im gonna be really pissed off.
They will. Nothing points to anything else. It's just the HL2 things that got post-poned (even though they didn't really tell us).
Well im gonna wait till 3pm, which is in a hour
Doesnt really bother me if I get banned. I havent played the crack or released any info about it. I dont even have it on my system. So nothing can really happen.
Alec_85 said:
They will. Nothing points to anything else. It's just the HL2 things that got post-poned (even though they didn't really tell us).

Can't forget CZ.
I love how kids these days imply that youre on drugs or gay if they dont agree with that you say.
Valve owes you nothing so stuff your mouth, yeah who wouldnt agree with breaking the law, and annoucing it on a public forum lol
Ahah yeh good luck for that hour.

Valve releases it on their time schedule not your's I should be the same time pre loading started so give it anpther couple of hours probably 4 at maximum.
When was it released to the cafes? 3?
JackKerouac said:
Valve owes you nothing so stuff your mouth, yeah who wouldnt agree with breaking the law, and annoucing it on a public forum lol

6 p.m to cafes, so probaly same for us. patience guys your all acting like little kids. maybe cuz you are?
Didn't break the law. Id like you to prove that Ive broken the law. Oh thats right, you cant
Tab said:
When was it released to the cafes? 3?

yea, it released more like 3:30*edit*pac time*edit*. anyways, i have a metting at work at 3, so i dont get to play till about 5 anyways.
LOL@ all the valvatritism. Please stop actually thinking valve cares about its customers...
Its kinda along the lines of saying you might bring a bomb on a plane in an airport. Think they care if you've broken the law or not?
LMAO yes thats exactly what its like, I dont have it on my system. Now if they dont release it and I do download, and they see me with the file. Then they can ban my steam account. All the power too them too.
When does it get unlocked? No one is telling me anything. If you don't know type, "Really Big Shoe." Ok? Thanks guys.
Nomikal said:
LOL@ all the valvatritism. Please stop actually thinking valve cares about its customers...

If they didn't care about us, why are they letting a lot of people test a beta of one of their games? :rolleyes: Go home troll no one wants you here.
Later tonight?! God damnit, its sad that the day of the download they cant even give a firm time.
Tab said:
Ive been extremely loyal to Valve and I told myself I would wait and not play the cracked version. But if valve doesnt release tonight, Im gonna be really pissed off.

Wow. You're great.

Valve are giving something away for free, and you're bitching because you haven't got it yet. Nice loyalty.

So, if you're going to play the crappy crack (that only works on cracked servers - sounds like fun!) then go ahead. Just don't post about it here, as it's not the kind of activity we condone.
Tab said:
Later tonight?! God damnit, its sad that the day of the download they cant even give a firm time.

Why the hell does it need a firm time? You new people are really something. :rolleyes:
How am I bitching about it? Stop kissing valves but, theyve screwed us over far too many times. NO its not for free. I payed 40 bucks for CZ. I dont think thats free. Ive been here for 3 months
Really Tab, good job showing your age, I have a 5 year old cousin that acts the same way, "If I don't get what I want, ill just steal it or bitch and moan till I get it anyways"
Pi Mu Rho said:
Wow. You're great.

Valve are giving something away for free, and you're bitching because you haven't got it yet. Nice loyalty.

So, if you're going to play the crappy crack (that only works on cracked servers - sounds like fun!) then go ahead. Just don't post about it here, as it's not the kind of activity we condone.
Valve is located in Bellevue, WA....on the east side in Seattle. Great town to live in, especially if you work at MS :)
Tab said:
How am I bitching about it? Stop kissing valves but, theyve screwed us over far too many times. NO its not for free. I payed 40 bucks for CZ. I dont think thats free. Ive been here for 3 months

lol.... your own fault if you specifically bought CZ for the beta then :)
Tab said:
How am I bitching about it? Stop kissing valves but, theyve screwed us over far too many times. NO its not for free. I payed 40 bucks for CZ. I dont think thats free. Ive been here for 3 months

Kissing VALVe's butt? You wish we were. It is free, you bought CZ just for CZ moron... :rolleyes:

Been here for 3 months and are still an ass, good job.
Its not free is it? My brother works for MS, Bill Gates was at his party it was pretty cool. I dont think time changes someone being an ass. Im not insulting anyone am I? I think its you being the ass.
Tab said:
How am I bitching about it? Stop kissing valves but, theyve screwed us over far too many times. NO its not for free. I payed 40 bucks for CZ. I dont think thats free. Ive been here for 3 months

The beta is free. You paid for CZ, not the beta.

You are very much bitching about it - you're saying that if they don't release the free beta tonight, you're going to play the crack.

Pick your toys up.
How is it free!?!?!? If you dont have a half-life product you dont get the game, its as simple as that. I dont think theyre giving it away to everyone.
Tab said:
Its not free is it? My brother works for MS, Bill Gates was at his party it was pretty cool. I dont think time changes someone being an ass. Im not insulting anyone am I? I think its you being the ass.

No its free. You paid for just CZ, it doesn't say on the box "Free CS:S Beta test included" does it? :rolleyes:

Great for your brother...Quit changing the subjects.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Wow. You're great.

Valve are giving something away for free, and you're bitching because you haven't got it yet. Nice loyalty.

So, if you're going to play the crappy crack (that only works on cracked servers - sounds like fun!) then go ahead. Just don't post about it here, as it's not the kind of activity we condone.

heh, tab, you've been pwned. :> Well said pimu.
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