I'm really worried right now... :(


May 9, 2003
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Ive just become an uncle to a 8lb baby boy but im really worried right now as he's in intensive care... ;( My sister went into labour on friday night but all throughout the the labour the baby's heart rate was erratic which indicated something was wrong. During the final stages of labour his heart rate went through the roof so they had to do an emergency cesarean section on my sister to cut him out. They found out that whilst in the womb he had inhaled a large amount of fluid so right now he's in an incubator with so many wires hooked up to him that you can barely see him. He also cannot breathe for himself with so much fluid on his lungs so he's on a ventilating machine. My sister is fine but they have pumped her so full of Diamorphine that she's as high as a kite and doesnt know too much about whats going on.

Im worried sick right now as its touch and go. Over the next few days the poor little guy is going to be very ill so i definitley wont be able to sleep until he gets better...

I'm so hoping that he pulls through... ;(
oooh man sorry to hear that! :(

lets hope they both pull thru this...heh I'm going to be an uncle too...albeit it'll be around March next year or so...looking forward to it.

anyways best of my wishes to both your sister and the baby.

/me crosses fingers
I am sooo sorry for you. I was in intensive care as a baby. Bad blood or something. But, I came out fine. I am sure he will do just fine.

/me prays.
damn ;( ;( i feel your pain mate il pray for both off them ;(
JUST happened the same here, where the baby's heart rythm was all wierd, but she should be ok now. But i was also worried a lot, and know how you feel, if that can help just a bit...thoughs with you all

Good luck to you, your sister and most importantly the baby.
My hopes and prayers go out to your sis and nephew. I myself am an Uncle to 3 little ones.
How's he doin now Matt? Any word? It's killin me just thinkin about the poor kid.
my heart almost slowed to a stop when I was born... but im fine now
I was 6 pounds, born 6 weeks early, and in intensive care :laugh:, my grandad could hold me in the palm of his hand, look at me now!, i'm 16 and 6 foot!
Originally posted by guinny
How's he doin now Matt? Any word? It's killin me just thinkin about the poor kid.

Same condition... His blood oxygen levels have improved though which is a good sign..
That's good. Man I spent 2 weeks in intensive care as a youngin...
Im really sorry to hear it. ;(

Im sure the baby will be fine though, my Aunt is a nurse and she told me stuff like that happens all the time. She also said that most problems that arise during birth while they may terrify the parents are actually easy to treat.

Im praying for the little guy all the same though.
May whatever god you believe in be with the baby, and best of luck.
As I said in my above post

I was born at 3-6 pounds(cant remember) 6 weeks early and had to go into intensive care for a long time

Now i'm fine as a whistle, dont worry d00d!
Yea Matt he'll be fine. We're all with ya on this.
Well it seems he's improving as time goes by but he's still extremely i'll! :( His blood oxygen levels are upto 'normal' levels and they have lessened the amount of muscle paralysing drugs they are giving him so that he doesn't fight the ventilator he's on and they are now giving him an atmospheric mixture instead of the pure oxygen he was on. All this means i've actually seen him move around for the first time today. Im still not allowed to touch him though... :(

My sisters also fine as she's now up and about and off the drugs.

Lets just hope he improves even more!
man thats great news!!!! Ya dont worry we're all here for you and hoping he gets better