I'm so pissed!


Jul 4, 2003
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Sorry guys but I need to rant, and I need you to help me out...

Ok here is the story, i've been working as a temporary (through a temp service) at a local factory for the last year. Making chicken scratch, $6.50 an hour. The full time workers in this factory make on average at least $10.00 an hour. They also do the easy jobs, the temps are left to do the jobs they are to lazy to normally do.

On top of that, they have a huge benifets package, including insurance, dental etc etc, which I could most definately use since I have absolutely no money to pay for medicine or doctor bills, even though I know I have a bad heart. Well when I first started at this factory they said work for us for a year and if you meet our qualifications we will hire you full time. About 4 months ago, that ended.

So fast forward to now, my best friend scott who has been in iraq is coming home for two weeks. Since i've worked over 1500 hours I get a paid week off from the temp service. So does my other friend who works with me there, we started the same day.
So tonight we told our super that we wanted to take our vacation next week and explained why, he told us that even though they could send temps to fill in for us that pretty much if we both take it the same time we are getting fired and replaced.

So because we bust our asses and do the work of about four regular workers (always 150% or more over our quotas) we are getting shafted and won't be able to see our friend for the week that he is home.

What should I do?
I have already made a thread on this topic: What pisses you off ?
Do a search before you creat a thread next time.

But I'm so sorry to hear the story,my advice to you is take out a crowbar and smash his ass off like a headcrab.
Well, I'd have a discussion with him. Go to him, explain that you two more than deserve the week off together and the reasons why. Then, if he doesn't give it to you, use the paid week off to find another job. Then quit.
I've worked as a temp at a car parts factory.

I've learned that you are treated like a machine. They make plenty of money.. you don't matter to them, they replace you.

after your temp time is up they are supposed to hire you if they want you to continue there. If they hire you, they have to give you benefits.

you must look for a different job, those full timers are in there like swimwear, they are permanent.

IMO you are lucky to get vacation. I'm telling you they don't care about temps
They even laid me off once to avoid having to hire me and give me benefits/raise.

Then they hired me back as a new temp again. It should be illegal......

good luck.
VirusType2 said:
I've worked as a temp at a car parts factory.

I've learned that you are treated like a machine. They make plenty of money.. you don't matter to them, they replace you.

after your temp time is up they are supposed to hire you if they want you to continue there. If they hire you, they have to give you benefits.

you must look for a different job, those full timers are in there like swimwear, they are permanent.

IMO you are lucky to get vacation. I'm telling you they don't care about temps

good luck.

Exactly right man, it just sucks so bad to realize you've been getting shafted for the last year, have acuired debt (car/insurance/cellphone) under the impression that your hard work was gonna lead to a promised full time position, then BAM! They play a lovely game of whos the jack ass.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Well, I'd have a discussion with him. Go to him, explain that you two more than deserve the week off together and the reasons why. Then, if he doesn't give it to you, use the paid week off to find another job. Then quit.

Good idea, I really need money, and work is really hard to find around here though. But anything would probably be better than this in the long run.
also, though, i know this is true with many jobs, maybe not including temp ones, but you are more valuable to your boss than he is going to make it seem. Believe it or not, looking for a new employee, hiring him, doing all the paperwork, and training him will cost the company more than if they kept you on. They like to blow smoke up your ass sometime. if i were you, i would take the week off and see your freind and see if you get fired. if u are entitled to that week, that should not be grounds for firing and you may be able to challenge it in a small claims or county court.
yea its been my experience that they will threaten and warn you alot. It costs them ALOT more to train someone to get as productive as you.

At the same time, its not thier money, and they will replace you if they want

But if you want to keep your job, you must settle terms of vacation with them before hand, else they will say, i told you so. BYE
Also, if you are still being supported by your parents, you should DEFINATELY settle on what you wouldn't mind doing for a living, get into a community college. Now is your chance. no matter how hard it may seem becuase you can't predict the future, you have to make your future it won't come to you., you just have to take the classes. once you are in there, they will teach you, then you can get an entry level position doing that job, getting paid like a real man, major dough. , if you can, retire with lots of money at 65. . .. else work burger king till you are 85
I read the title, I thought it was going to be about a drunken adventure.

Anyway, can't you threaten them legally or anything?
Im a full time employee who make our temps pay for not being here all the time!!

why dont you tell your boss ur time to be untempified has come? And be ready to explain why you think you can be a full timer... Its not something that comes automatically you have to "remind" them, otherwise they are assholes but in that case I guess u already figured that out.