I'm sort of bothered by this...


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Half-Like 2 is less then a month away, and we still don't know what sort of multiplayer will be included. Anyone else a little bothered by this?
Originally posted by Joneleth
Half-Like 2 is less then a month away, and we still don't know what sort of multiplayer will be included. Anyone else a little bothered by this?

not really....its anticipation to see what the multiplayer ordeal is going to be about.
It must mean they arent done with it huh?!?!

These boards are becoming useless.
i guess it just means that valve wants to generate as much hype with as little info as possible, and they know they can do that just by telling us the name half life 2, or mentioning a crowbar.
Jesus, you actually think they would release it with crap MP?

Its valve.

Don't you think they learned anything from HL?

And no, I'm not flaming ya man
Originally posted by chemicalagent
Jesus, you actually think they would release it with crap MP?

Its valve.

Don't you think they learned anything from HL?

And no, I'm not flaming ya man

OT: your petition is teh cool!

back on topic uh.......oh yeah, half life 2 will be fun.
Originally posted by Joneleth
Half-Like 2 is less then a month away, and we still don't know what sort of multiplayer will be included. Anyone else a little bothered by this?

Why would it actually bother you that you don't know what kind of multiplayer is included? Something that would bother me is whether or not I get a job I've been applying to. Worrying about a computer game's multiplayer? Not on my list of things to bother over.
If you enjoy multiplayer games and feel you may derive hours of enjoyment from a good multiplayer aspect of hl2 which you will be deprived of if it's a bit naff then it may well bother some people. Personally I'm more worried about the spike that just impaled my lower calf.

The cow on top is fine though.....
Prepare to taste the future!... Whatever the hell that means.
Aslong as there's different game modes to Capture the flag, Deathmatch and TDM then it should be excellent.. If the Multiplayer is boring then ppl will be modding and BAM.. Sven-Coop 2 in your face
It is under-wraps for a good reason. Valve at this point has given itself a great reputation[other then delays lol :cheers:]

I expect the multi-player portion of HL2 to be fun, but I also expect Valve to expect[expect expect lol] mod developers to create the actual MP aspect of the sequel.
I can see three reasons to keep the multiplayer quiet.

1. It's not finished yet (or not started yet)
2. It's completely new and they want to keep it away from rival devs.
3. It will impact on sales of other valve and/or sierra products.

Personally I think it's a combination of 2 and 3. They still sell hl boxes with cs and expansions in them, often as people still keep finding cs and start to play it. If the multiplayer part of hl2 was going to be cs2 or some other squad based tactical effort they'd damage those sales. There's also the cs:cz clash debacle to consider.

For some reason in my head I get a picture in my head of something more like multiplayer Halo than anything else when i think of hl2 mp though, no idea why.

I myself am still holding out for giantmonkeytennis and fps manipulator tetris and puzzle-bobble.
It is not 1. Game companies that have earned respect like Valve would not do this. This would be VERY VERY bad if it leaked out and was confirmed.

It is most likely number 2. That is more likely...especially with Valve ^_^.
I'm not saying I think 1 is the case at all but I had to put it in as a possibilty for the sake of completeness.
Yea I know Mojo--I was just running on about how I love Valve and how they roxor ID ahahahah.[Just kidding lol]
Originally posted by Punzz
Aslong as there's different game modes to Capture the flag, Deathmatch and TDM then it should be excellent.. If the Multiplayer is boring then ppl will be modding and BAM.. Sven-Coop 2 in your face

Lambda Co-Op will be better.
Only thing that bother me about HL2 MP silence is this scary thought:

- They not tellin' because MP is very basic, like only DM or something. And if you want to play other MP modes, you gotta pay subscription fee.

I'm praying to The Great Old Ones now to be wrong.
They're prolly making something new and that will use a bunch of features in their engine, and they don't wanna leak it 'cos they want ppl to go like "Wow dude.." or something like that....
Get it? They want the players to be curious..
I just don't see it being "revolutionary" or completely new. Most multiplayer ideas have already been done. I would like to be wrong on this but I bet I won't be. I have much respect for Valve but not that much. Anything with vehicles? Been done so if it revolves around that...
Most multiplayer ideas have already been done--ahh...that is what people like to think. We have only tipped the ice-berg my friend. If everyone thought like this dear god we would be in trouble lol.
Now what would be REALLY cool would be if valve incuded a version of "Classic CS" like they did with TFC.

... of course, that's not exactly revolutionary, but....
When it comes to plain vanilla deathmatch, yeah, most ideas have been done (really, how many different ways are there to shoot somebody?). That's why I'm hoping Valve has something up their sleeves other than simple deathmatch.
PLEASE don't let it be some CS clone, the game and concept stink...

(OK, in its time it sounded cool, but now its SOOOOO overdone)
Hmm, well I was just a bit bothered because I'm probably only going to be interested in the multiplayer portion of the game, and as of right now I'm not sure if I'll be buying the game because I don't know what type of multiplayer there will be. I'll certainly be getting HL2 when TF2 or CS2 are released, but until then... I'm not so sure about making the purchase.

But that's just me.
Originally posted by Cujo
- They not tellin' because MP is very basic, like only DM or something. And if you want to play other MP modes, you gotta pay subscription fee.

Cujo, I mean this in the best way possible: That's the most moronic thing I've ever heard. I really hope that wasn't your idea...it's far better to be gullible than to be really, really stupid.
Cujo, I mean this in the best way possible: That's the most moronic thing I've ever heard. I really hope that wasn't your idea...it's far better to be gullible than to be really, really stupid.
Easy now puppy. That was just speculation. Theres no reason to call someone stupid or moron for that.
Sigh... Some guys over here need to take a deep breath and shit from time to time. Tightness is bad for you.
HL2 could take it away...

DM, are you mapping for any HL2 mods?

There's no problem, as long as HL2 is coming out on time it's going to have multiplayer. Even crappy HL-like dm would at least be fun in small doses. But more than likely it will have the 300% improvement just like every other aspect of HL ported to HL2.
I think it's going to be something good if Valve is making one version with it and one without. Anyways, it seems like Valve is holding most things about the game back- it's not like their only covering up their multiplay (Oh No!! then the whole game must suck if they're hiding it all!!)
It's always safe to be a pessimist though- if you're wrong you can say 'oh what a pleasant surprise' and if you're right you get the 'i told you so' option.

And Joneleth, play the SP.. it'll be good.