I'm still not sure if it the source code was leaked...


Aug 20, 2003
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There's just something fishy about this, but I'm inclined to believe them just because they will be trampled after thier fans find out that they lied to them. Plus I have faith in them(although it has been lessen as time goes on).

But Valve's a big company. Most of the head staff, infact, are from Microsoft. Why did they even give any workstation computers internet connections? You'd think that they would know about Window's security flaws and just work on a LAN(Heck,even sharing by burned CD's), instead of being able to be hacked from the outside.

Even more disturbing, they didnt think to change Gabe's email when it was accessed by someone other than him, thus letting the hacker getting the emails in his inbox. Heck, even just giving Gabe a public email address(for email from the community) and a private one, which the address is only given to those who work for Valve or other companies(which would've been radically different from the public address) would've been safer.

And they did gain alot from having a "supposed" leak. Lots of hype. Heck, look at Halflife2.net. After the leak, Halflife2.net overloaded from over 5000 viewers. Something that rarely, if ever, has happend to the site. Valve may actually be savvy liars that know that word of mouth is the best hype you can have for your product. Especially when the words coming out of the mouth are "source leak", since most know that the source is the foundation of any game.

Who knows, Valve might actually not be as truthful to the community as you'd like to believe. Too many unprofessional security flaws for a major, multi-million, media company.
The code is real, there's no doubt about that. Valve would not intentionally release their code, either, and perhaps face lawsuits from various companies. Also, a lot of the developers had internet access so they could work on Steam or read e-mail while programming.

This is in no way a hoax.
With the legal difficulties Havok is likely to cause them i doubt it was a marketing decision.
Yeah, they're in deep water if Havok decides to sue.... mind you for future business, I dont think it would be a good move on their part.
Except only a foolish company would put essential files on a computer with internet access, on an OS which has been know to have huge security flaws. The steam computers would only have the steam files, not source. Unless steam required source, but I'd hardly think Gabe works on steam.

And hell, they could've just hired a programmer or two to fake the code. They would easily make up more than enough money to pay them from the hype.

(Of course, if they used Havok's GPL(which is freely licensed) in thier source code, they cant be sued for it.)
lol whatever buddy. You should go and see it yourself. Have you seen any of the movies of people ACTUALLY ingame?
Well, no. Just because if this is real(and it probably is), it's probably illegal to see the movies. Especially since they could be loaded with virus' and trojans.

This is really more of a conspriacy thread than a source code leak thread, now that I think about it. Heh.

Edit- As least this isnt as bad as the other "V@lv3 @r3 t3h l0s3r! ROOFFLL!!" threads.
The source code that was leaked was a few months old (2-3).

Maybe Valve faked the leak so they had an excuse to delay it. Maybe Valve released it to a well known cheating community so they would start creating useless cheats in advance, which VAC could detect and ban instantly.

Who knows.
Uh dear... Yes, the source code has been leaked. And YES! HL2 is delayed. Does anyone else wish to deny any other official statements made recently?

Ok ok ok, YES HL2 is in development.
Chris you lier, HL2 isnt real, its all an elaborate hoax. VALVe is just screwing with us, the footage we have seen was created with a flashlight and two match sticks.
it is real apparently this demo is compiled code with some kind of map showing what the AI will be like and some of the graphics.

hl 2 demo
Originally posted by Cheetarah654

congradulations on being very dumb

Congradulations on acting like a jackass to anyone who thinks differently than you.

I havent said that this is what definitely happend, but it seems a little suspicious about what happen. You dont know the whole story, only Valve does. Valve probably is telling the truth, but it is it really dumb to believe that a company isnt always truthful? They have alot to gain from this lie, mind you.

Edit- I dont understand how the "Bad Karma" thread relates to this. I'm not blaming Halflife2.net for making any fake interviews. I'm sure that the interviews are from Gabe Newell. Just that they could be lying, you know.

Bleh, can a mod lock this?
I personally submit my vote for you being retarded, what are you thinking posting that link on one of the biggest sites that hates people posting source code links.
Originally posted by Daiceman9
I personally submit my vote for you being retarded, what are you thinking posting that link on one of the biggest sites that hates people posting source code links.

Posting what link? o.O

Unless you mean Wired Shock, but I didnt post any link to the source code..
I'm not exactly sure what they really have to gain about this. The people eating up the leak are people who knew about the game anyway, and, as gloryofbach said, it's basically many years worth of work and optimizations laid out for anyone to see.
I also don't understand why everyone goes and downloads it. What exactly are you going to do with it? Wack off because you have something you don't even partially understand? "WOW I HAVE THE SOURCE OF THE SOURCE ENGINE, I'M GOD"
i sent you that link because it talks about how rediculous it is for people to still doubt the truth of the matter.

if you arent willing to belive what has been proven, then please leave because you are only causing problems.
Could a mod please lock this thread? Obviously I lost my mind and I must be put into a mental ward.

Nah, actually just moving this to the conspiacies board would be better. Or deleting it.

And Cheetarah, aparently they dont mind these threads, since they have an entire board about it. You find the most..unique..people in it, too.:D
Congratulations spelling congradulations wrong while commenting on how stupid a person is. I give you an A+.
Originally posted by J05h
Congratulations spelling congradulations wrong while commenting on how stupid a person is. I give you an A+.

Oof. Who do you mean, me or Cheetarah? It's really hard to tell without quotations.
Congratulations spelling congradulations wrong while commenting on how stupid a person is. I give you an A+.
Congratulations on your use of poor grammar?:D
the link i posted was a link to a mock hl2 game that somebody posted the other day it a 2d platform game but its quite funny. right click the link and save as.
Originally posted by MistaB
lol whatever buddy. You should go and see it yourself. Have you seen any of the movies of people ACTUALLY ingame?
There aren't any... and if you believe them, you are as off as the original poster.
For those of you that say the source code is months old, do you not realize that it was stolen in the middle of September? (I think the 19th.)
I agree that the workstations should have been kept as far away from any external network (especially the internet) as possible. We have classified areas at my work that have completely isolated networks that don't even leave the room. If you have any sensitive material on your comp and you're connected to the internet, I don't care how many software or hardware firewalls you have, you're asking for it.