I'm suprised there aren't more SP HL2 mods.


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
And good ones too, sure...Day hard, Leon and couple of others are ok, but...Its been a while since HL2 has been realeased and 90% of the good SP mods are still in development.

anyone seen the AKIRA MOD? thats got alot of potential...http://www.wrongwaygoback.com/hl2moddev/

Are there any Stella SP mods out there that I don't know about?
Das Robass
Edit: And Night of a Million Zombies (it really has a million zombies [or does it?]) brilliant useage of physics
combine onslaught, i don't know the website tho, got it from pcgamer
I wouldn't expect many single player mods. Making these things takes time.
Single player modding is somewhat more daunting than multiplayer, because the mapping work is vastly more complicated and you risk having to code AI, which is tough.
Agreeing on this topic

Although there are some FABULOUS looking Online MODs for HL2, I would definately appreciate a flow of more Single-Player MODs because sometimes I like to take a break from all of the online action, and sit back and enjoy a great storyline. However, I simply cannot change the release of MODs myself, but I am sure there are some great SP MODs out there... lets just pray, anyway! :)
Gothax? said:
Although there are some FABULOUS looking Online MODs for HL2, I would definately appreciate a flow of more Single-Player MODs because sometimes I like to take a break from all of the online action, and sit back and enjoy a great storyline. However, I simply cannot change the release of MODs myself, but I am sure there are some great SP MODs out there... lets just pray, anyway! :)
Quoted For Truth

I feel the same way, taking a break from all the rush and excitement, and just flow through a story helps me calm down in some instances more then online play. If it has a great storyline, I get a little more immersed into it, and heck, what is real life for 3 hrs? :p
I remember HL more for its magnificent array of SP mods than anything else :eek:

USS Darkstar, Edge of Darkness, Sweet Half-Life... all better than half the commercial rubbish you see these days.

Manke's said to be working on a Source project, as is the creator of Todesangst... I can barely wait :D
is there a list of SP mods that are finished and those unfinished yet?
F** it, Im gonna make one........

Is there a tutorial(walkthrough) containing every aspect of making your own SP map(s)

I've made a few CS:S maps but this is gonna be different.......Ive got a few ideas that I feel will work really well........
Good luck with that one. It takes a lot of time and dedication. Prolly spend the first month or two trying to figure out how to work it all :) Not bashing you, more like saying, you do it, more power to you, and I'll have your children........


cyberpitz said:
Good luck with that one. It takes a lot of time and dedication. Prolly spend the first month or two trying to figure out how to work it all :) Not bashing you, more like saying, you do it, more power to you, and I'll have your children........



Well, I've just spent the first few hours in the face posing section messing with there faces......

"Aaaaaaa, I needed that": http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/G-manpissing.jpg

Barney: "No!.....Im not going /crosses arms Its gay!...pooface gay!" http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/BoobooBarney.jpg

Just kidding, I've done more than that, but it did side track me for longer than was needed. :)

Ive found some very useful guides for getting started......I've made a room put enemys, lighting, weapons, skybox etc in....but I need a guide for scripted cut scenes.......Lip sync, music, sound effects, AI, text (titles, credits etc) If anyone knows of any advanced easy to follow guides then please let me know....

yeah, good luck just setting up hammer,,,, what i really want to see, is a real mod.... this is just screaming for a vietnam mod, and i see noone making one... i see an iraqi conflict,,,.. noones making one.... I will not even consider the expansion pack without some good mods.. But I am a different breed, I need to see good multiplayer mods before I think about dropping any more money into another single-player game.... Like aftermath..... More of the same it's gonna be.... I willl not be cought by a cash cow... Until I see more MOD's, I will not drop another dime into this investment....
Hydra mod? is that out yet?

It's easy to say mods that are in development......because 99.9% of the mods ive heard of are not finished.
Dr.breen said:
And good ones too, sure...Day hard, Leon and couple of others are ok, but...Its been a while since HL2 has been realeased and 90% of the good SP mods are still in development.

anyone seen the AKIRA MOD? thats got alot of potential...http://www.wrongwaygoback.com/hl2moddev/

Are there any Stella SP mods out there that I don't know about?

If you want Akira, just watch the movie and stay away from any HL2 mods. Believe me, you'll be doing yourselves a favour.
Someone make a post with a link to all the single player HL² mods
Foebane said:
If you want Akira, just watch the movie and stay away from any HL2 mods. Believe me, you'll be doing yourselves a favour.


what I hate are the annoying pointless mods........ 'no blood'...half life 2 but ankle deep in water........a bit harder......shit

Can people stop posting mods that are not released ! I want to play a SP mod....Ive had enough of looking at screenshots.
Dr. Breen, I dont know how serious you are about making a SP mod but I agree with you, I've tried to find some and there's not much out there, of course HL2 is really still in its infancy.

Anyway my point is I used to make mods for HL1, I never had anything released, it was more recreational. I dont mean to sound big headed but they where actually pretty good, had some very complex parts. I've just started looking into HL2 editing and its pretty much the same, so if you need help with a project, I've been looking to get on board with something. Just a thought.
Damn Right BM:Source will pwn all.


(Mods are hard. Find a team)
leonumber2 said:
Dr. Breen, I dont know how serious you are about making a SP mod but I agree with you,

Anyway my point is I used to make mods for HL1, I never had anything released, it was more recreational. I dont mean to sound big headed but they where actually pretty good, had some very complex parts. I've just started looking into HL2 editing and its pretty much the same, so if you need help with a project, I've been looking to get on board with something. Just a thought.

wanna start something up ?

You can contact me at this e-mail :

Kanedaaaaaaaaaa <at> yahoo <dot> co <dot> uk
ríomhaire said:

see sig

Ah yes. Quite possibly the least useable website EVAR. The kind of thing that is cool for about 5 seconds until you realize it's a royal pain to use. But the mod looks like it has some great potential.
ríomhaire said:

see sig
Always great to see Black Mesa: Source addicts lurking About :p. This is by far the most out-there post of us I've ever seen. Small writing, small writing then I see Black Mesa: Source in the largest letters possible.

Back on topic: Half-Life 2 is still quite easily in its infancy. Good SP Mods take time to produce and get right, MP mods are far easier because 1:

--For the most part, the community takes care of the maps, models, sounds et cetera after the initial release.
--You simple add players and voila!

SP mods need to immerse you into a world of fiction that will captivate you to finish the game. Thats why not many are out: because all the good ones are still in development. But I enjoyed Das Roboss (Not sure on spelling): nice environment to it and everything.

Anyways, Black Mesa: Source :: http://www.blackmesasource.com

Any, an HTML Version is coming... we promise.
Single player mapping requires a hell of a lot more work; in addition to basic geometry, you have to have triggers and what not. There's also almost a requirement of voice acting, and if you want original content, new models.
did any body notice that dude in akira mod, the clown dude sort of looked like a guy from manhunt. funny.