IM versus IRC usage statistics

What do you use to communicate online? (Multiple Choice)

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Pi Mu Rho said:
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Don't be a fool. IRC is for internet groups of people, not for friends to chat. Even the guy who said he used IRC with friends said it was for a clan.

Come on now people, none of you have ever used IRC to talk to your girlfriend online, unless she's one of those weird ones that plays WoW with you in your basement. IRC is for computer nerds. The end.
I speak with a large group of friends on IRC quite regularly (or I would if it wasn't for this blasted machine!). Like 'computer nerds' and 'popular, friendly persons with wide range of acquaintences' are mutually exclusive. I know so many people who are brilliant with computers and up to their neck in computer culture yet as far from your weird traditional definition of geek as a person can be. And the people I know who act most like your stereotypical nerds are, generally speaking, crap with computers.

Computer boffs don't live in their basements any more. It's quite possible they never did. Get with the times, grandpa!

DreadLord1337 said:
I don't present my opinions as fact

DreadLord1337 said:
IRC is for computer nerds. The end.

I only dislike MSN because it's got little annoying ads on the chat windows, but those are removable. And it's got msg plus :) I tried aim, but it was poor in comparison with MSN. Besides, all my friends use MSN.
Sulkdodds said:

Must I add "I think" before every sentence? Or can you people really not handle distinguishing between fact and opinion? I could've sworn we learned how to do that in second grade.

And I suppose this isn't the right place to argue it, on a gaming forum. Believe what you want.
DreadLord1337 said:
none of you have ever used IRC to talk to your girlfriend online
John's girlfriend is a regular in our channel. She hates WoW and generally dislikes video games. I suppose she likes being a part of her boyfriend's group of friends.

Shove it.

DreadLord1337 said:
Must I add "I think" before every sentence?
If that's the only way you can express an opinion as an opinion, yes.
DreadLord1337 said:
Must I add "I think" before every sentence? Or can you people really not handle distinguishing between fact and opinion? I could've sworn we learned how to do that in second grade.
Apparently we didn't learn not to say things like 'end of story' and 'admit it or not' at the end of our statements. Not to mention 'believe what you want'. You might as well have put 'and that's a fact, whatever you choose to believe' at the end of everything you said and have done with it. If you ever did maths, you'd know it's impossible to prove a rule no matter how many examples you have, but it only takes one counter-example to disprove a rule. It's practically impossible to prove a statement like 'none of you have ever used IRC to talk to you girlfriend' yet very easy, as Raeven has demonstrated, to disprove.
I choose to believe the facts, and they are that I know several groups of people that know each other in "real life" that communicate via IRC. Unless you can prove that wrong, your statement is incorrect.
I don't use IRC for mainly 2 reasons:

Nobody in real life (in my area) knows what it is.

Its kinda harder to use than IM.
Fat Tony! said:
OK cool, conclusion: you lose, at life.
Ok cool. Learn how to use commas.

Pi Mu Rho said:
I choose to believe the facts, and they are that I know several groups of people that know each other in "real life" that communicate via IRC. Unless you can prove that wrong, your statement is incorrect.
Ok, and let's see, so far we have tons of people saying IM, and a few saying IRC. I'd like to see the poll results of the general public (if this were possible) in an unbiased medium, rather than a gaming forum. I'd be willing to bet the number of IRC users that are NOT tied to video games, technical work, game developing, other online communities etc.. Is close to none.

15357 said:
Nobody in real life (in my area) knows what it is.
Nobody said the majority use IRC. You said that [/b]no groups of people that know each other in "real life" use IRC.
Well i've seen plenty in a channel list before. IRC being a program where many people can talk in one channel at once, means theres associations which have got a channel so members can talk together - e.g. religious groups which i've seen.

More experienced users of the intrawebz use IRC, not geeky - experienced. IM's are awesome for convieniance. Your forceful nature of proving your point confuses me, to why you need to go such lengths? His commas, are fine, unlike, mine.
Oh god, now i feel really stupid. Such a simple link to wikipedia has destroyed the foundations of all we hold dear to each other. Maybe next time if you want to amplify a word you should use One shows word definitions, the other is an encylopedia.

What!? Pointing out your rule isn't consistant, therefore doesn't apply to IRC as a whole wasn't denial of reality, if anything thats what your saying!?
Hectic Glenn said:
Oh god, now i feel really stupid. Such a simple link to wikipedia has destroyed the foundations of all we hold dear to each other.

Perhaps you're taking the debate too much to heart?

Hectic Glenn said:
Maybe next time if you want to amplify a word you should use One shows word definitions, the other is an encylopedia.

No thanks.

Hectic Glenn said:
What!? Pointing out your rule isn't consistant, therefore doesn't apply to IRC as a whole wasn't denial of reality, if anything thats what your saying!?

Pay more attention.
Guys, please note that your locations are VERY different from each other. So it may vary.
If your arguement gets my thread closed, I will not be a happy bunny :P
i used to use IRC alot way back in the day and very little of instant messengers.
nowadays i don't use IRC much and have MSN Messenger and Trillian (for those friends who don't have Messenger) but still...i don't use these instant messengers nearly as much as i used to use IRC back in the day.
Psh, IRC is a joke.

The Joker card of the internets. Lawl.
I tend to agree with Dreadlord about IRC being used among people with some ties to computers or games, and IM clients being used more by the majority. That's the way it is among my personal acquaintances.

But really, I think it's all a matter of location. Around here, no one even knows what IRC is, and if they do, it's not a good thing to talk about. But EVERYONE is on AIM.

And on the IM Client vs. Region of the World debate, I go to the University of Florida. Almost everyone who's actually from Florida has an AIM account, while international students tend to use MSN. Other locations in the US vary. So yeah, it really is all about location.
Narcolepsy said:
I tend to agree with Dreadlord about IRC being used among people with some ties to computers or games, and IM clients being used more by the majority. That's the way it is among my personal acquaintances.

But really, I think it's all a matter of location. Around here, no one even knows what IRC is, and if they do, it's not a good thing to talk about. But EVERYONE is on AIM.

And on the IM Client vs. Region of the World debate, I go to the University of Florida. Almost everyone who's actually from Florida has an AIM account, while international students tend to use MSN. Other locations in the US vary. So yeah, it really is all about location.
I'd say location is only a factor when it comes to IM programs. I lived in Canada where everyone uses MSN and when I moved back here to the US I discovered that everyone here uses AIM.
willho said:
I'd say location is only a factor when it comes to IM programs. I lived in Canada where everyone uses MSN and when I moved back here to the US I discovered that everyone here uses AIM.

Everyone I know has both an AIM and MSN account. Some people have multiples of each. A good deal of people use YIM and ICQ as well.

It's pretty well divided.
_Z_Ryuken said:

Everyone. I don't know anyone with MSN other than people I've met online from Canada, Europe, etc. Everyone has AIM here. Thank God, because MSN is terrible.
_Z_Ryuken said:

Everyone I know has both an AIM and MSN account. Some people have multiples of each. A good deal of people use YIM and ICQ as well.

It's pretty well divided.
What do you know? You live in a state with a population of less than a million. I'd be suprised if even 25% of you had computers.
willho said:
What do you know? You live in a state with a population of less than a million. I'd be suprised if even 25% of you had computers.
You absolute dumbass.
I know people outside of my state and they ALL use MSN as well as AIM.
Another thing I know is I get paid by the state to live here due to our oil revenue, and we don't have sales tax. Anchorage is spacious, clean, and technologically ahead of most of the US, and just about everyone in town has one or more computers.

Chew on that as you give your life to taxes, and sit in traffic for a quarter of your life breathing cow farts and sweating like a dog in heat, or if you live up north, just being a cocky wank.

Are you too ashamed to let people know where you live? There is nothing shameful about where I live because it is one of the greatest places in the US.
_Z_Ryuken said:
or if you live up north, just being a cocky wank.

_Z_Ryuken said:
You absolute dumbass.
I know people outside of my state and they ALL use MSN as well as AIM.
Another thing I know is I get paid by the state to live here due to our oil revenue, and we don't have sales tax. Anchorage is spacious, clean, and technologically ahead of most of the US, and just about everyone in town has one or more computers.

Chew on that as you give your life to taxes, and sit in traffic for a quarter of your life breathing cow farts and sweating like a dog in heat, or if you live up north, just being a cocky wank.

Are you too ashamed to let people know where you live? There is nothing shameful about where I live because it is one of the greatest places in the US.
Ashamed of where I live? Hell no! Since when is it possible to smell cow flatulation in Atlanta?

Get the hell out of my country please.

P.S. Dog-sledding is sooooooooo 19th/20th century.
DreadLord1337 said:

I was born in Michigan, raised in Florida, and lived pretty much all over the place so you can just butt out with your nonsense because nobody owes anyone anything, 'cept maybe you Bostonians owe the Queen some tea and the Indians some land.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I was born in Michigan, raised in Florida, and lived pretty much all over the place so you can just butt out with your nonsense because nobody owes anyone anything, 'cept maybe you Bostonians owe the Queen some tea and the Indians some land.

_Z_Ryuken said:
I was born in Michigan, raised in Florida, and lived pretty much all over the place so you can just butt out with your nonsense because nobody owes anyone anything, 'cept maybe you Bostonians owe the Queen some tea and the Indians some land.
You wouldn't be living in the state that you glorify so God damn much if it wasn't for Boston.
willho said:
Ashamed of where I live? Hell no! Since when is it possible to smell cow flatulation in Atlanta?
Get the hell out of my country please.
P.S. Dog-sledding is sooooooooo 19th/20th century.
Your country, huh? :rolleyes:
A bit self-centered are we?

A T L, Shor-tay! I bet you is alllll gangsta up in that biotch. ATL has all teh dirty South wimmins and cornputArs.

Living in Atlanta does not make you intelligent.
The converse seems to be true, however.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Living in Atlanta does not make you intelligent.
Yeah, but living in Canada did. I like how you automatically assume I'm black as soon as I said I live in Atlanta. Way to generalize, man.
DreadLord1337 said:

Sorry I must have missed the part where it was obvious.


willho said:
You wouldn't be living in the state that you glorify so God damn much if it wasn't for Boston.

Says who? My family is Russian and didn't come to America until the early 20th century.

If it wasn't for Boston, I'd probably be in Russia, which Alaska would still be a part of, and Russia would be making a good fortune off the oil. I win no matter what. You lose for saying the absolutely most retarded thing I've heard in a long time.
I don't know anything because I live in a state with less than a million people. YEAH, OK.
Maybe you can start off with some Bill Nye the Science Guy to get you going in teh right direction. He's pretty easy to understand and then even you can grasp simple concepts, like what makes things fall down, and where people come from.
That is, if you don't get gangraped on the way to the Quik-e-Mart.
willho said:
Yeah, but living in Canada did. I like how you automatically assume I'm black as soon as I said I live in Atlanta. Way to generalize, man.
I like the part where you said I said you were black, when I didn't mention anything about race.
You automatically racially profile "gangsta" with "black". I may generalize, but that is borderline racist.

That said, my dad was born in Detroit and I lived there a long time. I loves me some black people. <3

_Z_Ryuken said:
I like the part where you said I said you were black, when I didn't mention anything about race.
You automatically racially profile "gangsta" with "black". I may generalize, but that is boderline racist.

That said, my dad was born in Detroit and I lived there a long time. I loves me some black people. <3

Boderline? Could you explain what the expression "boderline racist" means please? I do not comprehend.