Image dump D:

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If that car had doors it would look like the red ragdoll car in HL2
If fudge is gritty it's because of solid bits of sugar... OH, I c wat u did thar.


Pic I took in South Africa over christmas hols. Some other guy apparently came along to get him out and got stuck too. Took 3 Fire Engines to drag him out, LOL.
Normally these are funny... but this looks so extremely fake...

Yeah, the only way I see that happening is if it is on purpose and dug into the ground so it can't fall..which is what my vote is for.
I lol'd so hard. And then I couldn't stop saying "elephant" and laughing again :D
ahaha these people and their school work are so funneh
Seen those before but they are awesome. Especially Jabba the Emo.

Took me a second to get it, until I noticed the black guy :p


The newspaper one is actually from a local newspaper in my province. My parents are from the place it took place.


Another image from my area, it was from a flood a couple of years ago.


This is a crazy guy I used to play CS with who lives not very far from me, pretty funny. He took this picture for a thread where people were posting pictures of themselves in their paintball masks, then he posts this.
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